The end of Germany has begun to ferment, and the British is tight. If this is not properly solved, whether it is a package home, or Zheng's family, will be cast aside by the world. Of course, Huifeng Bank's loss will be more heavy, after all, they make your back book for this matter. This is a battle that three can't afford it, of course will go all out!

Seeing the timing is almost, Bao Zi Xuan met Li Chao. For the sudden invitation of the headed wealth, Li Chao people feel unbelievable. Although I don't know what is the matter, I am sure that the same bag Yuang and Zheng Yu are related. Zheng Yurong may not matter, but at this time, Li Chao didn't want to completely escort the king.

Is it that Bao Zixuan wants him to make a choice, not without this. But when it is not a statement, you can only take a step in step. The strength of the Black Cloud Group is very powerful, but it is not worthy of his head.

It is this idea that Li Chao came to the party.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Li Sheng, I haven't seen you for a long time. Suddenly there is something to find you negotiated, didn't bother you!"

This time, he asked Li Chao, of course, to be in advance. This has no relationship with identity and wealth, just the most basic polite problem.

Li Chao said with a smile: "You can get the invitation of the birthplace, but no one has this honor. And there is nothing recently, the bank is already reasonable, these are grateful to help."

Baozi Xuan didn't want to talk to Li Chao, directly said: "Li Sheng, this time I came over, mainly about the writing of Huangpu."

"There are currently a few projects in Whampa Past, but it is far from reaching my expectations. The company wants to develop rapidly, absolutely can't step down, so I want to engage in a big project, I don't know how Li Shengyi."

As the second major shareholder of Baozi Xuan, Li Chao is still respectful. At the same time, the other party is very worthy of management, although the degree is not high, it is absolutely stronger than yourself. Bear the pressure, you can also share it. And all of them are internally employee stocks, no supervision is not supervised, at least very difficult to get people trust.

Calling him, turned out to be a relationship with Huangpu. Li Chao is also a busy person, unless the board is held, otherwise it will never pass the company in the past. Bao Zi Xuan, although this person likes to be independent, from the top of Bao Huo, you can see some clues. But it will definitely not be an article on the account, which is also why everyone wants to cooperate with him.

And his shares, relative to the entire black cloud department, negligible. Baozi Xuan has an absolute voice for the board of directors, too many in the past, but it is not good. Sorry, it is not better.

Just I didn't expect him to find him today, to make a big project. It can make the head of the top rich, the project is absolutely excellent. Plus the other's investment vision,

Still very expective.

Li Chao said with a smile: "Banheng is the largest shareholder of the company, and most of the shares are held by Black Cloud employees. And with your eyes, I will definitely believe. So don't say something, you look Just good. "

So, but the surface work is still going.

Bunzi Xuan: "Li Sheng can don't say this, everyone wants to seek benefits for the company, and some things also need you to cooperate."

"I am ready to issue new stocks, this scale is 50 billion Hong Kong coins, I don't know how Li Sheng is thinking."

I heard the other party wants to issue a new shares, and it is 50 billion Hong Kong coins. Li Chao people feel unbelievable, after all, this scale is really too big. With the market value of the current and remember Huangpu, plus the heads of the headed body, that is, HK $ 50 billion. This is equivalent to letting the company multiply two, can say that it is very adventurous.

When I was acquired, it was only 5 billion Hong Kong coins; it was a myth that can be achieved. 50 billion Hong Kong dollar cash, this kid is meaning. Plus the current company's cash reserves, and bank loans. The project is absolutely small, and it may even exceed 100 billion.

Issue new shares means that the shareholders should take funds, otherwise the shares will inevitably be diluted. Li Chao has recently wanted to take the opportunity to acquire several of the new world. But if you don't take money, then the shares holding and yellow shares will be reduced. This is a two difficult choice, I really don't know how to decide.

Li Chao said: "I have no opinion on the issuance of new shares, but the size of 50 billion is too much. It is equivalent to a new construction and remember Huangpu company, and the people will not necessarily trust."

Since Bao Zi Xuan wants to issue new shares, it is unable to stop with the Black Cloud. Li Chao people don't want to take too much money at once. If it is possible to issue less, the funds that need to be prepared will naturally be reduced. I just acquired Yonglong Bank, and Li Chao was not so rich.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Li Sheng, I don't think about it. This Xiangjiang citizen will not buy new shares, it is not so important. Black cloud staff will actively buy, if not worried, there is no more money; the original plan is 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. And this project is indeed unsained, and it can be taken in the future. "

The ambition of this kid is really big, but now I can only agree. Still first, a part of the funds can be diluted, you can dilute some best; it is not good, there is no way.

Investment and yellow, is a good view of Bunxuan. It is absolutely unaffected by Li Jia's own investment plan, which is a bit not worth it.

Li Chao said with a smile: "I have no problems here, according to the born plan. Just don't know where to invest in, if it is commercial secret, when I didn't ask."

I heard Li Chao's answer, Bao Zi Xuan is still very satisfied. It seems that the old kid also knows how to do a shareholder. And still agree, then ask a specific item;

Even if a person is having money, money is not a wind blow.

As a shareholder, the company has major investment projects; there is still a need to ask if it is not convenient to answer. Li Chao people doing this will definitely pick any problems, at least Bao Zixuan still admire.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Thanks Li Sheng's trust and support, as the company's shareholders, there is nothing to be inconvenient. We are partnerships, and we hope that the company has become more and better."

"This time, it is mainly to invest in the mainland. It is planned to build 50-100 CBDs in the Chinese mainland, including all facilities such as shopping malls, catering, leisure, entertainment. At the same time, you must have a five-star hotel, which is currently Tongjia. The truth family reached an agreement, and their home will invest. "

"It is also necessary to have high-end office buildings, as well as high-end homes. In short, it is the most center of a city, and it is also the most prosperous location."

Li Chao people operate real estate for many years, of course, knowing what CBD is meaning. And in the past, in the past, I also want to get one in Xiangjiang when I have been in the past. However, it is not possible to find the fundamental to bear, and finally can't. I didn't expect Bao Zi Xuan to build 50-100 houses in the Chinese mainland, and the steps are not a little big.

Li Chao people thought about saying: "I am very supported by Banheng's decision, with the development speed of the Chinese mainland; even if it does not occupy the advantage, the future is absolutely available in the future."

"It is no longer just at the beginning of the entrepreneurship, you must see the benefits right away, I believe that even if you can't make a profit, 20 years, after 30 years!"

The old boy can be very thorough, it is no wonder that you can take a long time in many places in Xiangjiang Tycoon.

Bunzi Xuan: "Can work with Li Sheng, it is comfortable. We think of a piece, the future in the Chinese mainland, I hope that the core cities will have a word. There is only one center in the city, that is, and Huang Square."

Li Chao listened very excited. I didn't expect that the other party had already wanted, and it was definitely a mature plan. Is it inside the mainland and Huang Square? However, this requires follow-up to follow up, after all, the project has not officially launched.

The company's capital increase has been agreed, and what project is also known. But Li Chao feels that things must have not so much attention. Rare earth mineral bonds, but a serious crisis. With the character of Bao Zi Xuan, there will be no such a good opportunity; the German media report is likely to come from his hand.

Li Jia also held the shares of rare earth minerals in Jiangnan Province, and there will be problems in other places. No, there is no possibation, after all, there is only a person who knows this.

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