Early the next morning, everyone came to the Boolean Airport and prepared to participate in the Paris Air Show. For this event, military and airlines that may be any country cannot miss. After all, in the last two years, the new technology is endless. Moreover, the new aircraft developed by the Black Cloud Group will also be unveiled at the Paris Air Show, and everyone is very expected.

With the opening ceremony of the 36th Airvision in Paris, the French President Mitterrang announced that the advanced airplane of the world's large aircraft manufacturing enterprises began to appear.

In the Paris Air Show, the Soviet Union has not been warm. After all, Huadi countries buy aircraft, basically they have passed the Moscow directly; they will not come to Paris; who is not allowed to make the French earned a fee.

The "Diamond" Central Design Bureau is predecess to the First Special Design Bureau of the Soviet Unit. The bureau was established in September 1947, the main task is to develop a ground-air missile. Subsequently, in order to strengthen the air defense of the capital Moscow and its industrial zones, Stalin will extend to the first special design bureau.

In 1950, the First Special Design Bureau was renamed the No. 1 design, and it quickly renamed the Moscow "Arrow" Design Bureau. In 1955, the Central Design Bureau of "Diamond" is renamed again. In October of the same year, under the leadership of the general designer Laspaphi, the S-25 air defense missile system was successfully developed. Under the leadership of the two chief designers before and after Laspaph, the "Diamond" Central Design Bureau developed the S-75, S-125, S-200 and S-300 air defense missile systems.

At this time, Laspaphi, who has the father of the Soviet air defense missile, is no longer, the successor is the second general designer of the bureau, and is also a total designer of the S-300 air defense missile system.

It is said that it is an air show, but the Air Show can be sold in a flight; empty missiles, air defense missiles are equally important.

The Soviet anti-defense missile has been sought after by the market, but because Israel's battles of Iraqi nuclear amenities, as well as the bad performance in the battle of Beka Valley; let the Soviet air defense missile, it is simply a joke. Not only in the world, that is, the Chinese people don't want to buy.

Rely on the Soviet domestic procurement, let the Diamond Design Bureau have lived a good day; it is an idiotic dream, and it is good to live. Therefore, as the general engineer of the Diamond Design Bureau came to Paris, it would want a snow.

In order to avoid Night Mondage, but also worried that Americans are reassunned; Surdan's princes will come to the Soviet booth, and you have already got news. The region is waiting for the customer.

Seeing this new minister came to him, the principal did not understand what it means. For this super official second generation, he really didn't feel how much the opponent had. But who makes people's family strength, there is no way. But the air show, not going to watch the flight performance; come over, what is your lively, is it coming to press jokes. There is no such thing for this gold to guess, and the answer will be disclosed.

Little Urcanov: "General Engineer,

In a while, Saudi and Iraq will come to purchase prevention and control missiles; as a general engineer of the S-300 prevention and control missile system, I hope you can give them a detailed introduction of a product performance. As for the price, you don't have to ask more, it will definitely beyond your imagination. "

"At the same time, I have already got the domestic authorization, and I will never let you be difficult. What you have to do now is to introduce your products; then wait for orders, go back to production, and get huge bonuses."

For sale S-300 air defense missile, it is really not so exclusive as a general engineer. After all, it is possible to get more countries to recognize more countries. But in front of you, this child hasn't woken up yet. How can he affirm that the Arab will buy.

It is still not questioning, as an engineer; must seek truth from facts; everything depends on the data, then you can wait and see.

The French flight performance team has just started performance, and the princes of Surdan came to the Soviet office.

I didn't expect the principal, and the Arabs will really come. For this big household, no one can underestimate.

Little Ushino said before: "The king of the king, the two princes, we haven't seen you for a long time."

Because Bao Zi Xuan's relationship, both sides are familiar with each other.

Prince Surdan said with a smile: "I didn't expect Ushikov to become the Minister of Soviet General Construction, it seems that our parties can completely strengthen cooperation."


This is the recognition of yourself, Little Urjov laughs back: "The king is so polite, as long as it can help it, it will not have a lot of effort."

Two sons smiled and said: "General, Saudiov, Saudi and Iraq, mainly to buy some weapons and equipment from your country. The most desired weapons you get, is the S-300 air defense of the Central Diamond Design Bureau of the country. Missile system. "

I heard the S-300 air defense missile, the principal is really some admire this young minister. And look at a few people's conversation, it seems to be very familiar; this business is absolutely play.

Little Ushikov said with a smile: "Thanks to the two recognition of the Soviet weapon, this time I specially assigned the S-300 air defense missile system chief designer's principal for two introductions.

I heard the chief designer of the S-300 air defense missile in front of him. It seems that the Soviet Union also pays attention to them. The Middle Eastern people have to face, and they have suffered a lot in the United States. Now get a warm reception from the Soviet Union, not only to receive the minister of the total assembly personally, the chief designer is personally introduced, this card is absolutely low.

Little Muscanov said with the principal: "The principal work, this is the prince from Saudi, this is Iraqi two masters. Trouble you introduce a S-300 air defense missile system for two I think no one knows its power than you. "

The principal is ignorant, and it is also mixed in the military circle. Of course, I know that the prince of Surdan in the important position of Saudi, and the other is the first selection of Iraq.

The Prince Surdan said with a smile: "Total work, hello! I am very happy to see you, for the S-300 air defense missile system, please help introduce."

In fact, it is now more like walking a full story. After all, the bag must have introduced the product in detail; just don't want Americans falling down.

Saudi Prince's first-class characters are so polite, the principal is in the high, and they don't dare to make big, smile and say: "The Prince Hall, too polite, this is what I should do."

"The S-300 air defense guide has more than 150 kilometers, and the air missile weapon system is highed between 25 and 30 kilometers. All aircraft can be intercepted, including cruise missiles. And automatic tracking mode is emitted The computer will send the target parameters to the missile; then the missile will lock and attack the target based on the parameters obtained. "

"You can say any of the aircraft, all within his effective range; and missile speed can reach 6 Mach."

After that, the data of the missile is listed in detail. After all, it is a general engineer, which is familiar with missiles developed.

I heard a professional introduction, in the end of Bao Zi Xuan's back book, after all, where is the personal brand where it is.

The Prince Surdan said with a smile: "Saudi is ready to purchase four air defense groups, both of the 32 air defense missile battals. But the first batch will purchase 2 air defense missiles, which is the equipment of 16 air defense missile batches."

"At the same time, Iraqi is ready to purchase 12 air defense missile battals. I don't know how much the price is. At the same time, whether it is Iraq or Saudi, I hope that the Soviet engineer will guide and train. Relevant all costs are taken by us."

I heard this quantity, but the two were shocked. It is no wonder that Bao Zi Xuan said that a single air defense missile can sell 5 billion US dollars, it is really going to do business with the Middle East. Huashi National Buy the Soviet weapon, basically does not use cash transactions, all object exchange; Soviet, in order to maintain relationships, basically below the cost price transaction.

For the Middle East, there is no need to polite.

Little Ushov: "A air defense missile camp has 8 launch units. Each launch unit has 4 missiles; our is willing to provide the largest ammunition base for the two countries, with both air defense missile battles. The shelf life of the Soviet missile is 20 years, and I have absolute confidence in this point. If the missile itself, it can not be empty, can be replaced free; for this point, it can be written to the contract. "

"A missile camp, plus all the price of all supporting auxiliary equipment is $ 150 million; at the same time, in order to express their sincerity, we will give more 12 missiles for each family."

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