Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1075, old man's determination

Although the level of the secretary is not high, the ability is definitely weak, and it must be absolutely ill. As a secretary of the intelligence department, if it is not a heart with yourself, then the last as a boss may die, I don't know how to die. A good secretary does not have a single coordination and management capability, but also have strong analytical and decisive capabilities.

In case of an emergency, he must take a corresponding responsibility.

Ke Lichkov thought: "About Germany, we have always abide by the agreement. But now they actually dare to violate the rules, then don't blame the Soviet Union."

In order to use Germany to hit the Soviet Union. In 1947, the United States Contact UFR decided to take the lead in the control area for currency reform, become a regime, once weakened to fight the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union is not willing to show our own currency. Due to the confrontation between Meisu, in November 1948, there was a preliminary signs of splitting in the area of ​​Berlin, respectively. On September 20, 1949, the United States-controlled German West District first established a regime. After half a month, the Soviet Union Controlled German Eastern District also established a Democratic Republic. Since then, Germany is divided into two. It is called Dongde and Side, and the two countries continue to date.

Regarding the German issue, it has been in front of the snowfall, the situation of the shot of others. In fact, the US and Soviet Union know that there are many scientists and officers to escape from German countries, but they have not been able to do it in order to stimulate Dongde and Side. Everyone has been in the situation where there is nothing, after all, if you are seriously pursued, no one does not take it.

It is now an American to break the balance and deliberately violate the agreement. So, the Soviet Union cannot be polite, the more the wind and rain will be shaken, the more you want to reflect a country's determination and discouragement. If this can be tolerated, then the Americans may make more things!

Keludenkov paled in the face: "Since Americans don't defend the rules, then they will pay the price."

"Notify Ivan Soscolov closely monitors the trend of Americans, doing a good job. Order the Alpha team sent 15 elite players, and went to Argentina. Even if you don't shoot, you must take the Americans."

I heard the Alpha team directly, the Secretary was very shocked. After all, the Alpha created troops, what kind of existence is inside the Soviet Union, and no one is more clear than him. It seems that the boss wants to knock on the mountain, let the Americans know that things can't do too much.

On July 14, 1974, the Chairman of the Soviet National Security Committee, Uria Andropoff issued a command, and set a special specialty tuning in the KG B system, and its main task was to combat terrorism. This anti-terrorist assault team was originally named a group, which is the predecessor of the "Alpha Group". At the beginning of the formation, the Alpha Group has been born, so the team can be described as "one thousand miles". The first batch of members of the Alpha Group not exceed 30 people, they all are extraordinary KGB Youth Military officials.

And all have passed the strict examinations before they are among the most elusive special assault teams.

Although the Alpha troops were founded for ten years, no one dared to despise them. It is itself a military elite, and the respective fields are absolutely talented. Coupled with KGB brutal training, you can say that these people are a group of murder.

Received the news from the Head of Moscow KGG, Ivan Sorovo feels that it is wrong. Actually, the Alpha created troops came to assist in action. It seems that domestic people want to give Americans a shock. This is very in line with Ivan's character, I have long-awaited to the American people in color; before, it is not enough power, that is, the headquarters has not been approved.

Since domestic is determined, there is no scruple. And you can also make a stroke, the Black Cloud Group just wants to teach the Morgan family and Americans, and now it is absolutely able to exceed the task. What else can be said, with the generous extent of the boss, the money is absolutely not awkward.

Peng Yifei is drinking coffee in a cafe, and I saw Ivan directly sitting directly to the opposite. This is really not small, just saying that he came to see him today. Even the address did not ask, actually really found. The other party wants to prove its strength, as well as the degree of professional.

Ivan Soros did not have any nonsense, directly said: "Closely monitor the trend of Americans, the rest of the country, and handed over to the people from China."

"We will still want to stay in Argentina, some things are inconvenient. It is not easy to cultivate a special industry, especially those who have adhered to more than 5 years in one place. Not only don't have to be, don't take risks."

"So I applied to the above, from the domestic co-strength. I will arrive tomorrow, starting in three days."

Morgan's family intelligence person came over Argentina, and it feels very easy to work; although there is also a power to compete with them; but the other party does not dare to fight against it. Slightly contact, will immediately evacuate, never delay. In recent days, it is completely tone, and the other party should be refundable. In the face of the strong strength of the Morgan family, any small generations did not dare to forget.

At this time, Morgan family intelligence personnel are inach intoxication, they don't know that the huge crisis has come.

The Alpha squad will take a special plane to reserve the reservation, then go directly to the nuclear submarine. Sitting on the rubber boat in the offshore in Argentina, go straight to the location.

Ivan Soros did not dare to neglect, personally went to the coastline to pick up the Alpha team. Although I know that even if anyone can take it, it is fine. How can you say a colleague, and people come over, they can't be cold.

Seeing or old acquaintances, Ivan is more confident.

The Affski, the Soviet KGG Balfax, a small team, deputy commander, the rank of the middle school. From the team, you can see it, Keludenkov pays attention to the level of this matter.

In the Alpha crew, there is no soldier; the rank is the lowest, so it can be said that it is completely a force consisting of an officer. And these people are very loyal to the country, only to complete the task, never ask other.

Ivan Sosorov took Alfuski to his office, smiled and said to him: "I didn't expect to send you to support you, it is really my luck, but you should pray for Americans. "

The two met when military schools, but the Buplesky is smaller, and it has always been the existence of the little brother. Plus is all martyrs, and Ivan Sorovov is very careless to Bufsky; therefore, so many years have always been very good.

Bufski: "It is my initiative to apply for the implementation of this task. Last time you said that Argentina can earn big money. Now I am married, you must consider your wife and children."

"I have been doing you old big brother, there is something that I can't hit you. At present, there is a complicated situation in China. I am living in the vortex. You must accumulate strength in Argentina, or you may have anything. No. "

"The highest leader Chernockeduner has no pavement for a long time, the military high-level is not very trusting to Gorbach; always think that he is too soft, it is impossible to lead to the Soviet Union. Now Moscow high-level opinion is inconsistent, the country is facing The rights are dispersed, and some to join the Republic is also awkward, in short, the situation is very bad. "

"If I am a person, even if life is given to the country, there is nothing to do. But now my child is only 2 years old, I have to do something for them."

As a long-term elite officer stationed in Moscow, talk reliability is still very high. And with his understanding of the Buiffski, it should be like a person in the next set. And this little child is indeed that there is not long after marriage, it seems that it is still forced to live.

The salary of the KGB military officer is not low. But the domestic situation in the Soviet Union is very bad, the price is skyrocketing, and the salary is fundamentally not on inflation.

Ivan Soros smiled and said: "Brother, I have long told you, don't always think about Moscow. Your ability is on your brother, this should have a better future."

"Don't you think about earning some money! This is a small thing, this action has a bill."

"Come, 200,000 US dollars per person, you will get $ 500,000. Everyone gives me an account later, soon someone will handle it. And this money is absolutely legal, the other party will get everything."

"You don't have any worries, the KGB is more. We are more than others than others."

Unexpectedly, Ivan Sorovov changes so much. $ 100,000, it seems that it is not a matter of tightness in the mouth, or it can be made to make a big money; at this time, the Hefski's heart began to shake.

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