Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1267 Xiangjiang UnionPay 4

Received Dong Duangzi's phone, Bao Zi Xuan made what the other party mean. At this point, it seems that the negotiations enter the crucial moment, it is obviously Feng Wei, I want to sell a high price; I revealed that the sharks have all income in the pouch. They are all smart people, no one wants to suffer.

Yongheng Bank was acquired by Hohu's three acquisitions, and the Black Cloud Group can add an order. Although the amount will not be too big, the eternal bank is limited; even if all replacement equipment, there is not much. But it is definitely an important step from the Black Cloud Bank system. It is very important to make a standard for the future. It is very important!

At this time, in Huojia, I learned that Qiu Deguan didn't dig the big pit to Zheng Yu; three people did not think. According to the experience in the past, Zheng Yu is directly digging for others, and Qiu Degen will definitely create history. There is no ancient people before, it is difficult to come. Of course, their ideas have changed thoroughly after one and a half months.

Hu Yingxiang: "After the acquisition of Yongheng Bank, we will inevitably develop a competition with the sharks. Is it using the other party to absorb so many bad loans, do an article."

At present, Black Cloud, HSBC is highly inseparable, and the two roots will not treat them as opponents. If you want to reach the height of the two banks, there is no ten years of development.

The bag is rich in so many local construction branches around the world, and it is also possible to support local government; that is because people have high-end manufacturing industries that can drive local economy. Compared with it, there are no advantages. HSBC can do it in Europe and America with Xiangjiang Trade, others really don't have to worry.

Xiangjiang small and medium banks want to develop, competition is still very fierce. The major banks did not pay attention to ordinary citizen business, or there were not so many branches, which would have increased in invisible. However, the Black Cloud Bank ATM is full of streets, this advantage has won no surge. Then, their internal competition is larger, and must find a response strategy.

Huo Yingdong said: "It's still not the time, Bao Zi Xuan knows this thing, but what is not there. It is definitely not his character. We will take advantage of it in the back.

"The urgent task is to successfully accept Yongheng Bank, you can not be branched in the country. And you must first stabilize the customer. If the depositor will take all the money, then the households, then what is the meaning of our acquisition?"

At this time, Huo Yingdong means that there is a deep contradiction between Baozi Xuan and Zheng Yu; each other must wait for a time. The head is rich, it will never be so simple.

On the next morning, Hu Yingxiang, Dong Jiazhi, and Huojia Duozi came to Yongheng Bank General Office. At this time, Feng Yu went to the morning, and I agremarized this last night, he didn't dare to joke with the three super tyrants. In the way, Feng Jia didn't say banks, it is estimated that it is hard to say that in Xiangjiang can't stay.

I returned home last night.

Feng Yuxi called the family everyone and opened the last family meeting. Because the bank is sold, Feng Jia will share a family directly. Last night, I have distributed shares in accordance with the ratio, and Feng Yujing did not want. This is so big old, before the accumulation is enough for him to spend the rest.

It is nothing to do, plus the average of each room allocation; it has no opinion of family members.

Feng Yujing said very formally: "Hu Sheng, Dong Life, Huo Sheng; all accounts I have made people, the Golden Bank has also been sealed. In the future, this bank will give it to the position, the employee will work together. As for Feng Jia, Leave, please rest assured. "

Since it is sold, it is absolutely unable to drag the water; it is a super rich family. The more you have a good time, and you will be refreshing when people pay. If you want to move anything, so embarrassed, three will never let you live.

This time is three joint acquisitions. If Feng family still stays in bank; then it is too unhappy, and finally will be very unpleasant. It is better to leave directly, and this time each room head can be divided into billion Hong Kong coins, plus the previous savings; if you want to do anything, you can don't go on the bank.

In order not to be shark with the same way, three have brought a lot of accounting, lawyers, and financial auditors. If it is said in accordance with Feng Wei, of course, it will be sold according to HK $ 3 billion.

