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Arrange the British maturity, Bao Zixuan wants to take a break. To tell the truth, since the birth of her daughter, her mentality has changed greatly. After all, it has been a father, take care of and accompanying children. Things often can't be willing, especially when the Black Cloud Group is in the tip of the tips.

Dasso Company representatives, and also the grandson of the founder of Madel Dasper, Dominik Daso personally came over in Xiangjiang. The son is not very like to develop aircraft, so Lao Daoso puts his eyes on the third generation. So many children are most emphatic for Dominic-Daso.

And in order to follow the grandfather foot, Donnick-Dasper is not too strong, and it has also made a lot of effort. It is a very heartbatcher, but the ability is absolutely not bad.

Lao Daoso is a graduation of French high school schools. Dominic-Daso is hard to rely on his own efforts, and also take this school. Become a grandfather, and did not rely on anyone, it is definitely the first person of the entire Dasso family. After all, other children are more or less need family resources to enter college reading.

To say that this school is not simple, at least in the international aerospace boundary.

French National High Aerospace School, history can be traced back to 1909. An official of Rosh was established in Paris, named Aviation and Machinery Construction College, which is the first aviation engineering class in the world, which is the prototype of French National High Aerospace Aernel. At 1930, it became a national school and renamed National Aviation College. In 1968, the college moved to the French National Civil Aviation University, moved to the famous Air Aerospace Turk. In 1972, he renamed French National High Aerospace School.

At present, the school is affiliated to the French Ministry of France. It is one of the most prestigious focus of the French school. The world's first special aerospace engineering school, the most famous high school academic government in the European aerospace field, world-recognized aviation and aerospace fields. One of the famous universities.

Ability to adhere to its own ability, the highest school of France is the highest school; indicating that Domini Nick is still very capable, at least more than ordinary son, rich second generation is much stronger.

Laosako also knows how much you have time, and there is a son; you want a grandson directly pick up the company, it is estimated that many people will not be convinced. But let people who don't understand the development and production of the aircraft, manage the Dasso Company, it is definitely a disaster. Therefore, do everything possible to cultivate Dominic Daso, the purpose is to make him grow up quickly; there is a uncle's generation to compete for the strength and ability of the company's management.

This time, he sent him to the river business trip, it is a kind of exercise. The Black Cloud Group developed what weapons and equipment, so that Americans are so crazy, they must know. Although Dasso Company has achieved some results in the field of airplane research and development. However, even Lao Dasu also admits that the current technical level is definitely less than Americans.

Even Americans need to introduce technology and students

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