Company bonds refer to borrowing vouchers issued to additional capital in a certain period of time. For the holder, it just provides a certificate of loans to the company, which is only a common creditor's debt relationship. Although the holder has no right to participate in the management activities of the share company, the holder can charge the company to the company to the company in accordance with the regulations of the ticket, and the message order should be divided into shareholders, and the stock company can also take the principal when it is bankrupt. The company's bonds are longer, once bonds expire, the share company must repay the principal and redemption bonds.

General Company bonds take ten years to be redeemed, but the sharks have just acquired the Far East Bank after all, worried that Qiu family or other knowors will make it bad. Therefore, the bonds are shortened, and only 45 days in the first phase. It is to let everyone taste the sweet, and 3 years of bond is his ultimate goal.

Three years later, corporate bonds can be replaced by rare earth mineral companies, which is very attractive. Although it has been so long, the people of the rivers are very keen on rare earth minerals. Huojia, Baojia, Dong Jiazhi, because it is a rare earth company's founding shareholder, it realizes the family assets.

Many Xiangjiang people also believe that rare earths are more precious than gold. Now there is a shark to issue a rare earth company bond, plus the future can also give priority to the stock. This is definitely a plan that allows the whole Xiangjiang Citizen Crazy, if it is easy to do, the bond sale will not have the upper limit.

But at this time, Shen Yu is not happy, and it is very boring when I agree. In front of Bao Yu, I didn't dare to have any hesitation at all. It's just that he took the initiative to find someone, now the other party puts forward the requirements; directly disagree, afraid to take risks. So what happens when Bao Yu just thinks, it will be considered to be deliberately pit, he will not say that in the future, it may meet all.

Pao Yushang asked very simple, want him to agree to issue the company's bonds; the premise must be HSBC to carry out the bonds for this issue.

That is to say, regardless of the last rare earth mineral company, even if there is no capital redemption; there is no relationship, because HSBC will carry out. Although the high issuance of HSBC is given; but it is not exempt from the risks.

What is the state of the Far East Bank, he is very clear. In case of problems in that link, HSBC will follow bad luck. But now it is absolutely can't let Bao Yu have any doubts, although I am reluctant, but Shen Yu, I decide.

Since the ship of the boat king, Bao Zixuan has always thought about returning. Therefore, it has always been monitored for the king of the boat for recent time. Today, I finally got the desired results.

Prior to Xiao is a staff member of the Black Cloud Security Department, because the scouts are dried; and there is no feature of the long phase, it is difficult to find that. Plus itself has a strong anti-reconnaissance ability, so after excellent task is completed; by the Peng Yifei committee to pay attention to the title of the black cloud intelligence department.

Peng Yifei has always been in Europe in Europe, making the headquarters have an emergency, all of which are in hand. At this time, Xiaoji did not only know that Zheng Yumi and Shen Yu passed the shipping king office, but also recording the contents of the conversation.

I learned that several people wanted to issue a company bond, and he will returned to Baozi Xuan.

Xiao Shi came to Baozi Xuan office, so there had been an explanation; as long as it is the boss office, no one, will arrange him in the first time.

Seeing Xiao, Bao Zi Xuan said: "Is it a breakthrough in Bao Yugang?"

The investigation package jade is a task he personally arranged, and Xiao is reported to report, and there is absolutely related to this matter.

After all, Xiao is a scout, some habits may not be changed in this life. Simple and straightforward: "The boss, just, Shen Yizhen and Zheng Yu come to Bao Yugang office. They have to engage in things together, and this time is the three-party joint.

"Zheng Yong is in the name of the rare earth mineral company. Bonds are divided into two types; one is a short-term bond, one and a half months can be exchanged, the benefits are 3%; the other is the long-term bond, yield of 3 years It can reach 72%, and you can choose to purchase the company's stock; if you have any conspiracy, no one will make such a high income. "

If it is said that 3% of the benefits is also explained. After all, it is almost the same as the folk lending interest, and it is not so horrible. But the three-year income is 72%, it is indeed a bit horrible.

This high interest borrowing is short-term in the short term. No one dares to guarantee that there is so high income for a long time. Therefore, more scams, but the world's boat king bag jade, Jewelry King Zheng Yu with joint issued bonds; there is a HSBC Bank's back book, the people will inevitably fall into crazy.

The success of bond issuance is very large, and at least the public will buy. Combined with Zheng Yu with many problems in the far East bank, at least the branch of Southeast Asia has been sold by Qiujia. There is also a non-performing loan of more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the shark is very clear. At this time, Zheng's family is very obvious, and it must be a fund.

As for the sink, why agrees to agree, it will be better explained. Not only can I earn a considerable issue fees, but also take the opportunity to get on the small and medium bank in Xiangjiang.

The fund will not change it out, go to the bond issued by the rare earth mineral company; then the funds of other banks are deposited, and naturally reduce the Xiangjiang small and medium banks fall into the crowd.

Once this situation is formed, it is the opportunity of HSBC, you can take the opportunity to merge with other banks. With the strong rise of the Black Cloud Bank, the day of the Xiangjiang small and medium bank is very uncomfortable. If there is now a squeezing wind wave, then you can't help; bankrupt, it is very likely that it is the best result of being acquired.

Bao Zi Xuan one phone, Yuan Tianfan came to the office. The company's bonds, the bag is rich, although I know some. But there is definitely no Yuan Tianfan professional, or listen to the opinions of the professionals.

Yuan Tianfan is also coming back from Southeast Asia, so it is very smooth. It is learned that the Black Cloud Group acquired Nanyang Far East Bank, whether it is a local government, or bank employees very well. It can be said that all the green lights are very rare in the acquisition and mergers of the world.

This is the benefits of being played out. Xiangjiang bag is rich to drive the local economy, increase employment; Black Cloud Group staff is very high, which is recognized in the world, and therefore, there will be no contradiction.

Xiao Di played the recording of three people talking, Yuan Tianfan and Bunxuan were listening carefully.

After the recording is played, Bao Zi Xuan said: "These people have to engage in things, how do we respond."

Why do you have this recording for the boss, Yuan Zhu is not asking. As long as it is done a good job, it can not manage too much. And the boss let him listen to the recording, it is enough to explain the problem. At least trust, has risen a step. If there are other minds, it shouldn't.

Yuan Tianfan: "Zheng Yurong issued the company's bonds very obvious, it is to have more absorption funds. Why do you help him? In addition to the partner, you can make huge profits; you can also hit the other small and medium-sized banks of Xiangjiang. At that time, HSBC can become a savior, take the opportunity to acquire other small and medium-sized banks. "

"As for the bag jade, I don't know if the boss has noticed that there is no; Shen Wei says that you can help the package to get the most wanted. Combined with the sharks have been acquired by the Far East Bank, Bao Yushan will have ideas. Shen Yizhen Converalation is very secret, HSBC staff basically knows the relationship between the two. "

"Bao Yu just wanted to hold a bank's idea, Shen Yu is clear. Just before the HSBC directors, banking regulations he cannot acquire other banks."

"But now the package is now non-comparative, at least fund size, and influence, no one can ignore. All of them have a power to hold a bank and develop it."

"Bank bond issuance means that small and medium bank will explode. Some banks can't hold it, Baoyang can take the opportunity to take the opportunity; it is estimated that this is the reason for him to agree. After all, the boat king is not like sharks. Lack. "

Professional things, but also to give professionals.

Baozi Xuan is also emotional, much more than him analyzed. At least three people are very clear, and there is no reasons for any rebuttle.

Since finding the problem, then the medicine is good. But the small and medium-sized banks have undergone, for the Black Cloud Bank, isn't it a chance!

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