No one thought that things would be so smooth, especially the Prince Surdan. It seems that there is a bag of this living signboard, I want to let Xiangjiang business people invested, quite simple. However, there is no limit to consumer impact. If Saudi is not good; finally will absolutely before.

Businessmen have invested in investment, trust is on the one hand; the most core is to make people make money, and it feels favorable. Otherwise, it is useless, you must take the data to talk. It seems that returns to China, to explain the situation. At least to bind a good royal family, there is absolutely can't let them pull their hands too long. Saudi wants to achieve diversified development, there must be an amount of tolerance.

Light of royal family and funds, there is no core technology and formula, what is not made. Xiangjiang businessman is doing this piece of business, absolutely can be ranked in the forefront of the world.

At this time, the staff came to the headed box. Laughing and said: "Banheng, just this lady pressed 3 Ma Win, the 3rd horse actually burst into cold. The odds are 1 lost 9, this is a check."

Bao Zixuan did not expect to surprise, although he didn't care about the 90 million Hong Kong coins, after all, he earned a billion Hong Kong coin, and didn't take more time. But this is a bonus of Aisa, it seems that this girl is really lucky.

Baozi Xuan said with arabic smiles: "Aisha, just won the bet, the odds are 1 to accompany 9, this is 90 million Hong Kong coins. You are holding, this is what you deserved."

I heard a number of words, I can win the victory, and the Prince Surdan is very curious. So I asked and asked: "Aisha, why did you just write 3."

Unexpectedly, Aisha's answered was incredible: "There are 3 people in the private room, do you write 3?"

In fact, someone just betting 10 million Hong Kong coins immediately, indeed causing the attention of the Jockey Club. After all, a single bet is so big, but it is not very common. But knowing that Bao Zi Xuan is betting, suddenly dares to be suspected. For this money, you may have a bag that has never been placed in your heart, and it will not play a conspiracy.

Finally, I was 3 Ma Sheng, I can only say that the luck of the richest is too good. However, for the cool, the horse will not lose money, but it is only a problem that earns more.

Bao Zi Xuan came over the Jockey Club, and the old acquaintance still wants to see it. Although there have been contradictions, it does not affect the exchange and meet.

Because of the last time the big son-in-law relationship, the boat king has resigned from the President of the Jockey Club. But it will still come often, after all, this is a great hobby. I learned that Bunzi Xuan people came over the Jockey Club, and the boat king was unyielding. He is the frequent visitor here, except for two gatherings, it seems that he has never heard of Bunxuan.

Is there any special case today?

Otherwise explains unless. Bunxuan is different, it is a man who can create value at any time. For example, the first time I passed China Kyoto, when I was chatting; this kid actually wrote code on the plane. Although it doesn't understand, it is also reflected from the side to reflect the time without waste.

For this kind of recreation of horse racing, you can't participate. Who is so big today, can actually come over this kid. The boat king took the curiosity to come to Bunzi Xuan's room, although he was young than the buns, but in front of others, there was no great sense.

At this time, how much wealth is Bao Zixuan, I am afraid that he will say bad himself. Although the ship king will not deliberately pay attention, it will not be reported to the media. And some wealth can see, some intangible wealth is more terrible. A 10,000 ton of tanker has his fixed value, and a building is even more expensive. Most of Bao Zi Xuan is patented, as well as various copyrights.

These are intangible assets, which will produce a lot of benefits each year. To exact, even now nothing. Directly turned off the Black Cloud Group, then single-year-earned patent and copyright usage fee, enough for their families in a hundred years.

Previously, Xiangjiang mentioned the rich of surname bags, the instinct will think of him. It may now be saved by the surname; directly called the boat family. This makes the rivers that have been in the river, how is it.

I learned that the boat king came over, Bun Zixuan did not think. But people are passenger and always can't get people.

The other people in Xiangjiang may not know the Prince Surdan, but as the world boat king. Baoyang, of course, this Saudi royal family three people, and two people have seen one side; but at the time of the UK, they did not talk about and chat.

At this time, Wujia brothers are also blind, what is the identity of the boat king, and no one is more clear than they. When Wu Jia has just started, people are already super rich. In the name of the Xiangjiang, it is called more than the Governor. Even if such people, I have to move to Bunxuan Box, not send people to the bag of the first rich; they didn't think of it.

After you know that you have children, Baojia also deliberately sent a pair of valuables. Although I don't want to be owed, I have given the child a gift, I can only accept it first.

In fact, after knowing that Bunxuan has a child, friends from the world, and partners have sent a lot of gifts worthy of the city. It is not good to refuse to this bunxuan. But every person is sent, you must remember. When you have something to wait, you must still have a gift back; but you can't owe this.

The boat king said: "I heard people say that the birth of the gathering, I still feel that it is wrong. But think about the name of the birth, Xiangjiang people are not wrong. We haven't seen it for a long time. Today, I have been very hard to see, I am doing east at noon; this face is still giving! "

Previously, the other tycoon of Xiangjiang called Bunxuan as a small boy, which was used to distinguish his and boat king jade. But now no one dares to call this, after all, the strength of people is not allowed to be called.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Thank you for the boat king and think about old friends, but today isn't me alone. And just say good, Wu Sheng guest; plus friends from Saudi."

Wujia is engaged in the catering industry, and the food in the past, the restaurant is in place. For this point, Wujia brothers will not care at all. They must not have anyone who has the opportunity to share lunch together with the bag richest and Saudi.

See Wujia Brothers and Prince Surdan. Bao Yugang: "If you want a few business, you have already talked, and it is an old friend, plus a package."

I didn't expect the boat king, Jade, who didn't take the initiative, what is going on today. There is still a story in the inside, but at this time, Wujia brothers did not dare to refuse, but they did not dare to agree directly. After all, the head of the bag and the princes of Surdan are still next to it.

Fortunately, the princes of Surdan have been talking together, or else, even if Wu Zhande, who is often dealing with people, I don't know what to say at this time.

Prince Surdan said with a smile: "Mr. Yulang, I didn't expect us to meet again. I haven't forgotten in the last time, it is also from that time, I started to pay attention to Xiangjiang businessman."

"Direct until later, I have encountered Mr. Bunxuan. I thought you were from the same family; this can think that Xiangjiang's richest family is a package. Today, it is really fate here. Since you want to work, we are of course welcomed."

During the UK inspection, Bao Yuli did not order 4 10,000 tons of toner, and the head can be described as two times. It is also admiring this. It turns out that the Xiangjiang has such a big super rich, it seems that it is really lonely. Until later, I met Bao Zixuan; the strength of Xiangjiang businessman has been recognized inner heart.

When I was talking about the same person in Bao Yugang, I have been translated into Sulan. He is to get this wage, this Saudi Golden Lord gives money, but it is quite luxury; it is absolutely not to make people feel unsatisfactory.

Since Surdan's prince has agreed, then Bun Zixuan has no entanglement. I feel that the bag is in the door, it is definitely not that simple. But at this time, the initiative is in him, the other party does not say; it is not known, maybe it is best to choose.

Although this is the Xiangjiang, there is no Saudi to so many rules; but Aisha will definitely be a lot of lunch with them. The security personnel took Aisa to visit the street. After all, it is now a man.

The boat king is also coming over, this Saudi girl in front of him; reading Baozi Xuan's eyes, suddenly understand what it means. I didn't expect this kid, but I thought it was normal. Just, I didn't expect to bring back to Xiangjiang. He is not afraid of being discovered by Zhang family; looking for him. But this is a personal affairs, the two are not so deep; then, even if they are deep, there is no relationship with him.

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