Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1277 Acquisition Frenzy

Just in the head of the head of the Head, Anjira-Roose, you didn't waste time when you were out of you. And whether it is the boat king bag jade, or Li Chao people have come up with the biggest sincerity. The purpose is obvious, that is, put the bank income in the sac. Time is tight, he is hesitant; what maybe not get.

Especially the boat kings, jade, see Zheng Yu, just acquired the bank; then release so many bonds. If the Bank of Currant is now him, it will inevitably be divided into a piece. Every day, the last day will lose huge profits; at the same time, there will be many customers, and then, they can't let the sharks eat themselves. Therefore, in the son-in-law, I have been in contact with Liao Lie to see there is no practical effect. I decided to go in person, this is a big taboo in negotiations.

But at this time, I wanted to get the bank's boat king, and there were so many, and the speed of the speed was the effect he wanted. As for more money, it doesn't matter. Compared with the investment, it may be acquired one day in advance, you can earn all!

The bond issued by the rare earth mineral company, what is the layered level; it is impossible to imagine. HSBC and Zheng Bank's cash, every day, is growing in the naked eye; trying to be a participant, how can the boat king will not move.

Liao Lie Wen did not expect that the boat king will come up with it. The two are not on a heavyweight, and the two son-in-law Wang Guangzheng is already a face. It seems that the package is willing to have, and the Bank of Currant must not keep it. It is absolutely able to knock on a bamboo bamboo bar, you can think about it, it is not too likely; the most important thing is not too much.

Yongheng first insisted that it directly sold all the shares of the bank. If they are holding a bank, they finally have a bankruptcy. Instead, where to wait for the bank, it is better to sell the boat king. These super tycons, casually introduce points of business, enough to eat for a few years.

Without the bank, he still do other. Feng Wei's own capital is more older than him, but can it be let go? Now people entering the banking industry are super tycons. In other words, in the future, there will be no more than 100 billion yuan in Xiangjiang and family assets. Even millions of scale; if you want to enter the banking industry, you will not trust trust.

Liao family billion asset size, how can it be struggled to live. It is better to give up with it.

Liao Lie said with a smile: "Hello, hello! I didn't expect you to come over, how is it? Wu Sheng has explained the situation, and Liao family wants to continue to operate the bank is not realistic. Plus you come over again How much is the value of Currant, you have no opinions. "

Liao Lie Wen, this trick is refunded to be a pure, and it is estimated that it is also a dish. The boat king jade is very good in the Xiangjiang word of mouth. It is exactly the Shangjiang bag businessman; the credibility and reputation are good, saying that there is no problem in Xiangjiang.

If the other party is the sharpener, it is estimated that it will not say this. This is completely given the pricing power to the other party.

And now I will negotiate both sides, and there is no one next to a witness. If you don't want your face, do you want to follow. I agree with yourself, I don't agree with sinners, but give people a feeling of talking.

Pao said, laughing: "What are you give me a problem, but students say that since the package Liao family will not let you lose, Wing Hang Bank sale price of 3 billion Hong Kong dollars, Chong Hing Bank price of 2.4 billion Hong Kong dollars how. Sample."

It can be said that the price of the boat king is very reasonable, and the business level of the Bank, and the number of branches; that is, the 7th floor of Yongheng Bank. Now, according to the 20% discount in Yongheng's price, it is a point in a certain meaning.

Liao Lie Wen is not a person who is unclear, the boat king has already shown sufficient sincerity. If it is dissatisfied, it is to give face. So directly said: "If you do it according to the package business, you can send someone to receive it tomorrow. I will wait at the head office to come, and it is also an explanation of the depositor."

There are a lot of depositors lost every day, and Liao Lie Wen can't stand it. If you don't take it earlier, it is estimated that there is nothing left.

Bao Yugang said with a smile: "Liao Sheng is really a refreshing person, then follow you mean! I personally come over tomorrow morning, but also comfort the depositor."

