I heard that I have to dismiss my chairman, Zheng Yu's face is very ugly. You must know the new world real estate company, but the company he created one hand; and has been expanding at high speed. I didn't expect that some people have proposed to dismiss his position, is it too not to put himself and Zheng's family in his eyes.

But what didn't think of it, let Lin Jia people serve as the chairman. Baozi Xuan's meaning is very obvious, this is to pull one side and put a head. This operation does not meet the rules, but for Zheng's family, there is absolutely no mistake. If there is no Zheng's family and yourself, which is the scale of today's real estate, now Zheng Jia is in the crisis, can't you use the power. And it is not to occupy property, just make a guarantee, mortgage.

In fact, before he was held, Yuan Tianfan had touched with Lin Yao Bing, otherwise people could not support you unconditional on the board of directors. Today, the purpose is to dismiss the sharks, the chairman of the board, and there are many things to do. As long as it is a new world real estate company, Zheng Jia people have no management and decision-making power; then take a little other thing, then Zheng Yu is equally, even if it doesn't want to leave.

Single alone on the stock market, it is impossible to put the sharries at all; after all, Zheng Jia has absolute control, Bao Zixuan even if there is money, there is no way to sell you. Now directly to harm the company's interests, there is a major fault to be caused; let it leave, and it is estimated that the board will not have comments. And it is not Bao Zixuan to arrange your own management company; no matter which point of view, everyone must accept, including Zheng Jia people.

Seeing husband and son, I still want to refute, Zheng Fu people immediately said: "Huo Dong said is still very reasonable. Zheng Chairman has indeed a major fault, and the chairman is not very good. But the murdere is not a head, if Zheng Mr. resigned Long position, Zheng Jia's Convention and Exhibition Center, and the core land mortgage in Xiangjiang Island; you can't continue to investigate. "

"I don't know how it is, if it is not easy, you can only do things in accordance with the degree and process."

I heard the wife and said that the sharks mean in the same way. This is the legalization of the previous operation, and the board cannot investigate its responsibilities. If the directors agree, then on mortgage, you must turn it, otherwise Zheng's family will never pay.

Seeing other directors don't talk, at least, everyone agrees with the method of Mrs. Zheng. For so many years, I really want to send the sharks to prisons; I can't be on the one hand, I don't endure at least in my heart.

I only heard that Zheng Fu people were female Zhonghao, and now it seems to be inevitable. The sharks can inherit the jewelry company, not only three big brothers do not want to inherit their families; may have a lot of relationships with their daughters.

Yuan Tianfan: "Zheng DV person is very feasible, but must be based on the premise that it is not possible to harm the interests of the company. Wait until the loan expires, Zheng Jia is still not on;

"There is therefore a must have to sign a supplementary agreement, which is the loan of Zheng Jia once not on HSBC and Bank Bank; enabling the core land and association of Xiangjiang Island to be enforced.

Then Zheng Jia must give up all the shares of the new world real estate, and the net will leave the house. And in the next two years, it is before the loan expires; Zheng Jia may not sell the new world real estate company shares. "

This trick is indeed enough, that is, if the two-year loan expires; Zheng Yu has no funds to redeem the collateral, then the center of the world and the core of Xiangjiang Island offset Zheng Jia in the new World Real Estate Company Shares. There is no relationship with the new world real estate company, and there is no relationship with Zheng Jia. For companies created by this one-handed, sharks are similar to those who are doing parents. Now let him get went to the home, and it is a little.

I just want to refute, Zheng Fu people immediately said: "If the Director of Yuan, don't know how it is."

After that, I will take my husband. Now it is not an expensive thing, some things must be patience.

The meant, the shark is to understand, but it is swallowed. But there is no better way than this, you can only take a step.

Yuan Tianfan comments, and it is indeed possible to ensure the interests of the company shareholders. The murder is just a head, the rabbit is in a hurry, let alone, such as a shark. There is no need to force the other party too tight, which will be counterproductive.

Other directors have no opinions, so the new world real estate; this shark is created in one hand, the management rights are directly handed over to Lin Yaobing. And also signed part of the supplementary agreement. If it expires; Zheng Jia has no funds to repay the loan, will automatically give up all the shares of the new world real estate company. The shares are scored in proportion of shareholders.

Lin Yaobing didn't expect that such a chairman of the chairman, it seems to cooperate with powerful enterprises with power, but cannot let this opportunity. New World Real Estate must have to operate, let Bao Zi Xuan see his ability. Only in this way; after the shark is completely left, he can retain some of the shares; and still serve as the chairman.

After Zheng Jia people left the field, he became the largest shareholder, he did not dare to think about it. Although the whole forest is not weak, it is far from the richest weak. And there are thighs that don't hug, isn't it a fool!

Zheng Yu returned home, did not eat dinner, directly to the study. Zheng Fu people are also clear, the husband is really angry. Just in the car, I didn't say a word. In fact, it is not very convenient. After all, there are drivers, and you can't seem to have so no wind.

Zheng Feng came to the study and saw his 60-year-old husband; it seems to be old, and suddenly some distressed. The two married from 43 years old, and now it has been more than 40 years, it is not a simple couple, more like a body inseparable. Many people say that the sharks are far from the father-in-law, but only the lady knows; even if there is no mother's support, with Zheng Yong's power, business will not be more poor. The reason why jewelry companies can have such a well-known, and the ability to work with her husband cannot be opened.

Seeing his wife, Zheng Yu said helplessly said: "I am fine, just somewhat unwilling. I know what the opponent is doing, but I can't stop it. Is it true that we are really old, I can't keep up with the era."

The husband's character, the wife is very clear, and I have never seen him like today. Even if I was tens of thousands of battles in Qiujiapo, I didn't show it. What happened today, is it a confidence in yourself and your family. The man can have no money, but it is absolutely unable to lose confidence.

Zheng Feng: "We are still very young, you are just 60 years old. For people from politics, it has just begun. Although we are poor, if it is not your ability and talents attract me, then absolute Responsibility. "

"This is the best era, and it is also a worst era. In Huaxia and the UK, the Xiangjiang issue has reached an agreement, and the mainland is carrying out the reform and opening up, and the future business opportunities have a few countless. I don't know if you have closed the black cloud. The town is not, although Bunzu Xuan has a lot of contradictions; but his eyes are worth learning and trying to figure out. "

"Huaxia mainland construction workers working in Black Cloud Town, hard work and absolutely ranked first; this is the excellent quality of all Chinese. And the mainland economic policy is getting better and better, is it not enough to explain the problem!"

"A hardworking nation, there is a group of people who are willing to suffer, then the country is rich in a morning and evening; Zheng Jia is fully investing. With Zheng Jia's current fund reserve, invest in Xiangjiang, fundamentally competitive but other tycons. Not as good as another Painting, the past China mainland. "

"And you have to believe in Bao Zi Xuan's eyes, at least there is always no fault."

I heard the wife's analysis, the shark gallbladder was once. I am so young, Zheng Jia has so many assets, even if I lose new world real estate. As long as the family is not falling, you can earn it back sooner or later.

Zheng Yu said with a smile: "It is my greatest luck in this life. Zheng Jia has no mountains, there are still many business opportunities waiting for us to discover."

"Guo Qisheng family's extractor is very good in the Chinese continent, and our Zheng family will not be poor. It is time to increase the investment of Huaxia mainland, and in the past China mainland investment, Bao Zixuan is not too much."

An excellent woman is definitely the help of the husband; it is an important guarantee that the family can inherit. Obviously Zheng Fu people are very suitable for the hostess of a big family.

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