A lady of good value reflected out, in order to support her husband's work and career; Laite Fu people all night, the purpose is to improve the reporting hands as much as possible. Although very hard, but for this time of Laite Fu people; it is a very happy moment, because her talent was finally recognized.

Before that there is another big capacity, there is no space to play. These problems do not exist at this time, can enjoy playing; you can say that this achievement and satisfaction, can not use language to describe. Since graduating from college, I have never been like this, the taste of the heart and loneliness.

The Times and Xinhua News Agency are notified, the US assistant secretary of defense; Lieutenant General Ian - Wright dark past to visit the town, but also take the initiative to inform the biotite group. Two media certainly understand what it meant, and investigate reality, they only informed two media.

The Group did not fully explain dark collusion with the US military, some things are compelling. Americans handed and strong, the whole world knows, the United Kingdom and China should understand the situation buns Xuan. But also allows the United Kingdom and the United States have some barriers, although not about the big picture, but look at both sides of nausea or.

Britons know why, certainly think that the US military forced biotite Group and buns Xuan. After all, they Lights when the amount of spheres of influence, for British arrogance, the heart can be happy strange.

And buns Xuan believe that the US military will certainly not reveal dark German technology group; there is no evidence does not say, but also easy to make people think; and even affect the alliance.

Poland has long been known buns Xuan back from German technology, why not the first time to inform the United Kingdom. To know only the decline of the British Empire after World War II, the United States have become the world's dominant power. German scientists then put so much back to the United States, the United Kingdom has given way to resentment; the loss of the British Empire, but much larger than the United States.

And the United States is the use of German scientists, was gradually leading in science and technology, military, aerospace; Britons may be within sight, but because of the strength is not allowed, lips do not say it. At the moment the group found that black cloud may hold technical information have been left behind Germany, Great Britain ventilation different, but directly over Hong Kong, want for ourselves, and my heart can be happy strange.

Xinhua News Agency notified some accidents, but also understand biotite Group and buns Xuan what that means. Lights return tends to become clear, indicating buns Xuan want to help the Chinese mainland. But the other did not say, at this time is not good too much speculation. Or look at what is the meaning of the United States, especially if there are excessive demands, the Chinese mainland will not ignore things.

The next morning, Ian - Wright take the car came to the dark town periphery. This time without a pass, do not enter the interior. As The Times and Xinhua News Agency, more is sent reporters observed at the periphery. I did not get a formal invitation, not directly into the internal interview.

US intelligence capabilities, of course, know little tricks dark Group. But Ian - Wright came without telling who also thought, as long as it can solve the problem; to get what she wants, the other does not matter.

Banner written on the wall is very clear, I am afraid that the whole world knows him to come meet with buns Xuan Hong Kong. Some things can not be concealed even Xiangman, when he immigrants moment, the United Kingdom and China has been known. But the identity of a private vacation over, people just did not find the door.

Package richest man came to the door to greet personally, it is very importance; also specifically gives a good angle, so that reporters can take clearer pictures of the two men shook hands.

Buns Xuan said with a smile: "Welcome Ian - General Wright came dark town, as a military expert, but to be more valuable advice, if war comes, dark town pay attention to what; those places or not protection. in place, we need to be strengthened. "

Although let the US general's opinions have a little diligent, but Bao Zi Xuan's words, Ian Wright is still very comfortable. It seems that this kid knows where his strength is. Even in excellent architects, it is impossible to know more about modern weapons to damage to buildings.

Ian Wright: "Mr. Bao is polite, the Black Cloud Town can be trained by the world's top design team; they are all professionals, I don't dare to go to the ax."

Modest or have to get, can't compliment you, don't know a few pounds.

Bao Zixuan: "General Wright is too polite, the designer is indeed professionals in the construction of the building. But it is said to destroy the building and destroy your strength; it is estimated that no one is more than you."

"The operation is specially attacked, and some things really need military experts to assess, preventing problems."

What is the use of weapons to destroy buildings, he is an expert. It doesn't change the US military like to launch a war!

Although the heart is somewhat, it is also known that you can't be angry; otherwise it is easy to take this kid to the ditch.

Two people bring a hard hat, and stroll around the black cloud town. Construction side has been notified in advance, with professionals with road, and not in the past dangerous zone. And Ian Wright, just want to show an attitude, meaning telling Bunxuan, you lack of steel, I know.

There are not many American, and there are many waste steels. During the Second World War, there was no export to Japan before the war. Now selling it to the Black Cloud Group, or exchange technical information, there is no problem.

I have to know that it is a war state, and the Americans do things are quite unfair.

Before the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, Japan's imported strategic materials imported from the United States was that oil and scrap steel, which can be used to make large to aircraft carrier tank after rendering "re-renovation", Runner and other weapons and equipment. In 1939, the US scrap steel exports were 9 times higher than in 1938, from 1932 to 1939, 70% of scrap steel, 90% of the scrap steel, 75% of oil, and 75% of the oil production capacity at the US, This number is not surprising.

Until 1940, the United States found that there was no oil and water in Japanese people, mainly the Japanese foreign exchange reserves and gold almost light. In addition, the dangers of Japan have begun to reduce the export of materials to Japan. Therefore, once the Americans ultimately announce the implementation of materials to transport, the Japanese is in a hurry. Because of the local, peninsula and Northeast steel production, it is not enough to maintain huge consumption of the war, Americans are equal to laughing their neck.

For example, in August 1940, there are more than 300,000 tons of pig iron, scrap iron, etc., from the East Coast, etc., almost comparable to the total amount of daily exports in the first half of 1940, these steel to Japan's arms Production has important strategic significance, the President of Japan, President Nangye, said in the previous meeting of September 19, 1940: "We intend to produce 5.4 million tons of steel this year, but if the US steel exports are prohibited, steel production will drop To 4 million tons. "

Therefore, for the sale of waste steel, the US military can be described as a light car.

Seeing the steel consumption of Black Cloud Town, Ian Wright is more confident; at the same time, it is also higher to his wife. Find the opponent weakness, or what the white opponent needs; it is the premise and guarantee of cooperation, obviously the wife will see the problem is more thorough.

The town is really too large, if you carefully visit, there is not enough time for a week. The two are very busy, and Ian Wright wants to speed up the speed, he can't consume.

It came to the Headquarters of the Black Cloud, and the infrastructure has been basically completed. Even if I see Ian Wright is also shocked, the land is better than his work, and the US Pentagon is high; and the construction difficulty is higher.

It is very simple to draw a circle on paper, and it can be used directly. But you want to build a round building, the construction difficulty is very difficult. A single collection is a trouble, the accuracy requires very high, and there is no mistake.

Ian Wright said: "When I heard in the United States, the headquarters of the black cloud headquarters is very superior; the appearance is very magnificent. It seems that the media still underestimates the determination and strength of Mr. Bao. This building can't be a magnificent. And advanced, it should be the product of the next century; if not Mr. Bao, it may not appear on the earth. "

What is the meaning of the old kid's compliment, it is definitely something wrong. The other party puts forward that it is not so simple that things are not as simple as those who want to visit the black cloud town. It is said that I want to pick up myself. But some words are still going to say it, otherwise it is easy to take.

Bao Zixuan: "General Ian Wright has a prize, just a general building, and it is great."

I heard the head of the bag, Ian Wright has some disappointment, which does not match the opera. This kid is not deliberate, is it necessary to pick it up.

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