Seeing Bao Yushu's words, Liao Lie Wen is so smart; Laughing and said: "It will never let the boat king are difficult, Liao family is completed after completing the handover; will take the initiative, this is a big peace of mind."

It is good to deal with smart people, saving nonsense. Some things can't be said to be too straightforward, so it is not good for everyone!

At the same time, at the General Office of Yonglong Bank, Wu Yizun is carrying over the meeting with Li Chao. This is Li Chao people to take care of the elderly. After all, Wu Yizun has been 80 years old, so that people are tossing to toss.

Li Chao said with a smile: "Wu is old, we have no days. How is the body, see you, you are getting stronger."

Although it is the past to acquire banks, Wujia wealth is far from itself. But when you respect it, you must respect it. Never make people pick up anything on the etiquette; for this point, Li Chao is doing very in place.

Wu Yi and Sun Xiao said: "Li Sheng, Jiangshan has only one, a generation of new people to change the old people. Our era has passed, the future Xiangjiang is your world."

Although Li Chao has also been fifty years old, it is true that in front of a person who is almost the age of his father.

Li Chao said with a smile: "Wu Lao said, you are old and strong. And see your spirit God, there is no problem in work for ten years."

For negotiations, Li Chao is much maturing than Baozi Xuan. The most important thing can get to get rid of sex, even if the other party is too much. If you change to Bunxuan, the guest will be taken behind; will definitely ask directly, and the Yonglong Bank will sell. But Li Chao is absolutely will not be like this, so that the other party takes the initiative to master the initiative.

And with Zheng Yurong, Huo Yingdong, Hu Yingxiang and others entered the banking industry; Xiangjiang Bank's field, small and medium-sized capital has not turned. It is better to sell the set, the family can also do some other business; if staying in the hands, it may pay attention to the debt.

Li Chao is not anxious, just accompanying Wu Yizhen chatting. Finally, it is a bit of Wu Yizhou, and I said: "Li Sheng, everyone is smart, I also know that your purpose is to come for Yonglong Bank."

"And Wu Jia also wants to sell, I don't know how much Li Sheng is willing to bid; as long as it is right, I don't look for the second family."

"To be honest, the employee wants Wujia to sell Yonglong Bank to the Black Cloud Group. It is only a little unwilling, see if there is any time to return. After all, it is a business that I have in one hand, how to give up."

I heard the banking staff want to join the Black Cloud Group, Li Chao knows. Baozi Xuan has won this, at least the employee's belongs; it is indeed much better than other companies in Xiangjiang. Some things are essential. Black Cloud Group is engaged in high-tech fields, profit is very considerable. They can't do it, not only the Yangtze River industry is less than. Even the enterprises who have remembering the Huangpu House Holdings in employee; there is too much difference than the Black Cloud Group.

In the future, in the development of Xiangjiang, it is best to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group. If the two parties compete, they must do people. At this time, Shen Siu's head is still unknown in Wenfang Township. Li Chao has already decided very determined.

Li Chao said: "The size of Yonglong Bank is almost half of Yongheng Bank. According to the price of 3 billion Hong Kong dollars in Yongheng Bank, I am willing to have a Hong Kong coin. I don't know how Wu is thinking."

The price given by Li Chao can be said to be the price of the neck, very in place.

Wu Yi and Sun Xiao said: "If Li Sheng said, you can send someone to receive it tomorrow. Wu family will leave, believe so much money, it is also a decent man."

Since Wu Yizhen is so good, it is a lot of trouble.

This time I sold Yonglong Bank, Wu Yizun will not take a penny, all left it for children. The previous savings have been enough to have a lot of life, and you must give it morning and evening. It is better than a bit. In advance, children will not have too many contradictions. As for what business they want to do, or eat, it is not what he can control.

Li Chao and the boat king still don't know, their two acquisitions success is the feet before the feet; but also use Yonglong sell prices as a reference. But just know how it can be, everyone has entered the banking industry, and the future will inevitably compete.

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