Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1077 Shocked the World's case

Seeing the photos offered by the Alpha team, Peng Yifei is straight to cold sweat. This thing is too big, I don't know if I have an impact on the Black Cloud Group and the boss. But now it is not considered these, you must leave immediately; otherwise the Argentine is a three-foot to dig.

Nearly 100 people in the US Temple died in exotic, and they used them to describe it.

Fortunately, Waldha-Tot and Holly-Von-Wharton, and the information belled in Wharton. Peng Yifei is also near the coastline of Argentina.

Since things have been made, then dare to stay in Argentina. The Alpha team is still arrived, take a rubber boat to the depths of the ocean, and the nuclear submarine has been waiting for them.

Nuclear submarines are definitely the core confidentiality in the country. The relationship is good. The staff of the Black Cloud Group is not convenient to enter. Peng Yifei had to ride to Brazil in Brazil. If it is late, it may not be able to walk.

Ivan - Sony Torov did not think that Alpha is so big, and it has been concealed in recent time. Not worried about how the Argentine will, the United States must retaliate. So many people died, and they are all kinds of foreign steel companies, necessarily to give people a manner.

Raul - Ricardo - Agouxin is still sleeping in his sleep. For such a early call, the President is of course unhappy, but also know, if it is not an emergency, the following people will not do this.

Half an hour ago; the hotel staff found that it was not alive. Some people who came over and founded that the time for breakfast was here, but they didn't come down; they were deliberately over. In fact, it is mainly to be convenient for switching, and the surface is the scientific and technological personnel who protect Germany. In fact, it is monitored.

Didn't see people, I must come over and see. The top two floors have been packaged by the National Iron and Steel Corporation; it is too quiet, and there is no movement. And the air diffuse this strong bloody, the hotel staff knows that it is definitely something.

The Alpha team uses the cold weapon as much as possible, even if the gun is also a special silencer. Can't say a little movement, but as long as it is not in a floor, it is really not found.

Open the door to see the scene that allows the waiter to be unforgettable. The scene is really too fierce and blood, even if there is so many dead people.

They are all Americans, and the hotel is idling, and quickly call alarm. Only the Secretariat wakes up the scene of the President in the morning, and considers how to explain to the Americans, can't make good, will let the entire Argentina are passive.

The President Agouxin is still a bit of power, heard after the hand is reported. I know that it is not simple to find enmity.

It is possible to quietly do so many people in a night, and ordinary institutions and organizations will definitely do. The first impression is Israel's Masad, after all, they have prostate in Argentina.

But the dead is American, Israel should have no courage, and there is no need at all.

Agouxin: "Immediately block the involved in the hotel and the relevant mouth of the country, block all the airports, railway stations, bus stations, and terminals, etc., the country can enter the emergency, the troops cancel the vacation, ready to stand at any time."

Although I know that there is no effect in this, such a professional murderer will definitely escape. And it is obviously a game between the big state, just putting the battlefield in Argentina.

Agouxin continued: "Notify the US ambassador to Argentina, I want to meet with him. Then go directly to the hotel, can't let the Americans blame the matter to our head. Although Argentina has a big responsibility, but absolutely can't let There is any excuse for the United States, and the reasons are sanctions and attack us. "

The Secretary replied: "Agouxin President, there are several Argentine in the hotel room, but it is obviously German immigrants. It should be ran over from Germany after World War II, and I have found a lot of technical information in the hotel. Police Not a technical expert, but for tank technology drawings, it can still be seen. "

"It is not difficult to see from here, the US steel company comes over Argentina. It is not to investigate, and in order to find German scientists and engineers, and technical information."

"The most incredible thing is the general person in charge of Argentina at that time. James - Carnegie is not in the hotel, we have found him in a red light district. According to the girl, he stayed in one night. Where is it, a total of three girls have been served. "

I heard it, Agouxin President Tharass thought who did it. In terms of doing things, techniques, and motivation, the Soviet Union must not take off. But the Soviet Union is not he can be guilty, and everything is going to speak evidence. Such a big pot is buckled to the Soviet head, and people will definitely do not admit that even if the Argentina is not looking for.

Abouxin: "After the US ambassador came, let him go to the hotel. Let him take a look, Argentina has no concealment for this incident, and even agrees with the American experts to come over to investigate. The Mahaia War has made Argentina's face, At this time, you can't appear anything in the event. "

The US ambassador to the Argentina doesn't know what is, and the President Argentina will see him in the morning. Is it a matter of doing things, but this is his category. As a ambassador, the President of the country wanted to see you, it is really no reason to refuse.

Alfonin did not have nonsense, but said directly: "Mr. Ambassador, I am very sorry to call you so early. It is really sudden, and it is too much influence; let's get on the bus, then explain with you. "

Although a mist, it has been coming to the Presidential Palace; seeing Agouxin's expression, knowing that there must be a big event. The US ambassador did not say anything, but directly on the bus.

A ambassador's president of the same country rides a car, which is very rare. There is also a face problem in Argentina, at this time, how to eliminate the anger of Americans; although it is difficult, it is impossible, but must try.

After the car started, the US ambassador said: "His Excellency President, I don't know what is important in the morning, is there any violation in Argentina."

Weak countries have no diplomacy, the US ambassador dare to talk, it is related to the country's strength. After all, there is a strong beauty tension in the waist. If you don't say anyone, at least some of the heads of states still ask them.

On the way to the Presidential Palace, I saw that the military police have begun to mart. Argentina has not been stopped in recent years, and riots often happen. Maybe the soldiers have to come out and force the president to step down. Agouxin does not know that the United States will never participate in this matter.

Now is the president, we can also communicate; if it is overthrown, there may not be a chance to meet.

Seeing the American ambassador's vast expression, Aboufin is very unhappy. How do you say that he is also a sovereign state, Argentina is unable to be a small country, both in the region, or in the number of population.

It is necessary to eliminate the anger of American ambassadors, many things must be endured. It is not impossible to be bullied by itself, as long as Argentina is not implicated, it is stronger than anything.

Ambasson: "Mr. Ambassador, I am very sorry to inform you, of course, I have just got news. All the people who came over the US steel company were all killed, just at last night, the hotel room. Currently found 98 bodies, specific conditions I am not very clear. In order to express the sincerity of Argentina, I will travel together to the place. "

"For this matter, Argentina is absolutely responsible, but things have occurred, must be investigated. And dead is not all Americans, there is also a German in Argentina during World War II."

"And also agree with the United States sent people to investigate, and Argentina will certainly cooperate."

I heard all the employees who came over to the US National Iron, and the US ambassador did not have a breath. At the Argentina died of nearly 100 Americans, he was also ahead of this ambassador.

But now I can only go to the scene to see the situation, I have no voices in one night, but also the bodyguards, ordinary organizations and individuals are absolutely not so much.

The other party deliberately fled the Germans of Argentina after World War II, which definitely be a secret. Argentina may master some clues, just want Americans to find themselves. They don't want to take responsibility, and they may do this.

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