Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1054 of the attack of the world

Of Five Police Department received in a friend's phone, that is to allow him to pay compensation for injured reporters. Ken also said that if the money, then at least in this matter, will not hold him accountable.

The current situation is the case, so if seriously held up, the police have one thousand reasons to entry into the trial family. Although it has little influence, but at this juncture, no one would dare come forward to intercede. I know that is a rip-off, that the money may still be out. Police friend out of the price tag is too high, 10 million Hong Kong dollars. The reporter was also injured five people, actually to 10 million; Is it a bunch of foreigner's body is made of gold.

But five items really can not refuse, even if they know inside there are tricky, did not dare say anything. After all, what is the fault of his subordinate, as the big brother will certainly have to be held accountable. And Government House and Police Department have been repeated demands, must not appear a little problem with this period. Now something like this, what's the difference with the Shrine.

Associations sure to lawyer your way around, carefully held up, it is estimated will not be easy. Avert disaster is the best result, but also grateful for friends.

So wounded during the clashes four male reporters, each received $ 200,000 in compensation; As for Georgina, it is $ 500,000. Although female reporter was not injured, but was spooked, and my heart hurt to be more serious than physical injuries.

This time with HK dollar exchange rate is 1: 3.6, it is no wonder Of Five suspected, there really is a problem inside. Everything is a cost, not just the injured reporters, other reporters have to appease.

But things did not so simple, there are national correspondent before he appeared at the bar. The picture with Ye forcibly taken away by the beauty correspondent, and later throughout the conflict have been recorded. Spend money to help the victims is not sound, can other reporters did not get any benefit.

As a reporter just and open to report the news, it is ethics and codes of conduct; of course, simply to settle down. So what happened the next day, the Soviet Union and European media have carried a report on the matter.

Soviet media is relatively impressive, after all, Americans are injured, if possible, to clap in the usual applause. But as a reporter, saw peers are playing, it is inevitable that some atmosphere. Just report things out, and no exaggeration.

European media did not miss such a good chance that they are closely related with the US, but things happen in a British colony, of course, so much noise the better. European mainland, more recognized by the US, but the UK and very nasty, some even feud.

West Germany to deal with the British has not, from World War I, World War II, both countries played in full swing can be discerned. Today, Hong Kong actually appeared American reporter was beaten, but for the police show up in time, the US female reporter is likely to face any eventuality. This is such a serious matter, if the British Hong Kong government can not give a reasonable explanation, must not let go.

West German media with Hong Kong "under the economic prosperity,

Security worrying "as the title describes in detail after the incident.

The article pointed out, the world's first understand Hong Kong, because of their economic status. New York - London - Hong Kong as the core of the three major securities trading center, the waves are by no means undeserved reputation. Later, the king of the ship because a few have appeared, people did not know where to abnormal development of the shipping industry. Until dark and buns Xuan Group, the world's only real insight into Hong Kong people's diligence and wisdom.

The economy can develop, not because of how good policies, and because of talents.

But behind the prosperity of Xiangjiang, it also hides a series of issues such as social security.

The Black Cloud Group will hold a press conference that all major media around the world have sent people to participate. As I arrived at the first day of the Associated Press, I went to the bar at night. Because Georgina reporters have long been very beautiful, let the members of the community have moved. It is necessary to take people directly, and I know that it is already in the 20th century, and human beings entered the civilized society.

Actually, there is also something that is strong, and is still in the international metropolis Xiangjiang.

Relying on huge amount of taxation, the salary treatment of China National Civil Service is generally higher. But even if it is, it is still a gangli, and the security incident has occurred frequently. So can't help but ask, where the tax of Xiangjiang is going.

Schools, medical books should be the government's money, and all major companies in Xiangjiang are their own. It can be said that it is absolutely not to find trouble to the government, but their tax has never been reduced.

Take the largest black cloud group in Xiangjiang as an example, there are more than 30 schools in Xiangjiang's local construction, and there are 2 hospitals. Of course only open to internal employees, and do not charge any fees; but never need a government to allocate money. Here we have to think about Bun Zixuan, not every boss has such a height.

However, the Tax of the Black Cloud Group has not been explicitly publicized in it. The British is in order to take the money and do not do things. Otherwise, Xiangjiang is absolutely more beautiful than now

The construction is on the one hand, perhaps can also be passed away. But the security environment is very poor, and even young girls don't dare to go to the street at night. What is the place is an international metropolis, not the Afghan battlefield. It can be seen that the British does not fulfill their duties, at least nothing.

Xiangjiang should not be this, as a reporter, it is a pity to this city.

The surface of the Germans is sympathizing with Xiangjiang, and it is not possible to see the members of the community. In fact, it is a British eye medicine. As long as it is a British, even if it is not good, they will feel comfortable in their hearts.

Two world wars, the United Kingdom, Germany are the main participation in the country. And in the two World Wars, although the UK is not the country that first provoked war, the United Kingdom has chosen to stand in Germany, and it is not hesitant to fight against Germany.

After the 14th century, the Roman Empire collapsed with the church, and Europe lost a unified and powerful organization. At this time, some countries headed by Portugal, Spain, began to send a bicycle to overseas, and opened new colonies. These countries that have opened the colonies in overseas colonies not only gain large land, but also money, and strength rose rapidly. After becoming the Roman Empire, Europe's new hegemony. At this time, the UK, the strength is still very weak, and it is unable to intervene. Until the Industrial Revolution, the British was catching up, surpassing Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, became a new hegemony in the European continent.

After becoming a hegemony, the way British taken is very different from Portugal's way. They did not sign the treaty and collar. Instead, I did another thing. It is a policy of promoting a set of mainland. The use of Churchill is that the British wants to have a long time as a big brother in Europe. For this purpose, the UK will prevent the newly rising countries, those countries that may threaten their own. For these countries, the United Kingdom is to join other countries that are not so strong, and this newly rushed country is put down.

Germany, before the two World Wars, it belongs to this new country. Before a war, Germany completed the rise in the hands of the blood slaughter. The Germany at the time, the strength has far more than the UK, second only to the United States. It is a gesture of the new hegemony of Europe. For other European countries, Germany is also very horizontal, not in the eyes. And Britain is between Germany, but also because of various interest disputes, contradictions.

Hundreds of years of grievances, plus the fire fighting of the two world wars. Germany is very uncomfortable in Germany, before the UK can also paint on Stri. With the rise of the West Germany economy, at least GDP has been fully transcending the UK.

There is no money in your hands, of course, guts to the British. It must not be in the battlefield, after all, the British has a nuclear weapon in the hands of the United Kingdom, and Germany is dry. But in other respects, the Germans are not worried.

Seeing the report of the Germans, China is happy. The British manager has not managed, plus itself is our inherent territory, and it is very suitable for receiving it.

The iron lady saw the German media reported that there was almost no breath. This means, the Germans are not pressed. At the same time, it is also disappointed with officials at all levels of Xiangjiang; she has already done an indication, and this harsh event can still happen. It seems that this helper is a habit, actually does not know the matter of things.

Directly called the Governor Yude, clearly telling him; things must be successfully resolved, can't appear any errors. At the same time, after the issuance of the Black Cloud Group's press conference, the police must have a big blood.

This time, it is true, people have already lost to the world, and what else can be concealed.

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