Going back to the school, 4 people did not say a word. No one suddenly was pitted so much money is also a pain, but life always has to face it. After returning to the dormitory, there is no tacit understanding, but 4 people don't want to speak the first one.

Finally, the Romanski is straightforward. Moscow people open: "What should we do next! The package has been told us to remove the bastard of Thomas, this matter will be reported tomorrow morning!"

Joseph - Kane: "Yes, the problems have been solved, and you find that he has been very busy recently, it is estimated that the Black Cloud Group may have a big action, we can go to make a zero work, after all, this time, this time Our money is all squeezed. "

Martin-Grif: "Yes, even if this time, then next time! Do you want to call home, I can't afford this person."

After all of you form a unified opinion, you will do more. After returning to the room, you can't sleep well. Everyone is too hard.

Among the Underground Casino in Boston, this time the casino manager reads the report, said: "What is true, the students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are understanding the law, this 306 dormitory has a person has been half a person There is no return to the dormitory and the sound is all. This is a responsibility to take him out of the dormitory, and I also reported it, this is the name called Thomas Mal, and they didn't matter. "

"It is a famous school student. I haven't graduated or don't work. We also learn to learn like this."

This casino is not big, although there are some noisy, but the nearby people are still listening. I saw a fluffy disorder, and the beard covered with most faces; the eyes with a strong blood in the eyes were shocking, suddenly unspecified from the casino manager. I looked at the newspaper.

I saw that the casino security thought it was robbery, because this person is already staying here for a week. Saving in the casino, I started to win some money on the card, and later lost, now I have already owed 60,000 US dollars. The reason why the casino dare to borrow money to give him a peace talk, and it is not like an ordinary home. If you have no money, you have to find him home.

That's right now, this man is the Thomas Mal in the 306 Dormitory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Now Thomas Mal, no one can recognize the 306 dormitory, the most handsome man, and there have been a difference in heaven.

After seeing the contents of the newspaper, Thomas Mal mood was more depressed. The security guard also lived Thomas Mal. But seeing this man did not resist his handheld, and he did not dare to have an exhaustive action. . After all, the other party is just to read newspapers. The main thing is that they are asking for money, if this is hurt, it is not good.

In case, there is a huge gorge of a family force. So everyone has to be unlucky. For the past, there is such a thing, you can't care about it, but the hurt is that it is another code.

Thomas Mal event took the shoulders: "Let me go, I just gave me a $ 40,000 chips, wait for you."

Seeing this situation security to see the manager, see him after seeing the casino manager. The monketeer gave him a $ 40,000 chips.

From the new seats of Thomas Mal, they have been chaotic, they have been thinking about things between Charlotte. He saw that Charlotte didn't know with other men when he intends to contact him, and as a man in the ravine, Mal, Mal, who has always pursued "Wanhua from the middle."

He always thinks that the child is not necessarily him, although it looks at the usual hanging gentleman. But the Germans should have a rigorous style or have retained some.

To tell the truth Thomas Mal is also a little boy's mindset, has not been a man who should be as a man.

It used to calculate the probability of losing wins by smart brain calculations, but it has been staying here for a week. I have already lost red eye. In addition, I have just seen the newspaper's heart, think of you in his heart. What is it to remove the dormitory, you don't have this right, thank you, I have been taken to take you as a friend, when the brother. Waiting for me to go back, I must have a relationship with you.

Holding this attitude Thomas Mal from the 40,000 chips borrowed from the casino and lost two nets. He also wants him to borrow money from the casino. At this time, he only wants to win money back. When you just came in, I have been winning. It has already made him feel that it is only a short time. If the card is quite won, it must be ourselves, this help the casino, how to understand probabilityology and statistics.

After gotting the watch, I got 50,000 US dollars, and the casino manager saw that this kid actually took the Limited Edition of the Limited Edition of Jiangsdon. The certificate is definitely very rich, or it is impossible to bring so much. Watch, the average person is not eligible to buy.

In the casino work, this is very good for this, must arrange people to be careful, this is the golden master!

In this way, Thomas Mare stayed in the casino for 2 days, almost no rest in these two days. When you are hungry, you will eat, sleepy is sleeping.

Two days later, the casino did not give him a chip, and the pit will have a limit. Otherwise, it is not good to return, business can last long. Thomas Mal is now owing to a casino of $ 500,000.

According to the rule of the casino, he will return $ 650,000 to the casino within a week. At this time, I feel the terribleity of things, the Mal family may have some energy in Germany, but this is a US, which is now one of the world hegens in their country.

I heard that the US underground casino is not reasonable. Once you can't pay your money, then the consequences really don't want to imagine. Now calling home, I am not too late, here I don't want to stay more than one minute.

Calm, Thomas Mal, also encountered a selling wine in the bar after coming from the school, and then went to the hotel with your unique charm.

After playing for a few days, I said that I want to play some stimulus, and I will bring myself to this underground casino. Here, I have been with myself three days, I'm going to have something, and I lost $ 100,000 at that time.

It turned out that all of this is a set, and the winewood must be the peripheral personnel of this underground casino, and when the customer will give a certain level, they will leave in advance, and start with the next goal.

It is useless to think of these, but now you have to go out. I want to call the people who can only give my dormitory, most likely to save myself only Bao Zixuan, but the last time I am doing himself in Xiangjiang and RB, or give the dormitory first People call!

The last time in Xiangjiang Thomas Mal, a woman who has a group of people is not going to do. In the RB dead, the hotel front desk is not changed, and finally Bao Zi Xuan has resolved things, making it very shameful in front of the partner Tai East Corporation.

Mihar believes that Bunxuan also hobbies this aspect: "Let him experience the best service next time."

Pulling people in front of the customer, Bun Zixuan has clearly stated, will not help him deal with these assists. And I didn't listen to the dormitory, then prove that Bunzu Xuan did not say to others, but his own face is looking for people!

I have to call the security guard, and he is going to call the people in the dormitory.

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