Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1344 is full relying on acting three

West Bollen is the executive of the United States Raythene Company, which is the person in charge of the Paris Air Show Raytheon. I can guess when I listen, this is a typical Jew. And the blood is very pure, can be said that parents, grandparents, grandmother grandmothers are Jewish blood. Speaking of Raytheon companies, there are still some origins with the richest. The founder of Raytheon has a MAS, and most of the researchers are now MIT.

Raytheon Company was established in Cambridge in Massachusetts in 1922, called "American Device Company", by Massachusetts Institute of Science, Undergraduate Graduate Lawrence-K-Marshall and his university classmates Fanneva - Bush; and young scientists, At the time of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Charlie -G-Smith was formed together.

The company mainly made a refrigerator business, and it turns to the production of thunder god tubes and has achieved great success. In 1925, the company officially renamed "Thunder Manufacturing Company". After more than 60 years of development and innovation, Raytheon has become a leading enterprise in military technology, government and commercial electronic technology, business aircraft and special mission aircraft; in the United States, it is absolutely a household name.

Although the popularity of the whole world is general, but that is just that ordinary people are unfamiliar; if the military listened to the name of Raytheon, inevitably want to give foot face.

Yesterday Iraqi two sons want to buy standard -1 air defense missiles from Raytheon companies. What is Iraqi, if Iraq has a standard -1 air defense missile, then Israel is there any military action, but it is very dangerous. As a Jew, it is absolutely impossible to see this happening.

The existing Sam air defense missile in Iraq is not much threatening for modern fighters. Therefore, as long as Raytheon does not sell to their air defense missiles, the Israeli is a nightmare for Iraq.

But now Iraq is not a point of counterattack, they have several HH-01 ghost stealth strokes produced by several black cloud groups; this Raytheon has launched research and development, believes that success is only a time problem. As long as Israel has an air defense missile that can capture a stealth battle force, then Iraq will have no threat.

Xiblen, who is thinking about the beautiful embarrassment, Irake, Iraq, Iraqi, I'm just coming to the hotel. It seems that the other party is also anxious. After all, Iraq has just experienced war; weapons consume very powerful. There is no military system in China, plus confidence in Soviet goods.

Although I don't plan to sell it to the other party weaponry, it is still very enjoyable. Seeing this to help the might is a bit annoying, if there is no oil, no one is willing to take care of them.

The Prince Surdan has been with the second masculine. At this time, I definitely can't expose the identity, otherwise I can see the opponent's ugly face.

West Brun is in the big, you can humiliate Iraqi two sons; but absolutely don't dare to do this to Saudi people. To know that Saudi is the most important customer in the Middle East; and the strength and potential of Saudi in the World Military Market, no one can ignore.

In addition to the US national strategy, Saudi is also required to cooperate.

But the Middle Eastern, all the top of the top, the world's richest dress. West Brun is also the first time, before I have seen photos; therefore I have not known, I don't know.

Come to the living room, this guy did not stand up. However, the princes and two sons of Siertan and the two sons have not been said. When this guy is crying.

The two masters said very polite: "Mr. West Bollen, Hello! Or last time, this time Iraq is willing to take the best sincerity, just to get a standard series of air defense missiles."

"If it is a standard -1 air defense missile, Iraq is willing to pay $ 100 per bid; if it is a standard -2 air defense missile, it is willing to have $ 3 million. At the same time, facilities, and auxiliary equipment; also agree to the official pricing Equipped with payment. "

"At the same time, it is not only Iraq. Saudi is intended to introduce standard series missiles.

"If you agree, Iraq and Saudi are willing to pay all the goods at a time; as long as your company can sell the missile to us, money is not a problem."

The two sons are still very acting, talking is a good voice, it can be said that it will give the West Brun. But the negotiation is like this, when you show the sexy slight, the other party is going to step on you.

Iraqi bids are absolutely high. Standard -1 missiles, official quotes only $ 250,000; as for standard -2 missiles, prices are only $ 700,000. It can be said that it is not just that it is so simple, plus other auxiliary equipment, absolutely a large number of more than $ 5 billion.

And the profits of Lei Shen Company, at least 35-4 billion US dollars; it is not so embarrassed to grab money.


West Brun said very domineering: "I said two sons, what do you think! Thunder Company even the standard -1 missile is not available to you, now I want to buy a standard -2 missile. Don't think that the same Saudi is good It can be applied to Raythene Company together. Raytheon has the world's most advanced air defense missile system, but I will not sell it to the Arab countries. "

Very breath, the princes of Surdan wanted to teach him a one. But the good play is just beginning. If you expose it now, you can not play.

Two son: "Silhouse, our Arab don't have to be guilty! Today we have sincere and cash to buy weapons and equipment. Although we cannot produce advanced weapons, we also want to protect national and people's safety. Air defense missile Will be deployed to Iraq and Saudi, Raytheon can send people to supervise. If the price is not suitable, we are willing to increase the price. "

This is enough, it is enough, after all, as a national No. 2 figure, the future is successive; but there is your pride.

Xibun said with a smile: "Two sons, what is it! Thunder's missile is not sold to you. How can you have money? Do you dare to grab it from my hand. And even if you grab your past How, there is no way to guide the leader of Lei Shen, will your Arab people use it! "

This is said that there is a serious discrimination, which may cause huge contradictions. But West Bollen feels very cool, he wants to step on the opponent.

Two son: "Silled, I hope you have to pay attention to your words. Our Arabs never steals, it is to buy weapons and equipment with sincerity and funds. Do not sell to our standard series missiles, is it because Israel's relationship. "

"As far as I know, Israel does not purchase a standard series of missiles, not what big customers in Lei Shen Company. Do you have money? Do you want to ask it on it. We are willing to take the most sincere, as long as you are willing to sell Missiles, or even in oilfield exchange is not. "

Iraq is a big oily country, and now the world's oil prices continue to grow. Use missile to exchange oilfields, absolutely a stable sale.

West Burun laughed very crazy, it can be said that some forget it now. After laughing, I said: "This is not the problem of money, nor is the problem of oil field. Let it be white, just don't want to sell it."

"I will talk to you so long, just want you to ask me; then I am refusing. This is a sense of accomplishment, don't you think!"

A person who has a good temper, and it is difficult to endure at this time, let alone the head of the country. But the princes of Surdan and the two sons did not say anything, but the heart was unwilling to leave.

I saw that the two sons were so soft, and West Bollen said with a smile: "When I said next time, I changed my idea; also let you get some enwell."

The two did not do anything, but left directly.

At this time, the Vice President of Lei Shen Company said: "Mr. West Brun, the other party is the Iraqi No. 2 character, future succession. And Iraq's sincerity is enough; do we really don't think about it! Even I don't want to sell weapons and equipment to the other party, and there is no need to humiliate a future leader of a sovereign state. "

"I will respond to the board of directors, and now in advance."

He has long seen this second party is not pleasant; I really don't understand why the board will send a pig to come over Paris. Sales Standard -1 air defense missiles, which is very compliant with the interests of Raytheon. And the most important Iraqi is sincere, people are really purchasing. Even willing to pay the full amount, and exchange with oil fields, ask where to find such a buyer.

West Brun: "You have the right to report the board of directors, but please pay attention to the identity; I am the person in charge of the Paris Air Show, I said anything."

After that, I didn't pay attention to each other, I took it back to the room. Just is very cool, at least he feels like this.

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