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No one will think, come over the Xiangjiang to participate in a wedding, actually a new position. But at this time, Karewell-Sideley did not have to choose, and we must go all out. Whether British aerospace can rise, he will see how his negotiation outcomes. Previously produce small aircraft before, as for big aircraft, it is provided to provide accessories for other companies.

As a pursuit engineer and entrepreneur, it is of course hoping that its company will be strong. Always enter the mainstream, and the status of the rivers and lakes will not be high. Now such a good chance to put in your eyes, you have to fight for anything, absolutely can't let go. Lost opportunities will not let the company go back, but will definitely make British aerospace companies a second stream, even three-flow enterprises.

It has been suffering from the white eyes, can't always be difficult to be martial arts by the big factory.

Time came to night, Youde came to the restaurant along with West Germany. Since the banquet two Americans, Cantonese cuisine has become the first choice for the head of the bag; this time is no exception, and is still a store.

I heard the Governor, the boss father and son did not dare to neglect. Not only cleaning up the best private room, but also prepares the dishes for a long time. The bag is the richer to eat, never care about the price; as long as it is good, other do not do.

It is still Maotai, but the green beauty is not much; I haven't taken it out. But it is also a good wine in the previous year, used to entertain guests absolutely to shoot.

Sidley said with a smile: "I know this wine is the national wine in Huaxia."

It seems that the old kid is also mastered some Chinese culture, and even the country is known.

Baozi Xuan is more understanding of the British, plus two people are engineers, so happy. At this time, Youde is very embarrassing, I feel that I think there is a bit.

Baozi Xuan also saw this problem, so there is no intention to talk to Youde.

I saw this kid, and I didn't talk to the UFO; Sidley is anxious. Prime Minister personally appointed him for the full represessment, if things did not make. It's not just that it is as simple as it is, it may be necessary to act in China later; it is almost impossible. Even the negotiations in the professional are not good, what else can you do.

Sidley finds a time, smiles and says: "Mr. Bao, your company just developed a successful UFO product, is leading the future of the aircraft. It is very important to obtain related technologies and production lines in the UK. As long as the British aerospace can do, they must go all out. "

The dishes are eaten, and the wine is coming soon. And even if there is a wine, I don't dare to continue to drink, Bun Zixuan, what is the amount of alcohol; he does not dare to fight with others, and finally it can only be ourselves. It's better to be some, and the knife is clear.

I have long guessed the goal of the other party, so I didn't mention this, I want to say it first. And a lot of knowing the British wants to introduce technology and production.

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