Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1345 Rely on Decisive Techniques

From Lei Shen Company, Surdan Prince's nose is not unoccupied. What does this kid mean, it doesn't put them in your eyes, it seems that Lei Shen Company really doesn't want to do business with Arabs. This hatred must report, otherwise you are sorry.

Two sons smiled and said: "The Prince His His Temple, don't know the same person in the same man. Huaxia has an old saying, it is called the prime minister, you have a lot. If you take you, if you are angry, then I am. I can't afford it. "

Because Bao Zi Xuan's relationship, Iraqi two masters still understand Chinese culture, and even find a Chinese teacher specializing in teaching. At this point, you can already pass the alleged, and it is sufficient to see the achievements of learning.

The Prince Surdan said with a smile: "I am not so fragile, but it is really powerful. There is no powerful military system, no matter when it will be restricted. Now is the United States, the future may be the country. This time Decisiveness, otherwise it will have no status internationally. "

This also said that the two masters of the son, his old man wanted to develop his military technology; only because the funds were not allowed, it seems that it can be fully pulled together. The same parties are on the one hand, the most important people are really money. Iraq is now doing something because of the relationship between the two Ye Wars, and there are some stretches. Saudi is not affected at all, but also because of the two oil powers. Leading the world oil prices rose, and earn a pen.

Two son: "Father is also what this means, after going back, we can discuss it."

Suddenly I thought that Bunzi Xuan prepared to join the third-generation fighter with Saudi, but now I don't know what the kid is meaning. There is no more to say anything, or wait for the Middle East to say. Although there is not much time for Arabs, it is not so anxious.

Prince Surdon: "Where are we going next to."

Two masters said with a smile: "Let's eat first, then the general power company. After all, there is still a drama, the play is full."

After a ton of lunch, I came directly to Universal Power Company.

It can be said that the two will not take care of any identity. After all, it is necessary to give people a gesture we urgently need to purchase weapons.

Universal Power Company is the largest armaerman in the United States and is one of the defense contractors. Its industry is divided into four major areas. First, navigation equipment is mainly manufacturing warships and nuclear submarines; seconds are aerial, including commercial aircraft and fighters; third is the information system and technical department; fourth is the manufacturing of aggressive weapons.

The company has some departments and subsidiaries, and several subsidiaries are acquisitions. It has greatly increased sales and net income through savvy acquisitions and flexible management after acquisition.

It can be said that this is a giant enterprise.

It is also a symbol of the US military wealth. It is absolutely not to be used in the enemy's enemy. After all, the volume of people is absolutely not bad in the general small country; its segment is more than one grade than Raytheon.

I learned that Iraqi two sons came over, and the universal power executives did not take big. After all, what is it, Iraq is also a big household in the arms market, which belongs to it.

American military giants, although there are many Jewish executives, can also be sent to Paris Air Show. It is true that it will inevitably sin. Raytheon company did this, only because the West Brun family is too strong, as the second major shareholder of Raytheon, there is a lot of privileges. And the largest shareholder is not very doing anything else; as the company's management, it is certainly unable to pay the second largest shareholder family.

Vice President of General Power, Stanner Crawch, head of Paris, personally accepts two masters. This kid is a universal element, but it has been working in the US headquarters before it is a very good engineer. General Board wants to focus on him, but there is no sales related experience. So I sent him to France, I want to exercise; after all, in the general board of directors, the Paris Air Show is a very good platform. With the strength and scale of universal power, there is no problem with a perfect answer or a little problem.

A long-term engineer in the factory, for the Middle East government, definitely not so familiar. Although you have already read photos and related videos before you come. After all, I haven't seen myself, so I can't recognize that the princes of Surdan is normal. Different from West Buri, Stanner Clacki is very polite. What is the customer is also a customer, even if you buy a screw; it is also the company's clothing, food, parents, this point, he is also clear.

Sistana Clack said with a smile: "Hello, the second mother is in the temple. I am a general power Sistana-Clack, I don't know what to do for you."

To be honest, now the two son is really afraid that the Americans are welcome to be with him, which is not used to it. If you sell a plane to you, things can be done. But since playing, still a full set.


Two sons smiled and said: "Hello, Mr. Clacki, I am very happy to meet you. Universal driving is a strong company, and there is a leading world in the military field."

"Iraq's land defense pressure is very large, so I want to buy a part of the plane from universal power, I don't know if it is."

Before Iraq, there was no purchase of American fighters, and it is estimated that the Soviet goods can't do. Very likely, as the engineer's origin, still with his pride.

However, the door is passenger, and Iraq is also a big country in the Middle East. If you can sell the fighter to them, it is also a lot of profits. But for the sale of the fighter to Iraq, you must grasp the scale; you can't be too advanced, for this order, he is very clear.

Sistana-Clack: "Thank you for your recognition of universal power, I don't know which plane I want to buy from universal power."

This is to rush the theme, as a person who is born as an engineer, there is really not so much nonsense.

Two son: "At present, Iraq lacks the drafting machine, and your company's F-111 dolphin can delay the fighter, which is a very good performance. Therefore, Iraq is very important to have, for this, we are willing to increase purchase price."

F-111 is the ultravailability combat bomber developed by American General Power Company, and also the first practical implantation of the world. F-111 began design in 1962, officially delivered in October 1967. F-111 uses a double-seat, double-hair, the overall layout of the T-shaped tail, the landing gear is the first three-point, the maximum feature is to use afterwards. Its Wings are 9.74 ~ 19.2 meters, the machine is 22.40 meters, the machine is 5.22 meters, the maximum flight speed M2.2, the utility limit is 15500 meters, the combat radius is 1,2100 kilometers, the maximum transceiver is 10,000 kilometers, and the landing is slippery Running distance is 900 meters.

F-111 has a M61 type 6-tube machine gun, the bomb is 2000; the fuselage is 5 meters long; there are 8 outer racks under the wing, and the maximum of 50 340 kg of bombs can be taken at 26 days after the gating. 454 kg of bomb, in addition to the missile or nuclear bomb, the maximum volume is more than 8 tons.

Although it is a tactical role, it is for the US Air Force. Put them in the Middle East, absolutely use the strategy to use it. Iraq really dares to think, even if you want to buy such a good slam, I really don't know what the Middle East is brain.

I can't tell the words directly, Sistana Clacki's apologies apologize: "The two son is in the temple, the current firing machine has not yet been licensed. More impossible to sell to the Middle East, so I hope you can understand. "

"If it is other slamming machine, universal power is available; and the price is also more affordable. For example, universal power has produced a batch of B-24 root warfare for the US military; if it can, universal power is willing to modernize the plane; Then sold to Iraq. "

I heard actually wanted to sell old antiques in the Second World War II to myself, and the two sons were more breathable; this kid really as Iraq was broken, what aircraft must.

They now have HH-01 ghost stealth fighting strugglers, how can they look down on this hurt.

Second Bon: "Thanks to Mr. Clacki's kindness, Iraq has entered the modern society; for the plane during World War II, it may not need it. If universal power changes, you can notify us at any time."

"Iraq is a sincerity, it is not a problem, so I hope you can carefully consider."

After that, he left, there is no nostalgia; very chic.

Stanner-Clacki is also very polite, sending people to the door, after all, buying and selling is not a benevolence!

After two people returned to the hotel, the two sons said to the hand: "It is not recorded; I will send this to Bunzi Xuan, which is reluctant."

Two staff members, with the latest micro camera with the latest black clouds; all the processes of the US companies were all recorded in the whole process of the United States, and the Americans said three four.

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