The laboratory has achieved technical breakthroughs, they want to be a metal sniper in the futures market and the real market. The boss has already said this, and there is still what is not assured. As the world's largest high-tech industrial enterprise, the Black Cloud Group can affect the entire world nerve.

Even if the three are not from the study of science and engineering, it also knows what the boss means what is in the eyes of the world. It may not be no more than anyone else to exaggerate the Haikou, saying that Bun Zixuan is stronger. Something, no matter where it is.

A look, just what it means. Zhao Tingting said: "There are too many projects to be in the group headquarters, the funds are very large. Maximum can come up with about $ 5 billion, if more, will affect the normal operation of the company."

The price of metal sodium has been very stable, and the group headquarters can take 5 billion US dollars, and it is similar.

Yuan Tianfan: "Black Cloud Bank can take a $ 10 billion in funds. If you are not enough to use the deposit, you must be under the premise of unlungeen; about 10 billion US dollars."

"It can't be too long at the same time. Otherwise, once there is a wind blowing, the Black Cloud Bank will face a crisis. The Hong Kong Government will investigate, we will completely fall into passive."

This is the benefit of there is a bank in your hand, you can turn your funds at any time. Of course, Bao Zixuan also knows that many people are staring at him, waiting for him to make mistakes. Before the Black Cloud Bank has experienced trust crisis, if it is always like this, the depositor will inevitably lose confidence, and it is very disadvantageous for banking.

Huo Jianning: "Hao Huangpu Company can take about 1 billion US dollars, which is already the limit."

What is it is a traditional business, it is very difficult to squeeze out so much money. In fact, this also accounted for the light of the relationship with the black cloud group, and the other three of the Xiangjiang, there is no such strength at all.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Yuan Zhu is responsible for the futures market, three days to adjust all funds, purchase metal sodium period referring to the contract. Do not charge the price, how much is it."

At the same time, Zhao General and Huo will be responsible for the real market, the global can have a large number of companies that produce metal sodium, and bought their ability to capacity in the next three years. Can pay a deposit, even if they deliver on time, we will not suffer.

This is the bottom gas, even if you are not afraid in your hands, the factory can be digested. If it is a general company, I really don't dare to play. Several bits are the group executives and are also the heart. If they all have problems, they can only speak people. There is no one who can trust around it, and it is estimated that the head of the bag will be sad.

The boss said, even if the fool knows, important raw materials are metal sodium.

So what else can hesitate, follow the plan to execute.

Three people quickly went back to arrange, organize funds, and reality must also be purchased in the past negotiation, and there are many preparations to do in the early stage.

This action, Bao Zixuan did not arrange Blackstone Fund participation, not to believe, but did not want to miss Japanese development opportunities. Square agreement is about to sign, this time is not rational from Japan. That is not to go with money, and it is easy to disperse the team energy.

After Huo Jianning and Zhao Tingting have exchanged the funds, they sent 19 purchase teams. There is only one mission of the purchase group; as long as it is a metal sodium, it will take a lot of money. This way maybe some exaggeration, after all, in accordance with the market trend, no one dares to violate economic laws. But it is almost the same, in order to quickly get the metal sodium. The Black Cloud Purchasing Group tends to be higher than the market price, and the upper float is normal.

The purchase volume is so big, what is the big movement of Baozi Xuan. Just a lot of things that do not understand, the futures market is more exaggerated than the real market.

The London futures market is the world's most authoritative metal futures trading platform. Metal sodium is a very wide range of metals, and the price has always been stable and is always maintained in £ 2 per ton. In the past five years, the price is basically not changed. After all, the purchase amount is relatively constant, and the general enterprise does not require this metal.

However, I just went to work in Monday, Sean Feie felt wrong; as an old man engaged in futures trading ten years, immediately understood that organism purchased a large number of metal sodium periods. From the perspective of the momentum and scale, it must be a large agency, or there will be no such a lot of movement.

Shawn Fei just wants to report things, but think carefully; this is also an opportunity.

Before before some reasons, the same supervisor was quarreled. Why don't you use this time to make a profit, this opportunity is not when there is. Whether it is the mechanism to move the metal sodium, it is inevitable to have absolute grasp.

Shawn Phipbee began to use the funds in his hand and followed it. It is less than an hour of time, and the metal sodium period will increase by 6%. For a non-mainstream metal, it is already a broken thing.

There are no several institutions that will pay attention to metal sodium, but the rising data can't defraud. The world's major investment funds immediately launched a survey, and found all the periodic contracts on the sodium metal sodium were all from Xiangjiang Black Cloud Bank.

This makes it feel unknown, and Bao Zi Xuan is ready to do. At present, there is no direct channel to people, can only be quiet. Buying so many metal sodium refers to the contract, Black Cloud Bank did not end. Still continuously, there is no need to buy all contracts, do not think of it.

Futures transactions have always been an adventurent paradise, and this helper's sense of smell is sensitive than dogs. After the black cloud bank, it is a black cloud group, and later is Bao Zixuan. Don't want to know, Xiangjiang richest has moved to metal sodium.

If anyone knows the first idea, then Bao Zi Xuan will not make today's achievements. The opportunity is slightly fleeting, and you must have hesitized. Most still choose to believe, and also add to the period of the purchase of metal sodium. Only one day, the metal sodium on the international futures market was 30,000 pounds per ton, soared to £ 2,800. For this increase, many economic experts don't understand.

Baozi Xuan is a more money, but there are so many projects at the same time. The funds that can be increased are limited, and it is impossible to make metal sodium on a day by 40%; it is definitely a combination of other financial institutions.

Of course, I don't think so, no one has a few friends. It is destined to let them disappoint, the incident suddenly, Bao Zi Xuan just wants to earn some money in the futures trading, did not think too much. As for why so many institutions follow up, you can only say reputation.

The Black Cloud Group dare to do this, inevitably there is absolutely grasp. Although Bao Zixuan is young, it can never be prepared.

Inside the London Futures Exchange, the representatives of major fund companies are meeting.

Asked the president of the fund company asked: "The Rose Queerde family has cooperated with the Black Cloud Group. Is there a little wind?"

The representative of the Rosenie family is also a blind, after all, the family has no affiliation with the Black Cloud Group, and what the other party must ask and report. What do you think! Baozi Xuan is a person who is willing to take advantage of other families. Even the face of Morgan does not give, how could give the Rosenie family face.

I didn't dare to speaking with the representative of the Rosen's family, but I saw the other person, there is not so much scruple. A family is supported to the edge of the side, even if the surname Rothschild, how can it be.

The Rosenie family representative represented: "The Rosenie family is just a partnership with the black cloud, but it does not understand the problem of this metal sodium period. The information that may be mastered is almost the same, so it is not always thinking about it. How is our family? "

The Rosierde family does not allow other people asking. Even if the family is not valued, it can come out to represent a family. Single Single Rosnierd last name is enough to explain everything.

I heard the other party's answer, combined with the information you master. Most people still believe that Bao Zi Xuan is doing, but it really doesn't have to report to anyone, even what he is Roschild.

At this time, a little longer fund company said: "Since no one knows what the Black Cloud Bunxuan is thinking, what is the purpose. But he purchased a metal sodium period refers to the fact that it is true that the other's purpose is of course the most Ok, even if you don't know what the other party is thinking, will it still delay us to make money! "

I heard the old guy analysis, all the people came to the Malay. They are the fund manager, not a judge; what do you do not need to pay attention to evidence. As long as it is possible to make money reasonably, think so much, there is nothing, it is simply a waste time.

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