Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1232, the sensation of the video

The head of the bag is not known that he and the chance of the boat king are recorded. And this time is not a reporter to shoot, but the boat king is deliberate. It is mainly what the old master wants to see how Bao Zi Xuan said, and strongly asked to watch all the processes, absolutely unable to miss any details. The boat king of the old man can only be done, so when a few people have dinner, the command will begin to prepare.

After reading a video, I didn't have any problems. It took back to the home directly, although I did something despicable, but in order to meet the wish of my father, there is no other good way to the boat king.

Although the old man is not very good, but when you see the recording, it is still very excited. In particular, Baozi Xuan told his son to recruit professional testing teams, and it feels high.

The father of the bag smiled and said: "The operation is specially attacked, this time I know where the gap is! Xiangjiang is not a industrial gene, but everyone does not understand. We have this generation, including you, there is no good Education. Therefore, I don't know what technology, especially the frontier technology of the world. "

"Bunzi Xuan is an excellent graduate of Oxford University and the US MIT. It is very solid. He can choose the best customer according to the situation, even if there is no customer, it is not worried. Black Cloud has a steel plant in Huaxia, can consume A large part of the rare earth minerals, the interests are more rich. "

"Why didn't you advise you with shark? This is the truth. This person this person is sometimes very overbearing, but doing business never pit people; preferred to suffer, but also to satisfy partners. This That is why he calls, everyone will give the face. "

"Yesterday is the Malaysian Guojia, today is a beautiful group of Wu's brothers. Why do people who are unfamiliar before, can give such a face. And promised to invest in Saudi Investment, perhaps considering Saudi-Saudi sincerity and petroleum factors. But This is definitely there is a face of Bao Zixuan. Now let you help the country's investment promotion, can you achieve this effect! "

"Don't be unachable, Bao Zi Xuan's influence is better than our home. And this gap is constantly pulling, at least in various countries, the people are like this."

"The sharrket is the same as jewelery and real estate permit, but I don't understand how rare earth and minerals run. You don't understand it. I can't imagine. "

In fact, the boat king has just reflect on the car. I really shouldn't cooperate with the sharks. I shouldn't find British and the Americans enter the rare earth industry; but now it is late, I can only find ways to remedy.

Seeing his son in Pens: "Tomorrow is holding this video tomorrow. As long as he is rationally, it is a successful businessman, know what to do."

Such a big person,

It is also the richest river. How to always guide him for a long time, what is the old man to guide him, so that the boat king is very depressed.

The father is already in a few decades, how have you been in recent years. Chinese medicine said that it is back to light, try to meet his desire. Knowing this situation, the boat king can only do it.

Early the next morning, Bao Yugang came to the shark with the office. Although rare earth minerals also have office in Xiangjiang, but the two people work, still at their own company. Rare earth minerals are in the mainland of China, so in Xiangjiang, more is more external contact departments.

I learned that the boat king came over, the sharks were busy with the other party, and they were sitting down.

Zheng Yu said with a smile: "Banheng, what the wind blows you, how different I said in advance."

The relationship between the two, although not as intimate as before, but after all, it is a partner. And the shark is with this person, but it is also an eight-sided and exquisite master. At least on the surface, I can't see him hate; of course, it is not absolutely, and it may be excluded.

The boat king did not have nonsense, and said directly: "Yesterday in the Jockey Club, I saw Bao Zi Xuan. At that time, he was talking to the beautiful people, and the Prince of Saudus. And several people have reached, then we have reached I ate a lunch together. "

For the princes of Bunzi Xuan, the sharks are of course clear, he also saw it in the golf club before yesterday. But I didn't expect Bao Yugang to eat with them. The other party can say that it seems to be avoided. At least a partner, it is still more honest.

Zheng Yusong: "In fact, I also saw Babi Xuan in the Jockey Club, Surdan Prince, and of course, there is also the Malaysian Guo's father and son. Just feel that we have no relationship with us, and I and Bao Zi Xuan's things, the boat king is also clear "

"So I didn't put it in my heart, but the prince of Saudus is inviting us to invest in Saudi, I have no comments on this. I just wanted to meet, I didn't expect you to see it yesterday. See it. Baozi Xuan This kid is a big action, otherwise it is impossible to sell this pull-up. "

I really don't know what to say. After all, the sharks have no problems, I don't have a problem, Bao Zixuan is doing now, isn't it to give Saudi Leather strips!

Bao Ship King: "I recorded all the contents of the negotiations and Bao Zi Xuan, and the purpose is to be separated. We are partners, to trust each other. If the two people have contradictory, then the business development prospect is not there. "

I heard the boat king actually gave him the Tongbao Zixuan negotiating video, it seems that the package family is still sturdy.

It is no wonder that the boat king is in the Shangjiang business reputation, much better than him. Things are all reasons, it seems that many problems should reflect. Why do you think that the foundation, strength, and the ability is not a bad passage, but in the wealth, it is always a big cut. Why Baozi Xuan can be so recognized in just a few years, it is not because of a businessman who works with others; all makes big money, including himself.

Business can make a certain size, not playing little smart, you can make money. Commercial reputation, family inheritance is something that needs to be considered; if you want to let Zheng Jia more placed on a floor, you must fundamentally change.

At this point, both people didn't speak, but pay attention to the contents of the projection. Because Bao Zi Xuan's relationship, the Xiangjiang this tycoon office has projection equipment; and the computer, and other playback equipment should be obtained.

Although Zheng Yurong does not like Bao Zixuan, it is still the equipment used by the black cloud. After all, in terms of projection office equipment, the Black Cloud Group is indeed in the forefront of the world; there are many mature than other manufacturers.

I saw that the boat king actually only opened 10% of HK $ 100%, the shark is unbelievable. In order to let Bunxuan entered, it is really a blood book. Although the rare earth price is not as high as before, the company still makes a lot. After all, there is only a large number of Chinese mainland, and there is no such resource in other places.

The mining company of Baozi Xuan, except for Japan and Germany fixed customers, is basically self-produced. Never sold on the market, the other two are acquaintances, and they also have shares; they can discuss each other.

100 million Hong Kong coins 10% company shares, the cost is too big!

However, it is incredible to make the sharriaries that Bun Zixuan refused without hesitation, and there is no hesitation at all. Try to change is him, absolutely can't do it. It may be in this point, Bun Zixuan is more gas than him.

It is more incredible that Bunzu Xuan actually starts to help analyze the dilemma of rare earth minerals; it is not the result of technical and sample analysis before.

There are many kinds of rare earth minerals. Only by finding the products most needed; in order to look professional, it is more able to sell prices. Although the truth is simple, it is very difficult to do it.

In particular, the wages of the disperse technicians are too high, and the sharks have really said this. In this point, it is certain that someone has said to Bao Zi Xuan, otherwise the other person knows.

It is currently excluded that it is a boat king, if it is him; people can't take a video to see you. But even if you know who said, how can you?

The urgent urgency is to solve the rare earth price problem, Baozi Xuan will undoubtedly give them a wake up.

Since you don't understand, then recruiting professional technicians is the most suitable choice. Now I found that the salary rare earth price; and people can give you a profit you create, it is nothing.

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