Immediately Theta entered the first floor of the Inn which was a bar filled with men - her name bustled from here and there.

"Our strong protector!"

"Our cute fairy"

"Theta, consider my marriage!"

"Dang, I can't just get used to that ass…"

They said a lot of other nasty and good things that showed their individual standing on the girl's matter. Whether it was genuine care or perverted one… perhaps some just wanted to be the village chief.

But all through the chorused greetings, Theta forced a smile to everyone and answered without contempt. Raith also noticed that none of this drunk men dared to overstep their mark.

Something like touching her or smacking her ass… no, they all bowed respectfully regardless of the expressions on their faces.

'Maybe she is their guardian…'

Him however… People shot fierce gaze at him, some unharmful some filled with killing intent, there was even a particular guy that flashed a kitchen knife at him and frowned so deeply that Raith had to gulp and look away.

But Theta did not take long so Raith didn't have to deal with more of these nonsense. A few minutes, she came to meet him, handing him a bronze key with silver plated holder.

"I'll show you to your room." She said to Raith and led him to the door adjacent the bartender section. Gazes of contempt filled their backs as they walked into the door and closed it.

Immediately the drunkards gathered around and began to plot all sorts, discuss all sorts of possibilities as jobless men would.

After climbing the stairs, Raith and Theta arrived at a door in a narrow hall. The doors were adjacent each other and the air in the passageway was sort of gloomy.

"Am I the only one staying here?" He asked with a raised brow.

She forced out a smile, her eyes shut and heads tilted.

"These place is for special guests alone…"

Raith's gaze lingered on her then he looked at the other room doors.

'Let's hope nothing nasty happens.'

Letting off her straining smile, she walked forward and inserted another key. Raith frowned.

"You have a key?"

"There's double of every key…" She replied, this time her smile was provoking. "Besides, your room would be dirty. I suppose it will need cleaning."

Raith couldn't disagree with that part. As much as he wanted her to not hang around too much, he had never done house chores and a dirty place will be very uncomfortable.

Theta seeing his agreeing face opened the door and entered. They were first assaulted by a choky smell of wood. Theta closed her nose and waved her hand like a fan to ward off the cloud of dust. While Raith casually stepped back.

The room was dark and even more gloomy. The mattress was a situated close to the edge of the wall, it's longer length resting on the windowless part of the wall and the shorter length resting towards the windowed wall.

The window was shut and directly beneath it was a random chair without table. Opposite the bed was a two sectioned wardrobe. That was all the big room was.

These scantiness however provided a wide range of space on the wooden floor.

Theta pushed out the window and forced it open. The darkness of the room was sharply illuminated by the bright rays of the light that came from the moving sky.

"Hmm better…"

She said and closed her eyes, putting out a hand like she wanted to receive something. The gesture aas quite off-putting to Raith until a second later when he saw what was happening.

His brows furrowed. Her tattoo lines began to glitter with different colors and rainbow colored speckles began to fill the room, bathing everything in a warm delicate glow.

As the speckles fell on the floor, the dust disappeared, and the wooden floor was already glistening. Several other parts of the room followed suit.

The walls, the bed, the wardrobe. In two dozen seconds, the room was sparkling clean.

"Wow…" Raith's eyes maintained a round shape, reflecting the glitters in its pupil.

He looked at Theta, his jaws slightly dropping.

"What are you?"

Theta's lips curled up beautifully. "I am a fairy… the last of my kind."

Raith watched at the ethereal glow of her tattoo slowly went dimmed then his eyes came to hers.

"What is your worth?"

His eyes squinted as he queried.

Theta became a little bit confused, "I'm not sure what you mean…?"

Her question was left fading into silence, Raith shook his head and then muttered:


Her focus stayed on his for a while, she still couldn't make sense of what he meant so she discarded it, getting into the next matter.

"So, as for food, I will get speak to the lady downstairs about it. And I can also help you cook something from home?"

She cocked her head to the right, a slinky grin wearing thin on her face.

"I would rather you do not?"

"Is that a question or an answer…" She cocked her head to the left.


"Then I can come visit you later."

"Please don't. If you don't mind, I want to be alone."

"Yes warrior. Ah…" She made a paused, a captivating smile curling up her lips. "Can I know your name. It will be rude to keep calling my future husband warrior."

Raith breathed out heavily and beheld her face, his heart almost shifting towards her smile. He almost felt like something of his was about to storm out of his control, immediately he frowned.

"My name is Raith. Raven Raith."

"Okay Warrior Raith. I am Thetatherene, queen of the fairies. I'll see you later." She leaned towards the window and raised one leg its frame, her skirt growing tight and slipping upwards. Her thighs were revealing…

"What are you doing?"

Raith stared down at the appealing legs and looked at her face.

"Ah, don't mind me. It is always embarrassing around those guys. So excuse me Raith."

She gave another of captivating smile plus a wink and flew out, fidgeting through the air until she gained stability and flew away.

Raith watched for a few seconds. He closed the window afterwards and looked around the sparkling room.

Then he sat down on the chair, brought out the purple orb.

"She said they usually absorb this… shall we see what happens when I do?"

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