Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1039 Breakthrough in Solar Battery

After sending all the guests away, Baozi Xuan is ready to return to his own work. As a science and engineer, the engineer is the occupation of his favorite and cherish. The role of the boss is still a bit not used to, even if the price has exceeded 100 billion, still so. And some projects are imminent. If technical breakthroughs are not taking place, the next work process may be delayed.

Entering the 21st century will inevitably explode an energy crisis, Bunzi Xuan can experience it. The Black Cloud Group wants to go farther, and must be in advance.

At the same time, with the development of the economy, the advancement of society, people have become an urgent project that the energy is increasingly presented, and finding new energy has become an urgent topic facing the current humanity. There are 4 sources of existing power energy, namely thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power and wind power generation.

The thermal electricity needs to combust to coal, petroleum and other fossil fuels. On the one hand, the amount of fossil fuel is limited, the more burn, the more dangerous is facing depletion; the combustion will discharge carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide, thereby causing the greenhouse effect and the raining, deteriorating the earth environment.

Hydropower is to overunde a large amount of land, which may lead to the destruction of the ecological environment, and once the large reservoir has collapsed, the consequences will be unimaginable. In addition, hydraulic resources in a country are also limited, and they are also affected by the season.

Nuclear power is clean, but in case nuclear leaks, the consequence is equally terrible. Former Soviet Chelnobyl nuclear power plant accident has been damaged by 9 million people; 13:46 on March 11, 2011, a 9.0 earthquake occurred in Fukushima, Japan, causing shocked international Fukushima nuclear power plant accidents, resulting 30 kilometers near nuclear power plant becomes an unmanned area; the five kilometers of marine resources will be affected by varying degrees or are marine biological variations.

Wind power is a cleaner renewable energy, has a wide range of development prospects. The wind energy reserves, extensive development of wind power is an effective way to solve the lack of China's energy supply; wind power is a clean energy application, which is an effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But the wind needs conditions, nothing, what time is there.

Then develop new energy is the topic of people 's focus, after all, is closely related to life. New energy should meet two conditions at the same time: First, it is rich and will not be exhausted; second is safe, clean, will not threaten human and destroy the environment. There are two new energy found, one is solar energy, and the other is a fuel cell.

Future solar energy will become one of the world's main energy sources, is the most primitive energy, almost all other energy on earth are directly or indirect from solar energy. Solar is the energy generated by the continuous nuclear fusion reaction process in the inside or the surface of the sun or the surface of the surface. Solar solar energy has the advantages of sufficient resources, long live, extensive distribution, safety, cleaning, reliable technology. Since the solar energy can be converted into a variety of other forms of energy, the application range is very broad, and there is a solar greenhouse, the item drying and solar stove, solar water heater, etc. in terms of thermal utilization. After years of development, solar power generation has also been greatly developed.

Get electricity from solar energy,

It is necessary to perform photoelectric variables by solar cells. It is completely different from other power supply principles. To make solar power generation really achieve a practical level;

Bunzi Xuan's information from the Poland brought back, the construction plan of the sun cannon. Although this weapon is difficult to achieve, there are many technologies that can be used inside.

For example, using solar power generation, German scientists have found raw materials that enhance the absorption of solar light. According to the technical information left by German scientists, the black cloud engineer simulates the model.

I don't know how German scientists do it, actually the most advanced solar panels in the world absorb the capacity of sunshine, but also more than double. This is not the most important, cost is lower enough to doubt life. It is also known that it is still in the 1940s.

In fact, it is also very understanding, after all, Germany is a state in the Sundays. Plus its own resources, the material cost is too high, and it is impossible to use it. Everything is forced, the premise is the big brain with the genius; ordinary people don't say research, I may not dare to think.

Now it's all , if you realize mass production; Black Cloud Group will enter the world's first echelon in the application of solar energy.

In the weasel plant, engineers and technical workers are discussing how to make the product realize mass production. At present, the weasel plant is no longer speaking, and the scale is extended more than double.

Now it will be divided into several squad, as long as the engineers are inside, think of a solution, feel feasible. Can be recruited to enroll other engineers and technical workers to enter the project group and have a lot of sovereignty. Real science talents, I like to engage in research, I really don't want to come out. Because it comes out to them, it means wasted time. I didn't say anything about this Bunxuan, because only this can drive technological progress.

It is mainly what it can study, what product is not worth investing, the head is rich, but it is clear. Who's money is not a wind blow, at least to ensure that you can't waste it.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan came in, Dongde engineer Lu Dolph said: "The boss, according to the technical information you provide us, the first batch of samples have been imitated. The current effect is good, even more than the information."

Rudolph is a smart person, although the information is written in English. However, from grammar and description, a typical German engineer style. That is to say this technical information, it is definitely from Germany. Lenovo's great plans for some scientists during World War II, my heart is going to understand what is going on.

There are some things that should be tuned. Some things are needed even if they know. At present, work in the Black Cloud Group, the treatment is very good. The income is even more than a few times in East Germany, and what else is not satisfied. And it is to expose technical information from Germany, and it can have any effect on Bunzu Xuan. You have no evidence at all, who will believe, while who dares to believe. In addition to finding trouble, there will be no significance.

This is very good now, holding a high-tech, doing your favorite work. At the same time, the family also settled in Xiangjiang, and there was anything else.

Better results than the presentation information on the processing capacity of the lifting and metal purification process. For this point buns Xuan very satisfied, after so many years of effort, biotite group on the basis of material processing, power has been strong. Investment worth it all, and is in the right direction.

Buns Xuan: "The current situation how, how the experimental results."

If only theoretical data look good, not great meaning. Can not achieve commercial products for businesses, it will not make any sense.

Rudolph said very seriously: "At present, solar power is calculated according to the power of the unit area. Mainly determined by the solar panel itself. For example, a 1.6x1 m solar panel, if it is 240W, the average power per square meter is 150W. Solar panels of this size, if they are 220W, the average power is only 137.5W. The solar panel of our new material can reach more than 400W. "

"The power generation of the unit area is related to the power associated with the power of its own, and the location of the location (lighting), installation angle is related. Xiangjiang light intensity and time are not long, if the new solar panel is placed in the desert area Then this advantage will be more obvious. "

The head of the head is a learning science and engineering, which makes the engineer report relatively relatively relatively relatively easy. If you change to a general boss, you can't tell the professional terminology.

Lu Dolph did not light an oral report and took the experimental data record. After seeing real data, it is very satisfied.

Bao Zixuan: "You have worked hard for a long time. Any engineering and technical personnel involved in the project will reward 50,000 US dollars. At the same time, you are $ 200,000. This is the affirmation of your work, it is also what you should Therefore, don't be polite. In the Black Cloud Group rely on grades, I believe that you have already realized. "

I heard here, nearly 40 people hit it. Their work is very relaxed, full technical information, and work content is mainly experimentation and improvement. I didn't expect to get 50,000 US dollars, and this money earned is too easy.

Some newly entered the company's employees, even a face. It is said that the boss is very generous to engineers, and I didn't expect it to see today. 50,000 US dollars almost a year of salary, just because of a project success, immediately get it. It seems that it is really like the boss, and everything in the Black Cloud Group is speaking with grades.

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