Remember [New] for a second,! 5 km west of the Paris Boolean Airport, Black Cloud Hotel is situated here. For the convenience of participating in the air show later, Bunzi Xuan directly acquired a hotel here. Then there are some modern transformations in the hotel, making the hotel absolutely five-star level.

More excessive is, I have built four different styles of villas. Based on the small wheat, Robert Galvin, Viosaki, and his own preferences. Come over France Paris, always behave different from others. It can be said that what is the wealth of money, and it is showing.

For the exhibition hall layout in the Boolean Airport, the head is no longer to be personally involved. He came over, more showing an attitude. Moreover, this time, the other three strongly demanded him to the exhibition hall of the four United Airplane manufacturers, introduced oversized passenger planes. The project is you dominated, and as the most famous aviation expert in the world, of course, it is necessary to completely reflect the advantage.

As for other three, there are also exhibitors. McDene doesn't have to say that it is itself a world-renowned aircraft manufacturer. Things, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, may be more than black clouds. In terms of the machining of aircraft parts, it can be absolutely row in the top two in the world. Although Motorola did not involve aircraft manufacturing; but aircraft radar, communication system, navigation chip, etc., they don't want to give up.

Black cloud product technology is relatively mature, and the role aircraft will launch desert swamp versions. The HH-01 ghost battle slamming machine will also be unveiled in a new look; not only the engine performance is further improved, but also the electricity, radar has also been replaced. Even the paint coating has also been upgraded; in turn, the stealth performance is better, the voyage is more, and the intensity accuracy is higher.

Black Cloud 919 passenger plane project, the product has been sold in the market for two years. Black cloud is mainly assembled, and it is not too difficult. However, this plane is to let the Soviet aviation industry have developed, and the ideas have been sublimated. It turned out to produce a passenger aircraft, so making money. Now just help the black cloud processing aircraft case, the profit is very visible; if you can produce a passenger plane, then the profit will naturally be low.

In fact, this plane, more to open the market; let the world know that the Black Cloud Group has entered the field of passenger planes; it is also to increase technical reserves. The Soviet Union, the sky is the United States and the European aircraft; once an emergency, the Black Cloud Group is absolutely not good.

Fortunately, there is an aviation technology that exceeds this era for 30 years, as well as engineering research and development experience; plus incoming cost investment, making black clouds in the passenger plane, have been successfully admitted. Even so, research and development of oversized passenger aircings are also very suffering. The most important thing is also to consider Americans' feelings; there is no major share, and it is also equivalent to equity and profit technology.

To say that the world's most concerned is the new aircraft, a black cloud new aircraft, the UFO research and development is not a secret. US, Britain, France, Soviet, Saudi, and other countries have come to Xiangjiang. Watch the flying disc test and technical performance, therefore is an open secret.

Only there is currently no photo out, or gives a mystery. Ordinary people want to know, what is the length of the flying saucer, how to take off, how is the performance.

Humans have never stopped in science and technology; the people are curious and they are in their own way. Moreover, the flying saucer has passed many times, the technology is very mature, and it is not necessary to cover the head.

The four products exhibited by the Black Cloud Group; the effective aircraft is responsible by Mike Brryfin; the general designer of the HH-01 ghost fighting warfare, Workton, will also come over. Wang Quan Ming, head of the passenger aircraft project, personally brought the team; Yang Cardovski, the general designer of the UFO, is already waiting for a long time in Paris.

They know more about product performance than package richest and introduce it. And this is a chance to look, and you can't make good things to make the boss occupy one person. This is a private company, not a secret project of the Ministry of Defense; therefore, even if you want to keep your confidentiality, it is not possible.

But there is a contract in the body, plus salary, it is enough to go anywhere else; the boss support is even more comparable, then talent is not so easy to slip away. If you really want to leave, you can't show that your heart is not; It is better to let it leave early, so it is good for everyone.

Therefore, for the four products developed by the black cloud itself, Bao Zi Xuan started a handkerchief. Unless you encounter a super large order, he needs him to cooperate; otherwise it will be handed over to the following people.

Although it is a handkerchief, it is still necessary to meet in advance. The exhibition package is mainly more than the time of the joint aircraft manufacturing plant, before the exhibition, still give the staff to make the staff, and understand the specific situation.

On the car where to go to the hotel, Qiaotao Hao began to report the news: "President, all exhibitors have come to Paris, you are coming to the latest."

"According to the plan, I have to meet the company's internal staff. At 10 o'clock in the morning, I will meet in the meeting room with Mai Mai, Motorola, Mitsubishi." Valley

"Three company employees have stayed at the hotel, which is very satisfied with our arrangements. The company's employees have no opinions on the hotel's support, service facilities, and logistics assurance, everyone is very touched. Other exhibitors can not be prepared, I have absolute confidence in this. "

The other three are satisfied, can you be dissatisfied! They are all in accordance with three companies, and the boss's personal preferences specialize in designing the building; if they are dissatisfied, they may not be satisfied with their home.

Bridge Mapoho said, not only to praise the boss is far from seeing; at the same time, it also shows that it is very in place and thoroughly.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "These are the credits of Huidou, I have seen it in my eyes."

"The Group will increase the development of the European market in the future, waiting until the end of the exhibition. You have a new task, it will be very busy in the future. At least 5 years, your things will be a lot, I hope there is a heart."

I heard the boss said that Hao Li Malays came into mind. As the head of the Black Cloud European Division, he is afraid that he is idle. At present, the car is not lacking at all. Although the wife did not go out, every month, the group will issue $ 3,000 salary; touched, but it is very good to serve her.

No worries, there is no man who is less than 30 years old; only work hard, it is worthy of the trust and treatment of the boss. I am worried too and away, and now I don't have it necessary, the boss has planned well, indicating that there is a big action, then he is also in the place of martial arts, respecting this salary.

Bridge Mapo Hao said very seriously: "The wife supports my work, after all, I can get a salary of $ 3,000 every month; it is the income that she can't make it goes out, so the family is in the case, never use me."

In fact, after the Second World War, Japanese women were forced to resign, which was forced to resign. But at that time, this is also common in many Western countries, and slowly change in recent decades. And Japan seems to have never changed.

Until today, many young Japanese women still have to work for a few years, usually resigned after births and even marriage. Women still abide by tradition, more time than men's spent on housework and child care, so it is difficult to think about work. Many Japanese old ladies started from the twenty, they did not worked for a day, they couldn't imagine a full-time job.

Because of cultural tradition, Japanese women have become a full-time wife at all. The same is true of Huashimoto's wife. The husband is a big company executive income enough to make a family live a happy life. Moreover, the Black Cloud Group gives the company executives to the company's full-time ladies; $ 3,000 wages per month, there is still not satisfied.

Now the Japanese executives of the Black Cloud Group, hopes that the husband works well; the family is not worried at all. Even when I go home too early, or when I take a holiday, I will complain about a few words. This is the head of the bag, did not think of things at all, just want to create a company that others.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The family is also very important, don't be ignored by the family; I have to coordinate."

"After a while, I will recruit some people in the Eastern European countries. I feel that these countries have problems. They have a lot of good things in their country, saying that we can acquire at low prices. And talent introduction, you can't relax Waiting for the end of the exhibition, we will explore it. "

Hearing here, Huashimoto Hao Lima understands what it means. This is preparing to start with Eastern European countries. It is no wonder that Peng Yifei is always in East Germany. I can't ask what he knows. It is still not asking; as long as it works well, it is the best return on the boss.

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