For the situation of the bank, it has been a detailed investigation. After all accounts, all accounts were clear, Hu Yingxiang said to the money deputy to take the households: "All Yongheng Banks have been acquired by our three joint acquisitions; if you believe Hu, you can wait until the account is clear, and it is clear whether it is decided to pay money. In short, the deposits will not be less. "

Although Huo and Dong two sons did not speak, at this time, it was enough to explain the problem. In addition, Hu Yingxiang said it is three unions, obviously Huo family and Dong Jia must also participate. The households come over, and the income is on the one hand. Many regular deposits are faster than the date, even if the benefits given by other banks are high; they can't be one or two months, and they can be grateful to the bank's one and two years.

More is worried that banks are closed and their assets are lost. The shark is the same person to stabilize the customer, of course, there is a big relationship with the miles. But it is also enough to explain a little problem, that is, the depositor is still recognized by the financial strength of Zheng's family. It is considered that they have just acquired banks, hard strength, will never worry.

It's three joints now. If the fund is not guaranteed; then I really don't know who it is.

After a while, all departments left. At this time, Feng family can only feel emotion, this is the influence of super tycoon. Work handover is still very smooth. Feng Jia people also wanted to get money early, so there is no need to waste time on this matter.

Two days, after the verification of all accounts; Hu Yingxiang handed over the check of the Black Cloud Bank 3 billion Hong Kong dollars. As for how they allocate, it is not a matter of Hu Yingxiang.

It took only three days, and the four small and medium-sized banks only in Xiangjiang, the largest Yongheng was not concerted; people were incredible. Huojia, Hu Jia, Dong Jia, the best, the other party is impossible to refuse, otherwise it will not be so smooth.

For the people, there is no much impact. After all, Yongheng Bank was acquired, and they were too far away from them. But for the boat king, Li Zhaki, Li Chao, is a tricky thing.

I want to enter the banking area to plan it has been set, and it is impossible to change. There are only three options that can be selected, but it is still relatively small; if you don't hurry, you may not get anything.

Wu Guangzheng immediately reported to the Bao Yuefang, preparing for so long, did not expect the speed or slow.

At this time, the boat king is somewhat angry, it may be dissatisfied with yourself, or may be dissatisfied with the work of the son-in-law. Seriously said: "Huojia, Dong Jia, Hu Jia jointly acquired Yongheng Bank's things, I want you to know. No matter what method, even if you spend more money, it doesn't matter. In the three days, I want to let the whole river Know that Baojia has a bank. "

No need to hurry, so many tycons next to Xiangjiang are staring next to; no longer shot, what is the package!

Wu Guangzheng has been with the king of the boat for many years, and the father-in-law can be a good temper. So serious, talking with yourself, but it is not much. It is definite to pay attention to it, he can't slack off.

Immediately, there is no problem, and I have already appointed Liao Lie Wen.

At the same time, Li Chao and Li Zhai also emerged. Huojia, Dong Jia, Hu Jia's three joint strength is not small, and the small and medium banks are so much. Big banks don't care about you, the most important thing is not the financial strength.

Li Chao: "I have already had a good job with Wu Yi, it is estimated that there will be results tonight. How do you say that if Black Cloud is inserting a foot, we will be more passive."

Li Zhai did not expect that the speed of action of Huo Yingdong is so fast. They are do not hurry, and when there is such a chance next time, it may be said. But what is it is a super tycheon, and it will be reacted quickly. So directly said: "I have already blessed the Xuan Xuan. I met at noon today. I think about the evening, but who I want to pack the first rich. It is estimated that there are many people in recent days. It seems that we really have to hurry."

I heard it today at noon, Li Chao people have a lot of rest assured. As long as it is black and clouds, others are really unrestrained. HSBC will still buy him a face. After all, I want to develop in Xiangjiang in the future, Shen Dayan also needs Chinese tycoon to help.

After the two negotiated, it began to move.

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