Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1313 is extremely shocking four

The question of the US reporter, looked at some winds and cows, they didn't have it; they didn't work, but they had a deep meaning. Why not go to US investment construction and Huang Square, Tongbao Zixuan is the first entrepreneur of the United States. But it is also an oath sovereignty, tells the world; the Black Cloud Group invests in the United States, is beyond imagination, and it is also an advertisement or propaganda.

The first fortune has been clearly expressing, and it is necessary to build more than 50 and Huang Square in the Chinese mainland; then it shows that people are not only to see a city in China to develop, and optimistic about the whole country.

As the most influential businessman in the world, there is no one. Baozi Xuan said a word, and he deeply influence the world economic pattern; A series of investments in Huaxia mainland before, have driven many businessmen.

This time, it is so big, and the style is natural. The number of large entrepreneurs is limited, and if they have passed the China Continental investment plant, then other local investment quotas and scale will naturally be reduced. Therefore, the US reporter has moved in the law, and the head of the head is also reported to the US tax.

Although there is a hors butt component, it also shows that the Black Cloud Group has invested in the US, and other merchants naturally take this consideration. And the head is also very powerful, and even the answer to the US reporter is also answered. Why didn't I have a US construction and Huang Square this time, it is because of insufficient experience; there is no reason to use itself.

Insufficient experience in the bag, is it possible to consider it for companies that operate CBD business models. In the future Bao Zixuan enters the US market, you have no chance.

Although it is very around, there is no shortage of smart people in the world. After this, there are really several projects that have negotiated in the United States to build similar to the Yellow Square, but the effect is not very good. There are several people who have passed the Chinese mainland, and they have earned a lot. At least the magnitude of the land appreciation, no one thought.

The influence of Jin Yong's grandfather is the first person in Xiangjiang newspaper, but it is definitely the presence of the presence. Therefore, the Black Cloud Group held a press conference that basically gave each other.

The reporter stood up and asked: "Banheng, about the economic development of China's mainland; the mainland people have proven everything with practical actions. And with your vision, we have reason to believe that the mainland future economy will definitely not bad."

"You have not appeared in the public's field of view, is it going to become a father, more time has returned to the family; if you involve personal privacy, you don't have to answer."

The issue of the reporter, there is no relationship with this topic. After all, this press conference, more is to announce the world to prepare capital income; then use funds to invest in China.

Although I don't know what effect will affect the world economy. But it will definitely let the investment environment of the Huaxia continent, which increases more than one step. Xiangjiang returns to the situation,

The mainland economy has become stronger, and it is absolutely significant good news for Xiangjiang.

Bao Zi Xuan has not introduced the relevant situation since the child is born. The reporter also wondaled that this is a proud of the big success in the business, the academic circles; what is it just after a father?

Baozi Xuan said: "It's actually not inconvenient. After all, I have become a father, I found that I am a man now. When I have a daughter, I must know how to care."

"I left Xiangjiang from the age of 17, I used to study in the United Kingdom; then I have been working in the United States for a few years. And our family's situation also knows, only the mother operator is a pastry shop. At that time, I can say it is a person who is full, the whole family is not Hungry. For a research project, the software editor is complete as soon as possible; the diet is very irregular. "

"But becoming a father, I found that this life is absolutely can't. If the child is hungry, you will have to feed him. Fortunately, my wife will bear a lot of responsibility, always adhere to breastfeeding. It is relaxed, there is a lot, otherwise It will be more hurting. However, it is the responsibility of the father, and must be active. "

"For example, if you have diapers, you can play with them. And I itself is an engineer is not a star. Therefore, I don't want to appear under the spotlight. After all, the laboratory is my stage."

"After giving birth to her daughter, I also feel great pressure. Others said thousands of gold, but I think I have worked hard, let the daughter don't need to worry about money. Yesterday I also discussed with my wife, waiting until the daughter married; if the condition is suitable, Must have to reach 100 billion HKD size. "

"Currently working towards this goal, but also don't dare to slack off."

In fact, this is also the people who are heading to be set to themselves, let the world know that he is not just a great entrepreneur, genius scientist, is a qualified father. Only when you grow influential, make money, you can also take care of your family; other countries want to move you, pay attention to the impact.

This is just a share, does not involve daughter stealth problems. However, the amount of the package is really very big, the wife insists on breastfeeding, let the world feel that the lady is a feminine woman.

Ordinary breastfeeding, perhaps it is too expensive to make milk powder. But the head of the bag will never care about this money, people have the wealth of all milk powder companies around the world. At the same time, I have deeply give some lessons in order to protect the body and not breastfeeding.

You have to say that your identity is noble, a wife, Zhang Jia Da is more noble than you! Even people insist on breastfeeding, what else is eligible to mention so much requirement. Perhaps this is the gap between the giants and the stars, and it is no wonder that the super rich family is willing to find the door to marriage.

However, it is more shocking that the world is that the head of the head must earn a daughter. However, after hearing the amount, the world has greatly subverted awareness. Others are thousands of gold, and the head of the bag is absolutely a hundred billion.

It can only be said that poverty has once again limited the imagination, and the brain circuit of the richest is not on a channel.

France has been considered to be the most romantic country. Originally, Huangpu held a press conference in Xiangjiang, and did they participate or not so important. If there is a major news, it is better to reprint the report. After all, the Huangpu has basically no business in France, even if the Black Cloud Group, the French business is also less pitiful, of course, is just relative. After all, where is the overall scale; the Black Cloud Group has no factory in France, but the sales will be absolutely different. After all, the Champs Elysées is a flagship store, and the headers are rich in Bordeaux, and they have purchased a lot of winery.

The French people, especially women, more interested in Bunzi Xuan. A Magic Oriental man can be said to be all women's dreams. Today, I just mentioned the child problem, and French reporters must of course extend. Compared to the world economy, the French still likes to look at some romance and have commemorative things.

French beautiful reporters stood up and asked: "Mr. Bao, hello! After the daughter is born, the Black Cloud Group launched a good father series of infant supplies; I don't know what the reason, or my daughter gave you inspiration, design Infant products! "

It is also a topic of a serious entry, and it is possible now that the head is now in the press conference, and it is difficult to do it. After all, I have not appeared in the public field of view, and I have an interview. After understanding the traffic, it will certainly pay more attention to the unknown side.

And remember the Huang Po in China, and it is certainly not suitable in France. It is definitely unable to help him do free publicity, and the reporter's political monet is not bad; it will never make this low-level error. Come over a Xiangjiang, what is valuable news has not taken back; then you can't use malignant to describe, may not be formatted at all.

Since it is especially important, it is especially important. Although the number of people in the past is not much, as a woman in France, there is a very high popularity of the bag; for daughter design the most fashionable, most scientific supplies; more attracting female readers.

In fact, the first richness also wants to cooperate with this interview, let the world transitions, and remember the Huangpu Magnificent to invest in China Continental investment; nor too good! Things have become too hot, and the Britain is definitely uncomfortable; in the next few years, I have to eat in Xiangjiang, I can't be too bright!

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