Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1122 seeks a diversified development of thirteen

Today, Guo Da Shao has dinner with the Yuandong Securities Exchange, but he helped his family. Let Guo family have the opportunity to enter the development of the Middle East oil field, saying that it is nothing to get a ticket. Moreover, Guo Jia is not thinking about transporting the Middle East oil to Xiangjiang, but the Southeast Asian market they are familiar with. Although Malaysia's own oil reserves are also rich, it is not their own speech.

Oil this kind of resources, where it is used, no one will be too much.

Then the two fathers and sons communicated some details, as well as precautions, Guo Chief satisfied back to the room to sleep. Because of the second day, he will also meet with Xiangjiang's richest bunxuan. It is exactly that it is a character of Saudi 3rd, and the Prince Surdan will be more appropriate. At this point, everyone is also a heart, and it is too savvy.

I heard Bunzixuan personally gave Malaysia's Guo family to call, and the other side was also very face, and met tomorrow morning. Prince Surdan is still very happy, not because they see a businessman; because of the attitude of Bao Zixuan, and influence.

Guo Jia is in the Southeast Asian region, as well as the celebrities of the whole world. When I came over, when I came to the Xiangjiang market, Saudi has also been investigated. If the Guo Group can build a food processing plant in Saudi; then, for the entire Saudi food added value, and future development, there is no harm.

Since the cooperation with the Black Cloud Group, the Saudi royal family also realized that they could not be in the past; alone developed the economy alone, it was a serious waste of national resources. Before Saudi export oil is getting used to, it is relatively simple to consider problems. But I saw the Black Cloud Group, the steel processing plant, and the root aircraft factory in Saudi. When you buy metal ore, you can produce parts of the role of the role aircraft.

This is almost impossible in the heart of the Saudi royal family. But now everything is in front of you, they can't help but believe it. So the problem is, how to develop a set of roads suitable for the development of the country. Finally, I wanted to go, starting from the existing raw materials deep processing field, this is their most advantageous industry.

The Saudi royal family took the initiative to find the other party's negotiations, and it will definitely be slaughtered and slaughtered a knife. Relying on good cooperation with the Black Cloud Group, as well as Bao Zi Xuan's personal business reputation; Saudi royal family hopes to help coordinate by the head of the head, absolutely a good choice.

Any business and individual may, maybe a pit Saudi, after all, what they originally impressed is that people are quilly. But I will never deceive the black cloud group and Bunzi Xuan. It is very savvy, but more importantly, most companies don't dare. Baozi Xuan has a very influential world; and cooperates with the Black Cloud Group; it belongs to normal business cooperation.

If you are exploding a pit and a partner, then your company is absolutely don't think about it. Cooperating with the Black Cloud Group can pit people, and if anyone dares to cooperate with you. An enterprise that no one is willing to cooperate with its; do not say it hard to survive in the mall, but it is absolutely difficult.

Therefore, there is the prince of Surdan hopes that it is recommended by Bao Zixuan; not because the other person can't find people.

Instead, we want the Black Cloud Group to participate. At this time, the first rich has become a world commercial reputation, strength, and savvy synonym. Therefore, the Saudi royal family does not oppose it to make it divided into a cup; compared to the actual profits, it is not worth nothing.

Early the next morning, the head of the headband with the Prince Surdan came to Xiangjiang Royal Golf Club. Bao Zi Xuan is also a member of the hotel, but personal doesn't like it. Although there is no need to pass the ball to make a person, most people may want to make him; but some things must be involved, otherwise they will not go.

For the founding of this 1889, it is definitely one of the most important gathering places in Xiangjiang Rich. In the previous year in Xiangjiang, that is, in 1996, the ball decided to go to the word "Royal" and became a Xiangjiang Golf Club.

There are currently two golf courses, 2,500 members; enjoy approximately 180 hectares of land.

This time, Joint Guo General negotiating, in the past, Shangri-La is not suitable, but it is directly that people come to the black cloud group. So select a place that everyone has passed, absolutely very suitable.

Prince Surdan in Europe and America for many years, golf can be much stronger than the bag. After all, although he is a member, it seems that he has never been playing a ball. I feel a little waste when I have a card, but some waste is still worth it. In case, the Xiangjiang Tycoon is here, and it is quite embarrassing.

I learned that the bag is rich, the general manager of the ball is incredible. I have to know that Bun Zixuan is usually, please, please, please, today, the sun is coming out of the west.

But I didn't dare to neglect, and I immediately greeted the door. For the head of the bag, I believe that anyone is impossible. When I saw Bunzu Xuan and a Middle East wearing a robe, I suddenly understood what it meant.

The head is a piece of cloth, the world's richest. Absolutely belong to the noun of the Middle East, with the identity and status of Bao Zixuan, if the other party is an ordinary person; it is impossible to take a car together.

The general manager of the golf club immediately said: "Birth, hello! I am Lu Youxin, general manager of Xiangjiang Golf Club, I am very happy that you can come to the ball. This is the honor of our staff, and there is no so Great burden. "

"To know that you haven't spent once since after handling membership card."

The most come up before, it's just that it is only once. Talking about the hard work, there is really much more interest to golf.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Hello, I am very polite, I am not very polite. I didn't have time to work too much."

Lu Youxin came to say: "Banheng should don't say this, I still feel that there are any local services in our ball. I am thinking that when I ask for you, then improve."

Baozi Xuan said: "If you ask my aircraft manufacturing problem, maybe I can also answer one or two. But say the golf related topic, or not to be blind."

"Guo He has not yet, I will meet with him today."

Although it is Malaysia's richest, there is no too low in the quench and face; you don't have to go early as the vast majority of people. But for the prince of Bunzi Xuan and Saudi; no one dares to look at it, or let two people wait for him.

Therefore, Guo's father and son will come over the golf club in the morning, but also a few poles.

There will be no observations for this bunxuan and Saudi prince. I am more early, as for the swing is also waiting for you. In other people's eyes, Guo's father is so early, come over and play; of course, for waiting for such a king, others will not talk, at least face.

Lu Youxin said with a smile: "Guo Gongzi is in the first venue, I will take you with you."

"I don't know how this gentleman is called, please introduce it to the birth, so as not to lake."

Thinking of the general manager of Lu Youxin is also a personal fine, and in recent days, the meeting may be placed here. Of course, the Jockey Club is also a choice, and it is really not so suitable elsewhere.

In the past, the company did not match the identity of the prince Siertan. But if people come over the Black Cloud Group, people will not be comfortable. It is better to be in the golf club, or a Jockey Club; this Xiangjiang Rich is familiar, and both parties can accept.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "This is the prince from Saudi, my good friend."

The bag's good friend itself is not simple, but the other person is more careful about the Prince of Saudi. There are about 30 countries around the world to keep the royal family. Saudi is different from Japan, the United Kingdom, and some Nordic countries. The Saudi royal family has a real power, and its own wealth does not know so much; in all, the rich, effort, is them.

It is possible to let the bag must be accompanied by, indicating that the other party is definitely a respective party.

Lu Youshi said in English: "I am very sorry, in Lower Lu, the general manager of this ball; I don't know the prince's temple, there is a loss, please forgive me."

Surtan is not a person who is confident. It is said that Mr. Lu is not polite, and you will add a lot of trouble to you. "

This is said to say that open the door to do business; if you are trouble, you don't want to do anything.

Lu Youxin: "Don't say this, your arrival is our honor."

Baozi Xuan said: "In recent days, I have some people to find a few people to discuss, '' I don't know if there is any place here."

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