Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1205 of the flying saucer is thirteen

However, these Laosako have never been speaking with the outside, but they are deeply buried in their hearts. First of all, the France of the World War I defeated, and as a plane of the aircraft designer. Moreover, it is also related to the concentration camp, where many people can live, the outsiders will not suspect that they are doing things for Germany, and many things can be explained.

It is better to bury things in your heart, and if you do anything, you're safer. Plus at the time of the French Political Bureau, the United States and the United Kingdom know that he knows the technical and information of German new weapons and equipment. So want to continue to stay in China, it may be a luxury.

Now, the time has long been long. However, when the grandson mentioned a new aircraft, the Laoso can think of the flying saucer in the first time. Maybe this legendary weapon is deeper into his brain.

In fact, returning to France, he also wants to develop flying sauks and related technologies. However, the situation at the time was not allowed. The French failed in the Second World War, and the United States and the United States helped to come to the country. In addition, Lao Daoso really wants to develop a flying saucer, then there is a big suspicion. In order to avoid trouble, but also to restore the French industry level as soon as possible, we can only re-develop aircraft.

Laos Sozis went a while, smiled and said: "In Germany concentration, I have seen many German engineers and scientists for aviation expectations. To tell the truth, their imagination is too rich, at least much better than me. "

"Among them, I have seen the ghost invites of the black cloud research and development, now they must have developed a flying saucer. After all, the rounded body is higher. The American is not a study, producing the related equipment, just feels waste Time. It is better to buy it in the Black Cloud Group and may be more cost-effective.

"That introduces some of the real data of the black cloud flying saucer."

Dominic-Dasper did not expect that Grandpa has this experience, how have never heard it before! It seems that the old man doesn't want to find trouble, or maybe it is a feeling. Paris is occupied, as a French, who is willing to mention the past.

The secret of the old man is much more than the imagination, but it is necessary to exchange more. Many secrets can't bring this into the coffin, after all, this is also a precious wealth.

Dominic-Daso has nothing to think, so it is introduced to Laosako's performance. It can fly to 12,000 meters high, and can also fly in Aerace speed, indicating that the first generation of flying saucer has been successful. This is a very strategic weaponry, France must have.

Laido: "What conditions have been put forward by Bao Zixuan, it will be willing to sell technology to us."

I heard this, Dominic-Daso is somewhat hard, after all, the gust of the wind fighter is the hope of grandfather, even said that it is not too much. Now let it exchange new technologies just developed, exchange with other countries, I don't know what happened to my heart! Can Bao Zi Xuan is this request,

I can't say it.

If nothing is gone, it is estimated that you can only go home directly. Then he is in the status and reputation of the company, it will inevitably fall to the bottom of the valley.

Dominik Daso: "Bao Zixuan hopes to exchange the gust fighter technology just developed; at the same time, it is also necessary to use the black cloud, and only related technologies can only be related."

"The two sides evaluated the flying saucer and gust fighters, and then makes more subsids according to the assessment price."

I heard the kid actually wanted the technical technology of the gust of the wind, and the old Sakota would want to refuse. However, it is thought that the other party knows how to know the strife fighter, after all, that is the highest secret of Dasso. It seems that there is a commercial spy in the company, but it is necessary to look for it.

In fact, Lao Daozhen is so doing, even asked the French intelligence department to assist. Let him find a lot of spies inside the Dasaki, but it is incredible to feel unbelievous. Spies come from many countries, of which the Soviet Union, the United States, the third of the UK. However, there is no one to serve the Black Cloud Group.

The news is how to discipline, and there is no foundation to death, and it is a unaware regret.

Laosako: "The gust of the wind fighter is the core technology of Dasso, how can it easily be transferred. Bao Zi Xuan is much off the price of UFO technology and production lines.

Grandpa does not want to exchange with gust fighter technology, it seems that both parties have to fight soup. Baozi Xuan is worthy of imagination, from the last two days of black cloud group, and Xiangjiang people can see it.

For a non-lack of people; people want to technology, you give people money, the other party can satisfy.

However, since the old master asked, Dominik Daso still replied: "4 billion pounds, this is a quote for British. However, the other party seems to be some unsatisfactory, maybe the British play."

"Xiangjiang is still the British colony, the Black Cloud Group will still have a scruple. But if you replace it into French companies, things may have changed."

Listening to the introduction of grandson, Lao Joso was caught in meditation. 4 billion pounds, Dasso company can't get it. And even if you take it, you will need to put a lot of money. The construction of factory buildings is perfect for other supporting facilities; each item requires huge investment, it is likely to drag the Dasso Company directly.

At this point, it seems that the other party is in order to rushing on the gust of the wind, it is necessary to conduct technical exchange. The UFO technology is only a black cloud group, and other companies can only introduce from people. US and UK, in the aviation sector, will never be poor than France. Incidentally, France wants to develop independently, not reality in a short time. But the three generations of fighters, many countries and companies can be produced; making the Dasso company's bottom gas.

Baozi Xuan is obviously unwilling, Dasso does not have other options. As long as you want to develop in the aviation field, the flying saucer products must be able to produce independently, and the future may become the standard of the aircraft manufacturing enterprise.

Lao Daoso seems to be very determined, directly said: "Tomorrow's negotiations, Dasako agreed to exchange UFO technology with a gust fighter; premise the two sides must exchange. As for the production line, see those equipment France cannot be produced. Buying from the Black Cloud Group, premise is that the price must be the market price, absolutely can't premium. "

The three generations of technology is full of streets, but this is only one of the flying disks; Baozi Xuan can agree to exchange, people are not stupid.

Feeling the idea of ​​grandson, Lao Daoso continued: "If Bun Zi Xuan is intelligent, it will definitely agree."

"The three generations of technology may be more mature in the United States and the Soviet Union, but they will never exchange technology with the Black Cloud Group. The United States and the Soviet Union have a large number of national procurement, once the Black Cloud Group has mastered the related technologies of the existed models; Say, it is a huge threat. "

Dassain does not have these problems, France and Black Cloud Group have almost no intersection. Even if the export model will be lost, the impact is not big. "

"Some customers must purchase fighters from France because we don't have any political attachment; it is not necessarily. That is to say, the Black Cloud Group wants to master the core technology of the three generations and can only be obtained from Dasso."

The father is really like a person in a 90, and it is very clear. At this time, Domini Dasper is to wear our grandfather. It seems that it is not only to learn the aircraft design, but also learn the skills and analytical capabilities.

After the grandchildren, the grandchildren communicated some details, and they were a full completion of this matter. The rest is that the grandson's Tongbao Xuan negotiations, Lao Daoso believes that things will be able to talk. At least this face bunxuan will give it to the back of the family.

Lao Da Soxe understands that in exchange for gust in the wind, the Black Cloud Group may have to eat a loss. But Bao Zi Xuan proposed to do this, indicating that the other party urgently wanted to get three generations. And I know that this kid is the least amount is money, as long as it is sufficient sincerity, and respect. Money is more money to accept, eat some loss, accounting for it. In order to say, the impact is not big.

At the Paris Air Show in France, Laido is a station to the Black Cloud Group. Although the strength of the Black Cloud Group is not weak, it is a later person in the aviation industry. France is the home of Dasso, plus your own identity, this person is absolutely not small. Now, when I want this kid, I just want to have no problem with the investigation.

Baozi Xuan never allows partners to suffer, it is public secret. Commercial reputation is very good, and don't like owre. Everything all, indicating that the other party will agree to this program.

It is not much to do for grandson, and it can only be here.

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