Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1203 UV wind wave is 11

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I heard Dominic-Daso, combined with the Special national conditions of France, Bao Zi Xuan just understood what it means. Prostast Daso is also an important customer of Luo Luo, but the requirements of the other party often make the company a headache. The aircraft engine is the most important component; therefore, in France requires that the company must master the full set of technologies when purchasing.

Many companies have their own core confidential, especially Luo Luo, a cutting-edge technology company. Sometimes, for orders, I have to compromise to the French; after all, I lost the order of France Dasso Company, and the company's benefits will be worse. The US market is basically monopolized by two local companies. There are also several companies that can produce military aircraft in the world, and Luo Luo can't afford to lose the customer, the serious consequences.

Therefore, the following engineers are not assessed less, while the company is the company's rules and regulations; one is a strong request. They are clamped in the middle, but it is very uncomfortable.

Therefore, for French requirements, Bunzi Xuan is very clear. Don't say this, can't say it, it is different from the point of view. But also let some companies directly reject cooperation with French companies to a certain extent, to a certain extent. Now Dominik - say this, it is obviously to introduce UFO technology and production lines.

The United States and the United Kingdom have been in front, the Soviet, Huaxia naturally don't have to say. So as the France of the World Military Giants, it cannot be backward. If other than other flying saucer technology, only they don't; things become very difficult, and even affect international status.

Dasako, as a French military giant, absolutely does not allow this kind of thing. If you lose the UFO technology, or if you don't have a chance, you will inevitably lose a lot of customers. Let this this is a more passive victimistic.

American Airlines giants, Soviet aircraft manufacturing enterprises; have a large number of national orders, and surrounded by a batch of younger brothers. But France can not work, currently can only seek customers in the Middle East and South America. If you don't have the UFO technology, you are likely to lose this part of our customers. Looking for you to buy, find that you don't have this product. Then you can only purchase from other companies and find that the original product cannot match it. Finally, the traditional products will be replaced, and the efforts of Dassowa will have to pay the east flow.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "There is a price in any item, as long as it is suitable, the Black Cloud Group has no reason to refuse."

I heard this, Dominic-Dasper is much rest assured. As long as the other party agrees to sell, then things will be good. Behind Dosao also has government support; as one of European three, the overall strength of France, absolutely in the forefront of the world.

Dominic-Daso: "I don't know how the Black Cloud Group has quoted on the flying saucer technology and production line. If the conditions are suitable, Dasso is willing to buy. Both is an aviation engineer, who can see the important role in the future. France must Get, but if the cost is too big; then you can only

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