Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1047, the big country pays attention to three

I heard the report of Ke Lichkov, Chernocles were relieved. At the same time, the other party refers to Grushco, it will not doubt. To know that Grushco is also a singer, and in the Soviet Union, it is an absolute authority rocket expert. If he said that Black Cloud Group, of course, it also includes the United States; there is no ability to develop and assemble the sun cannon, and it is really no need to be suspected of bunxuan's motivation.

Grushco; the founder of the Soviet rocket expert, the foundation of the liquid rocket engine. Academician of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. September 2, 1908 was born in Odessa. In 1929, he graduated from Leninj University, initiative to establish a liquid rocket engine research team, developed into a jet engine design department in 1932, leading the development of the first batch of liquid rocket engines in the Soviet Union. It has achieved outstanding rocket structural design, improving engine thrust and reliability, and achieved many results of a perfect rocket engine.

In 1945, he served as a general designer's leading missile and rockets for liquid engine design, providing a qualified engine for the launch of Intercontinental missiles and artificial satellites in 1957, ensuring the success of manned spacecraft and various spatial detectors. , Made an important contribution to the cause of the Soviet Union conquer space.

Unlike Raggang's good physical condition, the weak and more disease in Chernopsis belongs to absolute secrets; Of course, many people may know, but after all, they did not see it, they did not dare to guess. In fact, it is not only the Soviet Union, and any country in the world, the physical condition of the leader is confidential. It is good to see that everyone can see it. The body has problems, wanting to keep the country's stability, must be a person who believes and to a certain level.

Gorbachev belongs to the successor, the Soviet No. 2 figure, Kaiqikov is the person in charge of the intelligence department, and the two understandings are normal. Others, even if the other party is a rocket expert, it will not. The operations have special attaches, you can understand the rocket confidential, but the leader can be more important than the rocket.

Chernote: "Comrade Gorbachev, I heard that the Black Cloud Group has ordered a lot of metal sodium raw materials to the Soviet Union."

At present, Gorbachev is mainly agriculture, economy, education, ideology and diplomatic affairs; foreign trade conditions he certainly knows. And as the No. 2 figure, plus the highest leader is not good, of course, to make the country in China. Chernocology is likely to leave people at any time, many things must be prepared in advance. The premise is the highest leader's acquiescence, otherwise it is to mad.

It is also good for Chelno's absolute trust and will also support it later. Make the work well, as long as it is a smart person knowing how to choose.

Therefore, Gorbachev's words will listen. Only a lot of things need to be invited to Cherno, and the surface work must be in place, especially at this time.

Gorbachev: "The foreign trade department has been pleased to me, just when there is no exact information, I don't dare to let go. Now I heard the report of Comrade Keqikov,

And there is a back book with comrades of Grushco; then I think it is a chance to talk about the Soviet Union. "

"Since the black cloud group purchase metal sodium is not possible to produce the sun cannon, there is no need to limit the export. The price of metal sodium is more than doubled, and it has been doubled, and the rise momentum is obvious."

"Other countries do not export, it is because there are other trade support. The Soviet domestic expenditure wants to maintain huge expenses, and the export of metal raw materials occupies a large part of the share."

"And for so many years, Soviet Union has always maintained a good trade. Because Ziwu has something to doubt partners, even make the restrictions on its exports, it is easy to make people feel cold."

"Buns Xuan how many people I know some of this, as long as the Soviet Union frank, he is bound to this friendship in mind I recommend not only to export, but also to open the supply; as long as the metal is what you want dark Group raw materials, the Soviet Union can provide in large quantities. "

Gorbachev may not attend any international condemnation, the Soviet Union what he clearly than anyone else.

To maintain a strategic equilibrium with the United States, it is necessary to increase state revenue. The Soviet Union with a GDP less than half of the United States, literally in military spending, the size of the army to maintain a balance on the number of weapons. To make the Soviet Union more painful than the United States, in addition to military spending, there is little money to improve people's livelihood. Want to make a difference for a leading cadres, it is simply a torment.

After 79 plus years, the invasion of Afghanistan. So as to be isolated in the international community, severely limited exports, the domestic economy can be described as a mess. The rise of dark Group, as well as trade with the Soviet Union. Directly change the economic situation of the Soviet Union, although not yet reached the situation to turn things around; but at least in the dark Group, the Soviet domestic economy can barely.

If this time falling out with buns Xuan, then even next month, domestic spending is a problem. Since other countries do not allow the biotite group ordered the company to export, the Soviet Union can seize the opportunity. This can not only please the partners, but also big money thing, fool knows how to choose.

Chelsea years ago Section also a little worried, after all, a great year, a lot of things start Qiuwen. But to hear the report of Kryuchkov, in conjunction with Gorbachev opinion; weak, said:. "Now that Comrade Gorbachev think we should continue to export, but also increase the number of exit then follow your says goes, comrade Stoichkov grams of stay to fully cooperate. "

According to Gorbachev meant to do, and this matter is well understood. But let Kryuchkov fully cooperate, then there is a deep meaning.

KGB did not participate in specific trade, after all, is responsible for intelligence work. Although their own coffers, but it is definitely not get through informal trade.

Now Gorbachev directly with the KGB, said Ming Qieer of families have the right to cross-meaning, but also think ahead of the layout.

Although Gorbachev is slated for number two, it may also pursue high-level Soviet gerontocracy. Even knowing the prime of life to choose leaders, but young people will inevitably not convinced.

At this time, the Soviet leadership have experienced the baptism of World War II, qualifications prestige is very high. During the Great Patriotic War, Gorbachev is a teenage kids, can do much contribution is obvious.

Most of the Soviet Army marshals are hardliners, Brezhnev, Andropov, including Chelsea in Division also awed by them. But Gorbachev really necessarily; therefore Thatcher years in the department to prepare in advance. As long as people obey the KGB in charge of Gorbachev's order, then after his death, it will be a smooth transfer of state power, otherwise inevitable variables.

A national, in-fighting is always better than a foreign enemy more terrible invasion. Many families have experienced in Mitchell things certainly understand where the truth.

Within a short while, doctors advise both; comrades in Mitchell Branch to rest, can not tired of transition.

Not a hour of time, you will start tired; you can see what is the degree of physical condition. At this time, Ke Likov has found the main bone, but also the highest leader to hold, then there is no scruple. After walking out of the room, I said to Gorbachev: "Comrades the Soviet Politics Committee, there will be any order in the future, you can go directly to me. KGB will settle all out, absolutely will not live up to your expectations."

This is a public indication, meaning is obvious; KG B will support you, very much from the dragon.

Gorbachev did not expect that the Chernockeeper will directly give him KG B. Let Keludenkov see the illness into the paste, then let it work with yourself. This is not distant, it seems that the other party is really trying to cultivate himself. At the same time, we are worried that other high-level oppositions are only ideas to report the name of the report, let the head of the grenad will meet themselves. Its purpose is to know what Chicov knows. What does he mean?

Gorbachev understands how important KGB's support is. At least in the process of handling, there will be a lot of effort, and there is a precious force in the hands today.

KGB does not support you, even if you do the highest leadership position, it will not be stable. He Ruskhaff is an example, he doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

Gorbachav said with a smile: "Nikaikov comrades don't say this, everything is for a great Soviet service. It is inevitable that you will be trouble you, I hope that I hope to bring you too much pressure."

There is absolutely no problem, typical politician tons. And it is also to let Keludenkov understand, interests and rights will not be alone. The increase in work means that the building is wider, and the rights will naturally increase.

For a high-level leader, it is not a matter of tight; if something does not let you manage, it is the biggest sorrow.

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