After leaving the boss office, Yuan Tianfan was shocked by Baixuan's conspiracy. This trick is too high, no wonder there will be such a achievement, although he is learning the liberal arts, can still think about it. It is estimated that this is the gap between people and people. It is really a work of working.

Qiu Erwei has been in a long time since the last thing, and the TV station has a newcomer to join. As a small family, it is necessary to care about it. Of course, it can be said to be guided acting, but what is specifically do, I am afraid that the whole Xiangjiang knows.

With a newcomer to a bar, the atmosphere is very important, Qiu Erwom is the hipster in this area.

Zheng Er Shao has recently been a fluff, especially after the rare earth mineral company bonds, the whole Zheng family is not very good. Originally wanted to stay at home, but I received a friend call, and I came out of the bar to play. After a few days, I still can't stand this temptation. At this time, the shark is just not at home. What are you waiting for, and come directly to a friend to meet the bar!

In fact, all this is under the arrangement of the Black Cloud Group staff. If the two people don't meet; that can reach Bunxuan said, let Zheng Jia broke out.

After coming to the bar, I started to drink it, and I suddenly saw Qiu Erjie drunk with a TV station. To say that Zheng Er will not be uncomfortable at this time, Qiu Er Shandu is absolutely famous. I have long wanted to teach him, such a good opportunity, certainly can't let go. At this time, I have been covered by hatred, and I forgot to have two nets.

Directly came to Qiu Erhong, and the emperor sat down. Everyone feels that the two are old friends, and they are not intended. But what happened, it is nothing.

Zheng Erwok said: "Who is it! It turned out to be Qiu Jiaren, how to sell banks now, dare to come out. The money we are in the money can be ignorant, this time, if it is not a statement, Don't want to leave here. "

I heard the other party threaten myself, Qiu Er Shao can not recognize it. Directly back: "Bank is only a business of Qiu Jia, some people think that people think that they are very cheap; of course, will be lost. We Qiu family is not mud, and it is not the master of anyone. Things have passed, it is best to have no things. "

"Zheng Jia's trouble can be a lot, Zheng Shao is very good. But I also admire you. At this moment, I still have idle. So, Zheng Jiazhen is the big business; for losses a little money, there is no place In the heart. "

It can be said that Zheng Er is really angry to the extreme, but the other party is not reasonable. At least now can't give the family to add trouble, otherwise the old man will never let him.

But just do it, he can't do it. The arrogance of the arrogance, will definitely become a laughter. Want to mix in the circle in the future, it will not be so calm.

Zheng Er Lee: "A little money,

Just send a good meal. Qiu family sold banks, it is estimated that there is no minimum industry. If Qiu Sha is can't mix, but come over, I am here; how much can you enjoy a meal. "

What is said, Qiu Jia also belongs to a wide range of giants. Now that people say this, Qiu Errowow's temper horses come up.

Qiu Er Shao slightly increased a little voice: "Zheng Shao still hurts yourself, Zheng Jia is so easy to block. As for me, I don't need Zheng Shaoji, currently work in TV station. Work in the work. It is also possible to appreciate the beauty; but it is said that the bank also has many beautiful female staff. Zheng Erhong is not lacked. And here is the table I booked. If Zheng Shao wants to drink a cup, then welcome. But if you come over, everyone Are in a circle; who is clear, don't find trouble. "

Qiu Erwei said that there was a good potentio, and it has already occupied the peak. Since you say that you said, you can solve a way.

No one thought that Zheng Erwo, who has been angry to the extreme; I lost it directly, just got to Qiu Er. It is a beer bottle, and there is wine inside; otherwise, this will not be said, but it is not there.

Everyone in the scene has drank some wine, and it is still a bit of vertigo. However, I saw this scene, and immediately woke up. No one thought that Zheng Erwom would not play the card according to constant executives and directly.

Qiu Erzhong is not vegetarian, and suddenly stands. At the same time, I touched my head with my hand and saw that my beer was mixed with blood, of course not dry. : "Zheng Lao Er, you are not able to live impatient; actually dare to do it. No one can save you this time."

After saying that the bottle greeted, he greeted the other party, a kind of packed you, never stop.

If you don't return this time, then who will also see him later.

Two people fight, but it is not impressed with the beauty. I have a few friends around you, starting the front rack.

Although it was quickly opened, Qiu Erwa had a big loss, of course, can't be so much. The atmosphere said: "Zheng Lao, don't think that Zheng Jia's thing I don't know."

"Now it is thousands of holes, dare to hit me; don't let you sit in the end, I am with your surname."

Just then, absolutely deliberately hurt. And everyone is a person who has identity, and I really didn't see anyone. Because once it is done, it itself is losing.

Zheng Er Less: "You Qiu family has a lack of morality, and you are light."

Seeing everyone, Zheng Er Shadue, the more excited, the voice has also increased a bit; "Qiu Jia is learned about the acquisition of the Far East Bank, actually passed the way the previous day; All major banks in Xiangjiang, all exchanged all over the banks and bad loans. "

"The Far East Bank has more than 10 billion non-performing loans. These can be real gold and silver, which requires us to be borne. That is, the family is big, change one try, it is estimated that I have already left."

"You said that Qiu Jia also has a commercial reputation! In the future, you will be careful. Don't tell him today, it is to do it, it is also this child."

Although the banking system knows what is going on, no one is willing to take the initiative. The sharpener is not good, there is no need to have something to do with yourself. But now, now, directly let the unfilial son take the initiative to explode.

Come over the bar consumption, most of them are rich second generations, or street fertilization. I have heard that there is such a strong news, and I have come to my spirit. In fact, some people have troubles in the hotel, and internal insurance is of course coming. But it is seen that the two top is less, I don't know how to deal with it. Even if the bar owner can't afford to be guilty, the past is dealt with, but it is easy to irritate. It's better to wait for them two messengers, they calm down.

As for the loss of the bar, there will be some people will compensate; don't worry.

Qiu Erhui heard that this kid did dare to say, and it was a speechless. However, this matter is that Qiu family is not right, and I don't dare to say more.

Seeing Qiu Er Shaozi, I dare not talk, Zheng Erhodo may also be alcohol, and there is no other. Continuitely: "Qiu Lao Er, you do Qiu Jia to make a lack of morality, also use me one piece! Bank's hands and feet, TV station is the largest QL of Xiangjiang; don't think I don't know, just don't want it before Say. "

I heard this kid, the more excited, Qiu Erhong is not doing. If this is not refuted, then it is really going to do. Although the old man makes him low-key, you can't let people pull the neck.

Qiu Er Less: "You have a good job, don't want to swindle money! Zheng's bank has more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, this is already empty. Zheng Jia is no money, knowing that rare earth minerals It is about to be exhausted, but also deliberately issued bonds. It is definitely a distinguished to smoke, and others have dare to evaluate others. "

"If you are, you will definitely stay at home; sell some of the assets as soon as possible, change the money to fill a hole."

There are also many people who bought rare earth mineral bonds. Now I heard Zheng's family because of the circle, and immediately don't do it. Suddenly I discussed, I have to give a statement tomorrow, otherwise I can't let go of Zheng Jia.

Although a person is not enough, it can not stand more. At this time, Zheng Er Lee is definitely a mouse, everyone shouted.

Seeing things, plus the fight did not suffer this evening, and Zheng Erjui decisive selection leaving. The surrounding environment is somewhat strange. If you don't go, it is likely to suffer.

When you leave, let's put down a sentence; how much you want to save some faces. Even in the atmosphere, I can't really put the other party; after all, the shark is the same as the name, or I have to worry. Therefore, people in the bar have not stopped, even if the boss is the same!

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