Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1353, the different mentality of the Soviet Union

At this point, all directors, including Lance Marshall, did not expect that the old man will resign directly. As the saying goes, the murdere is just the first place, people have such this, you can't do too much. This can be a trick, and the rotten stall is left directly to Lance Marshall. Arabs are very temper. Now they are so humiliated by Raytheon's management personnel.

And this time, it is also involved in the absolute high-level, future leaders of the world's most powerful two countries. If the other party is satisfied, Raytheon is estimated to be able to say to the Middle East market! Although the US military's internal procurement is enough, it is almost impossible to earn high profits. Therefore, for this large household in the Middle East, no military enterprises can ignore!

At this time everyone looks to the Waning - Marshall, see how this guy said. Although it is very atmosphere that Xiao Xibon damaged the company, it involved the power of the two shareholders, no one wants to participate. When it is not a station team, the Marshall family wants to really get the corporate management right, and it is not so easy.

I didn't expect the old boy to resign directly, and they were picking the borders here. But now everyone is watching, even if it is known to be a pit, you must go forward. The Marshall family must first get the company's management right, otherwise it will not have a chance in the future.

The Jewish consortium is more and more in Raytheon, and now you can still maintain a good balance; who can say the future! With the economic strength of Jews, it will definitely be held by them. Then Raytheon will completely become clear, this help people make any crazy move, it is not surprising.

The opportunity is only once, and it is still in front of you. Lance Marshall did not hesitate, directly said: "It is reasonable to say that it is not in me, but now the company is facing the crisis; as a founded family of Thunder, you must take a responsibility."

"The first is to pass the Paris directly, learn the specific situation, then communicate well with the high level of the Middle East. Even if you can't reach a cooperation agreement, at least our state; or the end, at least let customers feel. This kind of thing is absolutely not will happen!"

"International weapons and equipment markets are not a unique American. Soviet Union, France, including the Black Cloud Group, is rising. If Rage God is thinking about Laozi Technology, then the morning party will be eliminated by the market."

Even if you don't say, everyone is clear! It can be said that although it is nonsense, there is so some truth; at least say that it will not be wrong.

Since this kid, willing to take the initiative to take responsibility. Other directors did not say anything, and West Bunn has resigned, let Lance Marshall have a non-thickness.

Less than two hours, Lance Marshall successfully took over the chairman; let it feel unbelievable, and feel responsible.

After getting the company's absolute authorization, he took the experts to Paris.

As for this,

The Soviet delegation was holding an emergency meeting. It's still not a celebration, after all, the show will have not ended; let the subordinates completely recognize their own ability, or to see the performance.

By orders, the subordinates are absolutely obedient. Any order, I don't dare to violate the Yin Fengyang. The most representative of the Soviet Diamond Design Bureau chief engineer principal. He saw the negotiation between the general equipment minister, Minister, Minoli, with the Arabic. For such a high price, I didn't think it was.

Previous Soviet weapons, although the sales situation can be; but the profits are not high. Now replace a minister of equipment, the situation is changed; that is, if they don't have, it is incompetent.

Little Musknov stood up: "Comrade, all the engineers, everyone! I am Ushikov, the general equipment minister, before you are familiar with this surname, that is because of my uncle. But now the Soviet General Equipment Department, I am responsible for leaders. "

"First of all, I have to say someone to everyone, because of the system relationship, I can't give it too much reward. But I can only guarantee that the best efforts are for everyone's welfare, treatment!"


"This Diamond Design Bureau's principal, the designed S-300 air defense missile system. It can bring more than 10 billion US dollars to the Soviet Union; if the implementation plan of Europe and the United States, the principal engineer can get at least $ 300 million in bonuses. "

"But now, I can only give you 10 million ruble bonuses; and all staff of the Diamond Design Bureau share. I have to say a sorry to the principal engineer. This is the minister of this total equipment is not competing, did not give it Strive to get the right to benefit! "

"But I can guarantee you, or to ensure that the Diamond design bureau engineers in the Middle East have guaranteed. They have a subsidy in the Middle East every day, which is borne by Saudi and Iraq; all benefits belong to yourself; anyone Do not have to take advantage of it! "

I heard the minister of the young general equipment, I was able to give them a bonus of 10 million rubles. All Engineers of all Diamond Design Board are very satisfied, this is true. This era, the dedication of the Soviet engineer is absolutely worthy. And at this time, the ruble can be very strong; the official exchange rate is higher than the US dollar.

Everyone can get a bonus of more than 10,000 rubles, and what is not satisfied. And in the past, the Middle East, training alas; you can earn $ 500 every day, and it is even more thinking about things. At this time, Little Urcanov has been recognized, at least treats at least; it is a little problem.

I didn't talk about everyone, Little Urjov continued: "Of course, I would like to thank the Alexie-Tu Lev chief engineer. If there is no picture -22m slamming machine, we can't overcome Americans. I can tell you responsibly, you get every order; it is relying on the performance of weapons. It is definitely not the Americans give up, we leak! "

"Only because of the international situation, and confuse your opponents, many intelligence need to be confidential. I don't believe everyone is loyal to Soviet Union, but all are senior engineers; your battlefield is in R & D workshop, laboratory. As for information on intelligence, or Have a better time! "

"Figure -22M slamming machine, can bring a lot of profits to the Soviet Union. As for now, it is still not statistics. Because it is a single one, there will be more than ten countries' military representatives, come over the Soviet booth consultation. So I can Responsible, your bonus will definitely not be less than the engineer of the Diamond Design Bureau. "

Alekse - Andreyevich - Tuto Lev may be, it is the foundation of the Soviet Aeronautical Industry, Andre, Tuto Lev. Affected by the family, I am interested in airlines since childhood.

This technology is taking advantage of the high school after graduating from the Middle School to the Moscow Aviation College. After graduating from 1949, he entered the Tup Lev Design Bureau and started the aviation designer's greeting under the guidance of his father.

In 1957, the Director of the Surcharge Aircraft Research Office, Alekse, Po Lev Air Design Bureau, began independently of design tasks. A private passenger plane such as "Figure-104", "Figure-114", "Figure-124", "Figure-134" and "Figure-204" are developed. At the end of the 1960s, the world's first supersonic passenger aircraft "Figure-144" "can be cruised in the world, and successfully tried on December 31, 1968," strategic bomber.

Laozi hero is a good guy, it is estimated to describe the Palers' father and son. There is still no observations for the sale of the picture -22m refurbishment. As the inheritance of the father and son, no one knows what a good plane is better than him.

It is a lot to make a lot of the map-204 passenger plane to the Black Cloud Group. However, the words come back, and the Soviet Union can not sell the same plane with the black cloud group, and the Soviet Union can not sell it; but the Black Cloud Group is not only expensive, but it is more sought after by the market. It is definitely not because people replacing a engine is so simple, and there is a big relationship with the visibility of the company.

Therefore, the old man value the design bureau named by the family surname, after all, this can be a inheritance.

For Alexie-Tu Lefalev personally designed aircraft, Little Usjov does not dare to despise. Therefore, it can only be confidential, so that the father is so good.

If you let the old man know that the plane designed; there is no more air defense missile, I don't know if I will do it!

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