When the buns were got up in the second day, they found that everyone didn't come. Most of the madness played too crazy last night. Come to the Phil Hawkins room quickly woke up. Fortunately, only Phil Hawkins is alone, or this marriage is not used.

After seeing the owner woke up, but the housekeeper quickly screamed all the rest of the guests, Phil Hawkins is still a state of being, Bunzi Xuan saw a lot of girls still in the villa.

It is a dog's blood plot to take them away. This is a dog's blood plot by someone who has someone else. I have eaten something simple at noon. After packing it, I will go to the church.

At 3:00 pm, April 6, 1978 New York St. Patrick Cathedral.

The St. Patrick's Basilica is on the side of New York, it is said that it is the largest church in New York, and the Bishop of the Bishop of the Vatican Cantonese to the United States. It is quite eye-catching next to fashion, taste and even a luxurious temperament. New York is the international multi-level metropolis, giving people five-color, bustling impression, did not expect high-rise, and hide the height of Catholicism in the United States.

If you must choose the most worthy of "this tour", it is really a very hurt. New York City has a St. Patrick's Cathedral, almost every tour of the Catholic History, will be included in it, we naturally can't miss. On New York's famous fifth Avenue, the most attractive eye is natural is a dazzling full-scale first-line brand store. In addition, there is an attraction worth one, this is the Wedding St. Patrick's Cathedral.

Today, come to the wedding, all parties are relatively straight-out, Baozi Xuan also saw the mother of Phil Hawkins, although it has been raised, but it is still to attend the son's marriage.

Today, the ceremony is a bishop, after all, two families have extraordinary influence in the United States. Baozi Xuan as a companionship, he has been following the Phil Hawkins, after all, I will give him a ring for a while.

After the Gospel played, he said: "Today we have witnessed a new person's wedding ceremony."

"I would like to ask the Bride Louis - Miss Rockefeller, are you willing to marry Mr. Phil Hawkins?"

"Whether it is a situation or adversity, wealth or poverty, health or disease, happiness or sorrow, you will always love him, cherish him, faithful to him, until it will always be far away!"

Louis - Rockefeller: "I am willing."

The bishop adults will then say: "I do you ask Mr. Phil Hawkins, you are willing to marry the Louis-Rockefeller."

"Whether it is a situation or adversity, wealthy or poverty, health or disease, happiness or sorrow, you will always love her, cherish her, loyal to her, until it will always be far away!"

Phil Hawkins: "I am willing."

Bishop adult: "Someone sitting in the seat opposes Dew Fi-Rockefeller Miss La and Mr. Phil Hawkins!"

After waiting for a while, "I announced the legitimate wife of Miss Loufi - Lockefeller Mr. Phil Hawkins. Please have a wedding ring."

At this time, Bao Zixuan thought that the ring was still in his own hands, and immediately gave Phil Hawkins. At the same time, the Si'an, the singer of his newlywed Hawkins, Diana, Rockefeller, also handed the ring in the hands of the Louis Rockfeller.

Seeing Phil Hawkins actually found a person with obvious Asian features to give yourself with asher, many people have interested in Bao Zixuan.

After all, it is certain that the identity status will definitely be too bad, especially this game is not a special pure wedding scene.

With the newly married wife, everyone is ready to go to the sea villa, where it is a property of Louis-Rockefeller's home.

At this time, Bao Xuan watched a girl who was lucid-Hawkins boasting the girl, looking like Louis-Rockefelle, but did not say so exaggerated!

However, when Bao Zixuan watched the second eye, he suddenly found a lot of girls in front of this girl. Do not believe in evil, but he also watched the third eye and there was a different feeling.

It turned out that this called Diana-Rockefeller but the girl is the kind of girl who looks more and better, belongs to the girl. This burden is a little bit of a little, but it is only a little impulsive.

In his heart, it is more pleasant to see the Asian girl, but his eyes have not escaped the eyes of Charles Rockefeller.

Charles Rockefeller saw that there was a door after Baozi Xuan's performance, Diana is his sister, and it is a sister. The two people are dragon and phoenix fetuses, but Diana is born for 3 minutes earlier than him.

After coming to the seaside villa, the elders left after the blessings, after all, I have to give young people.

Charles Rockefeller said to Bunzi Xuan's side: "Pack, today's bridesmaid is beautiful!"

Bunzi Xuan didn't know what this is the meaning of this child, but the truth is true: "OK, the first look looks general, but it belongs to the kind of watching."

After listening to the answer of Baozi Xuan, Charles felt very beautiful, my sister is a big beauty, I am not afraid that you are not a heart.

Charles Rockefeller: "As far as I know, she has no boyfriend, you don't have a girlfriend, you are a pair of men in the sky, I have a poke and how about it."

Bun Zixuan: "You have no conspiracy! How do I watch you, I don't press it, I still count."

At this time, today's newlyweds came over, Bunzi Xuan was busy greeted.

Luke Si-Rockefeller said: "I am very grateful to you can come to our wedding today. Especially the gift you give to us is very great."

Bao Zixuan: "This is nothing, I am a good friend and I should do it."

At this time, Luke Filament - Rockefeller is said to Bunzi Xuan: "This is my Tangmei Diana Rockefeller."

Then I said: "This is the bunxuan of the Black Cloud Group, you are not always wanting to know!"

Bao Zixuan saw that he can only say hello first. After all, this is a basic polite question, saying: "Hello, Lord Rockfeller, you are so beautiful today."

Diana Rockefeller: "Thank you, don't be so polite to call me Diana."

At this time, I saw Charles Rockefeller next to the Diana Rockefeller: "What are you doing here, I have a little bit of a thing and a little thing. You go to other places first."

I saw Charles Rockefeller as careful as the mouse saw the cat.

Seeing that Bao Zi Xuan knows that this is definitely what Charles Rockefeller said, is it habitually bullied? How is it so afraid of this girl!

Bao Zixuan: "I don't know what Diana is looking for Russia."

Diana Rockefeller: "I want to enter the Black Cloud Group, and after I enter the share, whether it is management or funding, there is a big improvement in high-end technology."

Listening to Diana Rockefeller, Bunxuan is not because her surname will leave, you can give it to the Black Cloud Group, that the wind vapor company can't give it, it is really a girl who is highly thick, is it a long-term superiority? too strong.

Bao Zixuan: "Sorry, Today is the private time to participate in the wedding. I don't want to talk about the company, and there will be no mention after the application of the Black Cloud Group, the Black Cloud Group will not receive the share of the share of the stock. There is also Lusse Felira You also represent the Rockefeller family, so your funds should be insufficient. "

I heard this kind of self-cultivation of the big lady, I am very angry: "You will regret it."

Just left such a word that didn't have a brain, I left, but in the future, I did a lot of trouble to Bao Zixuan.

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