After the cutting ceremony, enter the interactive link. The parents and elders have come to school, and the heads of major companies are on the scene. Such a good opportunity, it is necessary to take photos of each other.

For many people, today is the last day they call students. After walking out of the school gate, you must enter the company's work, and the identity will change, and it is also the last indulgence opportunity. Students can also make a bad mistake, at least the teacher and the elder can also give a certain understanding. However, there is fault, and the light is criticized and educated;

Many people have a good performance in school, and they will immediately returning to prototypes. Therefore, in the Yulin Institute of Technology, education on this aspect, but has made a lot of work, at least in the correct guidance, has already went to the forefront of the world. Although not guarantees that each student contributes to the society; most people play a role, then education is successful.

As a school principal, Bao Zixuan will definitely be taken care of. Many students and parents will invite them to take a group, and the principal of this pack can not refuse, and do their best to meet the requirements of students.

At the same time, Sony's children came to Shengtian Zhaovang; the same thing on Panasonic. It is not difficult to see this, the Japanese are still very rules, and the concept of the upper level is very strong.

Shengtian Zhaov's performance is still very satisfied with Sony's children, especially Gao Zhong Sili, directly. In the face of huge temptation, it is not worth moving, proves that the company's pay is still worth it.

Shengtian said with a smile: "You are Sony's children, you can learn to return to business, I am very pleased. Although some people choose to stay in Yulin Institute of Technology to continue to study graduate; but that is to learn more, three It will definitely return the company later. "

"So don't have any heart burden, other things don't have to be considered, study hard; the company will provide you with all support."

"At the same time, I will say a classmate who directly enter the company's work in Sony Corporation; Sony welcomes you. Although many people grow up in Sony from small, you can don't know very well. But I believe in you. Personal ability is no problem; you can exchange more in summer vacation, and incorporate it into the enterprise early. "

"Enterprises need you to start tomorrow, we are old. His people will try to make Sony be more powerful."

Tamada Zhav is absolutely a mythical person in Sony. It is now able to talk to their children who have just graduated from college; so easy to speak, it is definitely the first time, it is supreme to pay attention to them. Japan is a very strong country, the company's highest laden ceremony. If the person below, if you still don't know the shallow, you will live.

Soon all students together to Tamada Zhav,

Thanks, I also have the meaning of commitment. It will be necessary to work hard to return the company's cultivation.

Seeing the actions and attitudes of the students, Shengtian Zhaov is very satisfied. I am really worried that some students can't stand the temptation and go directly to the Black Cloud Group. After all, Bao Zixuan's kid is their principal, Huaxia's so-called emperor; plus the first graduate aura, the past Black Cloud Group will inevitably be reused. Not that young people have Gao Zhong Lang's consciousness and loyalty, many things have to be prevented.

The world knows that the computer is a big trend, and the Yulin Institute of Technology is absolutely walking in the forefront of the world. The students who teach them are directly used, and they are also scarce resources. As for the cultivation, it is not worth mentioning.

Regardless of whether or not, the direction is critical. The next step is to consider running in Japan, it is really going to find Bao Zixuan's order. Although this kid is young, this piece is more experienced than him.

Tita Zhaofu smiled and said to Gao Zhong Shu: "Gaosang Jun, returning to Sony to work in that way."

Sony Corporation's president, Operating Shengtian Zhao Fu personally asked a college student who had just graduated from undergraduate; But it is very rare, even in history.

The high warehouse next to it doesn't know what to say, as long as it is a person working in Sony. Their proportion is very conceivable, rarely asking the subordinates. Just talking, I didn't expect my son's answer more surprised.

Gao Zhong Sille said very seriously: "Some of the president, I want to build a LAN office within the company, then promote the whole Japan, even the world. Although we have to compete with the Black Cloud Group, we have no advantage; but as long as it is Take the Japanese market and the Japanese market; the resulting profits will be very considerable. "

I heard the local area network office, Tamada Zhav is really not very understood. I only heard such a system in the Yulin Institute of Technology, others are not very clear.

Shengtian Zhaof is interested, he also wants to see the students who are so respected by Bao Zixuan; it is the first graduate of the Yulin Institute of Technology, what is the level.

Shengtian Zhaov: "What to do, how to do it, but simply talk."

Gao Zhong Lang is very confident, like it is ready. Take out a USB flash drive: "Specific plans are here, the president can take a look."

"Some brief reports here first, at least let you have a macroscience."

I heard the son actually dared to talk to Tama Zhaofe, and the high warehouse thirty-three was scared. For the old employees of Sony, it is estimated that no one will have such a courage.

Hurrying to make the eyes, it means very obvious; telling son, talking to an issue.

Shengtian Zhaov doesn't say eyes, listening to eight parties, but it is definitely a broad master, how can I not see the high thinking of high warehouse. The rivers and lakes are increasing, the smaller the courage, and this is true.

Shengtian said with a smile: "The old high warehouse, don't give young people. Their ideas are both novel, bold. It is the age of doing things, can not have any blocking, or there must be, I must pack you."

Then I said to Gang Shuang: "Gao Zhongjun, don't have any concerns, what plans to say boldly. The company wants to develop, need your divergence thinking. At the same time, I believe in your ability and character, Sony will do our best to satisfy Require."

Ability to take out the USB flash drive, indicating that the boy has a full plan, not a head of the mind, and do it. And the contact is also the most cutting-edge knowledge in the computer field, saying that it can create a miracle.

Sony has not made too much progress in recent years, and if it can be in the field of computer; develop a new business, it is not a way. At the same time, you can funeralize the old staff, and the squid effect can bring a new world to the company.

Gao Zhong Lang grows at Sony, and how much is the existence of Shengtian Zhaofama in the company. If you miss this opportunity, you may say when you meet. If you don't want to follow the class, you will break the routine. Directly report to Tamada Zhav; projects can be processed as soon as possible, not to waste time.

Compared with the graduates of black clouds, his advantage is in relationship with academic performance. The advantage of people is also very obvious, the foundation is strong, and more support can be obtained. Plus itself has a technical patent in hand, you don't hurry the time, you will inevitably be in the backward situation. Back to Japan is to achieve a career, not for a single speculation.

Gao Zhong Shu: "I have participated in the upgrade and transformation of internal LAN in the school, which is a project that Leonard-Bobac is personally responsible."

"Sony is also using traditional office model, and in Yulin Institute of Technology, I have advocated paperless office. For example, I want to submit financial statements to the President, it is the situation of chasing the book until the package principal has developed The office software is slightly changed. The financial statements appear in the work of accounting, watching various data. "

"But the school is implementing the LAN office, and even if the financial statements are not printed. And don't need financial personnel to come to you, as long as it is on the financial personnel, then through the central computer group, you can The report is passed to the computer's computer. It can also encrypt the report unless the password is correct; otherwise, other people do not have any meaning even if they get reports. "

"You have any instructions in your visitors, you can transfer to anyone in the company through the LAN. Save time to delay on the road, greatly improve work efficiency."

Gao Zhong Lang uses the most popular and easy way to explain the LAN office. Shengtian Zhaov is also a cultural man, of course, know what this means.

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