The more you look at the list of employees, the more angry. Not only because the daughter did not take the harbor city, more is angry with the slack of their own work. No investigation is clear, arrange the nephew past Harbor City as a management position, which can be a buser. That's more, more confused, now actually give the son-in-law so much trouble.

The person is old, and it has begun to rebuild, and even has lost basic judgment. This kind of thought is that it is not, otherwise it is easy to have problems. It seems that many problems must make changes. If this is the case, the House industry may say anything.

There is also a daughter really not suitable for managing enterprises, and the family is good at home; the company's things are absolutely not to participate.

Bao Yugang said to the girl: "Your plan is very good, according to the execution!"

Then left directly, and the two son-in-law on his own car. Many things can't be said with a big son-in-law, for this, Bao Yu just did it.

The family has basically allocated, and each of each son-in-law is good. For the situation of the Jiulong Cang, don't want the big girl to know. Although the hand's hand is a meat, it can be far close to relatives, and friends have thick. Things must be clear, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

Now I am still saying, in case you leave the world; it is easy to intensify the contradiction, this is what Bao Yusheng is the most reluctant to see.

Two people came to the car, Bao Yu just said: "What is the situation in the end, you explain it in detail."

"I know that this thing can't blame you, but your wife, my daughter didn't put the company, we all have a responsibility. It seems that you don't want a woman to participate in it, it is too easy to use, which is not conducive to the company's operation and development. "

Baoyang is not a saint, of course, private heart. Thinking about the big family, you can't let the son-in-law are fully controlled. If the daughter is just a housewife, in addition to the husband in the family, the other will not ask. So, you are still good, in case you leave, your business that fights for your hand may have no relationship with the package.

For a child, who is born with a surname. This package is jade, it is okay, there is no hard force. You can also don't want the property to leave out, in short, this is a very contradictory thing.

Wu Guangzheng did not expect the old man who would like this, it seems that he also knows that his wife is really not business. Since it is asked to ask the mall, then you must answer. It is not concealing now, and he doesn't want to hide it.

Wu Guangzheng: "There are more than half of the malls, all of which are related to the package of the family and Wu family. And important positions are basically the control. If it is a primary, there is no problem. But now the package family business is more If this is, it is easy to have problems. "

"It is currently beginning to appear, so at least in Harbor City.

Many capable employees are not promoted; the most important thing does not have any rights. Against the package home and Wu family, accounting for important positions; but their abilities are not enough to serve as their current position. "

"For example, our HR Director, Bao Peiqing University has not graduated, for human resources just knows that there is such a thing. Although the university is studying related major, it is not enough to use it. Make it for Personnel Recruitment and Appointment and avoidance, make a lot of wrong decision. "

"At the same time, the deputy chief supervision Wu Huafei is also the same, even more poor than the package. I haven't learned countless, I have to be responsible for the human resources work of the mall."

"Not all the packagers and Wu family have no ability, but now their ability, not enough to hold current positions. My suggestion is that let them enter the university study, the package is not a problem. But only to take responsibility The cost is to let them learn this book, not to the school to raise young master, lady. "

The analysis of the son-in-law, and the response strategy is very good, at least the problem can be solved. There are executives to go to Huaxia mainland, don't want to know, definitely is and Huang Square. So things are not good, indicating that Bunzi has begun to dig the wall.

Bao Yugang: "I am old, according to your program. I will fully support you behind, who is not useful."

"But this is just to solve internal problems, what do you think about the corner of Huang Square?"

The old man let it execute according to its own plan, and will also fully support it. The inspector has been prepared, and the inner pressure has also increased much. Before doing anything, it is a old man decision, as long as it is implemented. Now the role is changed, which means you have to bear more responsibility.

Wu Guangzheng knows, no matter how it is necessary; Do not say that it is large, but at least you can't decline. On the one hand, you will be questioned on the one hand. The status of son-in-law has made it sick, and if it is lost, it will not be sprayed by the spit. No one wants this happening, Wu Guangzheng is even more.

Wu Guangzheng: "The family is so solved. If someone disagree with the learning program or turn away from the position, then you can't blame us; the package is already righteous. Now Bao Zi Xuan is next to the tiger, no matter whether it admitted; Black Cloud For the Xiangjiang player, there is a fatal appeal. "

"Even if the recruitment employees are mainly working in the mainland, it is also a headed enterprise; therefore should worry about the loss of Hugang City outstanding employees."

"At present, Liang Fengchun has left, and the attitude is very resolute, indicating that Bunzi Xuan has opened a condition that he does not refuse. He has worked in the harbor city, and there are some mental abdomen. Although I have warned him, but I can't hold someone else Take the initiative to find the door. "

"And after the package family and Wu family left, the hostess gapped, and I would like to solve it. I want to be able to pick up some of them, at least to appease people."

It is really found better than this, and the son-in-law is still talented in business management.

Bao Yugang: "Everything is done according to what you mean, I am not asking this matter."

"And Huang Square is indeed a trouble, but Baozi Xuan's business vision should admire. In the past, there was a Huaxia mainland in the past, see which cities are suitable for investment; a harbor city does not feel some lonely!"

Hearing here, Wu Guangzheng is Ming Mao to understand what it means. Enterprise expansion is a good thing for him, and his father-in-law is very strong in the Chinese continent; perhaps in addition to Huo Yingdong and Baozi Xuan, no one can be better than him.

At the same time, there was a young man asked: "Xiao Xiao, usually you have to go through the same Liang, you just have you sent him; what is the same, but you have to introduce it to the beam. Always not there is a good place, otherwise it is so sudden and resolute. "

I heard the colleagues asked, Xiao Xiao suddenly felt this is a chance. And Huang Square requires many employees, and the boss has just needed to need people. If you can help persuade these people, it is also a big job.

Xiao Xiao: "Liang always prepares to have worked in Huaxia mainland. I think you should understand what it means. And the position is as if the general manager of Huang Square, that is, the head of Huaxia mainland and Huangpu Company."

"Although I can't believe it, I will always be a classmate relationship. I want to know that Yuan Tianfan is the red man who is headed by the head. If he recommends the gap, the first rich will definitely give this face."

"And the ability of Liang's own itself is also obvious."

Hearing here, other employees began not calm. For recent time, they are in the harbor city, but now is not a good opportunity!

Have the opportunity to follow the bag of the bag, who will take the ship of the boat.

A person suddenly said: "Xiao Xiao, you have the best relationship with the same Liang; there is a suitable opportunity, but you have to think about the brothers!"

It is said that people who really choose to go to Huaxia Continent are Fengqiang Huangjiao. In the end, only a few employees followed by Xiao Xiao. Most people are left under the temptation of Wu Guangzheng's appreciation and salary, choose left-behind; of course, Xiao Xiao's girlfriend. To this end, the two completely break up.

But after ten years, it has become a vice president of Huang Guangfar, and the Xiao Xiaohui Xiangjiang River in the Operations Director; after seeing the former girlfriend, the other side has already married. And my husband is just a departmental manager in the harbor city, which is a little higher than his ten years ago. It can only be said to be a campaign, and the woman is also available at all.

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