Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1317 Admissions and Worry

Although there is no previous field of mineral energy, Huojia is not short. Moreover, in the rare earth mineral, it tastes the sweetness, which is very recognized for operating mineral resources. The development of the Black Cloud Group is so rapid, Baozi Xuan can become the richest. Not only because people have the most advanced technology, there is absolutely bonus of mineral resources.

Huojia has no capacity and strength, enters high-tech fields. Huo Yingdong is ready to enter the field of basic processing, from Guo Qisheng family, let him see the opportunity. At the same time, the mineral industry, the threshold of itself is not very high, and it is also very suitable for family future development.

It is said that it is very clear that Huo family is very clear; as long as the Xiangjiang has no return, they don't want to be too big in Xiangjiang. The British may have to tolerate the biggest investment in the world, build a factory in Xiangjiang circle; but Huojia, you will not be so calm.

The family has a lot of people, and the business opportunities are not when there is. Continental rare earth minerals have always stabilized, fully expanded to the energy industry outward.

Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "If so, it can be great. I also know some members of the Middle East Royal Room. They invited Huojia past investment. Waiting for you to have time, we have turned too much together. Huo family is too much It is really a more than home business. "

"You said at the press conference, you want to prepare a hundred billion dowry to your daughter. Although you can make money, no one is too much."

Bao Zi Xuan said: "It turns out that Huo Lai is a deep-hidden, it seems that I have more concern."

Rabbit three caves, as a famous commercial tycoon. It is absolutely not to be underestimated so many years. And Huo is still a person who is branched, but it is very lonely. There is a friend in the Middle East, which is normal. It seems that the opponent is also known from the new exam, and maybe no one is unknown.

The black cloud group has a short time, and the people who have finished them; most of them still stay in the surface stage. To put it bluntly, it is all interests, but it is not too thick.

After the two people have a few words, Huo Yingdong suddenly said: "This thing has not been related to Huojia. A few days ago, the boat king suddenly found me; wanted to have a relaxation with you. First, say good, any decision depends on You own, no matter what decision, I support. "

In fact, Huo Yingdong really doesn't want to manage these things, but the shark is so heavy. Let him faintly feel that all this seems to be buns Xuan's manipulation, but there is no evidence. But even if you know, you won't say it. I don't have any benefits.

The boat king is jade, and there is still no problem in patriotic feelings; there is a lot of stronger than the shark. Perhaps it is related to family origins. Of course, more people have this heart. After the character of Bao Zixuan, after returning to the sharpener, the next one is definitely the boat king.

This is what Huo Yingdong is the most reluctant to see.

So I thought about it and advised. Although this is a little unfair to Bun Zixuan; it will make it dissatisfied with Huojia. But I can't help, the core reason does not want to see the Chinese business, due to the internal consumption.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Huo Lao, I know what you mean. Other things are good, the sharks have been returned, and if he doesn't provoke me, everyone can say good business. But Bao Yugang, things still Didn't finish. If you find a suitable opportunity, you must let him know, sin, sin. "

"Don't retaliate, definitely swallowed, but please rest assured; the things on the business field will definitely be in accordance with the rules of the mall. Unless the other party is rogue, then you can't blame me."

Huo Yingdong knows that it will be this result, and the heart is still very lost; but it is clear, many things can't stop. However, Bao Zi Xuan said that according to the rules of the mall, then it is proved that there is still room. Don't mention this boy in the Middle East, and the relationship between the same Soviet Union. It is in the Xiangjiang native, strength is not small. The Black Cloud Group has hundreds of thousands of employees, and the scale of security personnel is absolutely unimaginable.

Technology companies need to confidential to products and technologies, this is not very good. There must be a shocking ingredient in the inside, and this is not deny. If the two people really want to fight, the boat king is absolutely not enough.

It is good to be a businessman, and I will not take things. Bao Yugang him is still very understanding, rarely with these people. However, between China Shang Shang, even if there is contradiction, it will not do too much. If you really dare to move, it is estimated that the entire package will not be safe.

Looking for a chance or frying a boat king, you can't take the extreme; that, it is, but there is no chance to even. Although I know this is worried, it is better to say the scorpion.

Huo Yingdong: "This investment in Huaxia mainland is not small, so I feel very curious. How did I suddenly think about the construction and a yellow work plant between the past, or have this idea."

In fact, Huo Yingdong is not what he wants to know. After all, this is not too much relationship with him. Mainly the high-rise in the Chinese mainland, what do you mean by understanding what the bag is rich. Come over and investment is a good thing, so this is so big; but it is incredible, even fear; don't know how to describe it well at this moment.

Even in the development of China's economic development, it is also worried that the other party is just a time; after all, young people are easy to make an impulsive thing. In case the heart is back, the project can't go; then for the whole Huaxia, it is a huge loss.

There is no such example in the world, and the fund is broken or for other reasons, the project is suspended. Finally, I made a large number of bad work. The Chinese mainland can not stand this toss; if so, the investment in China is also very disadvantageous.

But some words can not be asked personally. After all, people come over to invest, support the national construction. Then you will doubt it, then no one will be good.

The head of the bag is a person who wants to face, not to say a noble gold, but Baol is always available. Invest in any country in the past, is inevitably the treatment of the guests. Go to the Chinese mainland, back to your motherland; actually suffered, I can be happy. In case due to small loss, it is not worth it.

Therefore, Huo Yingdong came over to explore the bottom, but it is still necessary; it is also what it means to understand Bunxuan in advance. Although two of the black clouds will pass the Chinese continent, Kyoto negotiations are also very smooth. As such a big project, I didn't see the final decision-making person; still some unassays, this is also a human condition.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "It seems that someone finds you, want to come over and talk about it. See what I mean, after all, such a large-scale investment; not a little thing, but can't be too big."

"In fact, this concerns are normal, but it is really no need. Next week and Huangxin stocks will be listed, the funds raised on the stock market will be transferred to China. Where is the huge amount of funds, I want everyone to rest assured "

"I think Huo is very optimistic about the economic development of Huaxia mainland, and the country can be rich; in fact, I also have the same idea. Our Chinese IQ is not bad than anyone, hardworking hardship, but also to be in the forefront of the world. As long as it is The development of the economy, there is no reason to develop. "

"Maybe I can't see what the Chinese economy will be like the future, but I will definitely let the world are shocked. Since it is clear that the China's mainland economy will have rapid development, past investment is also a reasonable. Although 200 billion Hong Kong coins Looking at a lot, but for the Huaxia of the land, it is nothing. Of course, it seems like an astronomical figure; but the future, this figure is really not expected to exist. "

"There is another point, the black cloud employee has the funds of the black cloud bank. It is too much. The amount is beyond your imagination, and even when I see the specific amount, I am shocked. As a boss, do you give employees? In order to have their own bank, then take these money to invest in and make money. "

"This kind of money makes a bit shameless, so I think about it, I want to invest in the right project. The Black Cloud Group cannot let the employees enter the share, then they can only find ways from Hualia Huang, China Continental Investment Construction CBD Plaza Project, no It is said that it will definitely have a stable income in the future. "

"The size of the company is big, and the employee has a shares, even if retirement is also guaranteed. And the black cloud bank does not have to save so much money, at least I am not so deeply responsive."

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