But Zheng Zhou Yong's thoughts, the head is rich. I thought that the other party is also an acute child, or it is to understand his character. After all, it is not so understanding of the situation between Korean companies. But since this is said, then, then it must be slammed into a knife. Koreans have sent them to the door, and what is good for.

When the UFO technology is sold to the Americans, even if you don't have any secret. But now many people don't know, I don't know if Americans can eat technology. Time is money, involving national defense safety, even. So no one wants to take risks, and it is better to take advantage of the technology; it is better to take the opportunity to negotiate.

In fact, this is also the reason why Bao Zi Xuan deliberately flicker Yans Wright entered the military field, that is, let him start from zero; then even if there is a country to buy flying sauks from Americans, it will carefully consider it. An aircraft manufacturing enterprise that has just been established is not found. Even if you have an upholus technology and production line, you can produce a technology output outward.

Plus from Americans to buy weapons and equipment, but there are many political conditions. Money may be less, but comprehensive analysis, may pay more. Cooperation with the Black Cloud Group, there have been no additional conditions; as long as it is right, there is nothing to worry. Bao Zi Xuan is just a normal businessman, at least the surface is the case; therefore it will be more relaxed.

Bao Zixuan: "Since Mr. Zheng is a refreshing person, then I can't be too worn. Before the Black Cloud Group has been produced to three companies, but it is all exchanged methods. But there is still no black cloud group needs. Technology, or there is no technology to the same flying saucer technology. "

"So we still talk about the price, I think this is very provincial matter for both parties."

"$ 4 billion, this is a very reasonable price. The Black Cloud Group will sell a full set of technology and production lines. Engine production equipment, also included."

"Of course, you can't say all equipment, including electronic components such as chips, LED screens, need to purchase from the supporting plant. The standard capacity of the production line is 20 flying saks every year."

$ 4 billion, it is definitely a high price. However, the production equipment of the engine is included, but the Koreans are very heartbreaking. As for the electronic components, it is really not a big problem. Modern Group itself has a chip and electrical plant; producing these, it is very professional.

Seeing the other party did not speak, Bao Zixuan continued: "The offer is based on the combination of comprehensive technical assessment, as well as production equipment, etc., there is absolutely no premium ingredient. After all, cooperation needs to be done for a long time, everyone is not only a business."

In fact, the Koreans think about it.

It is considered to spend so much money, and it is worthless. And Bunzu Xuan said very well, this offer is the final offer. After all, the identity of the other party is really disdainful in the pit. Enterprises must be a certain scale, and the reputation may be more important than profit.

Although the modern group is rough, it is not so easy to take it out of $ 4 billion. Assets are absolutely, but such a huge cash, it is estimated that there are not many companies that can come out of the world. This world is like this, when you have other people who don't have, you can naturally get pricing rights.

Three stream companies rely on services, second stream companies, and first-class enterprises. Now about UFO products, other companies have no at all; Black Cloud Group is not only developing standards, and is still the only standard; it is also true of the estimation.

The car Jun is a head of the Korean delegation, which is also from the family. Of course, I know that Zhengzhou Yong's difficulties, the comprehensive strength of major companies in Korea, he is still very clear.

So I gave Zhengzhou Yong a firm look, meaning it clearly, South Korea can't miss this opportunity.

Before you came over, the two have already met a good, even agreed to have a lot of dark numbers! After all, in front of the customer, negotiating things is very impolite; at the same time, people will feel that you can't do the Lord, it is a shame. Koreans still love their faces, especially this big financial valve family.

In fact, the two stipulations of the stipulations of the stipulations of the stipulations of the way. The premise is to bring the car home together, no one will help, always give her a wedding dress.

The cruise car is not yet on behalf of the military, but there is also a car home. With his guarantee and support, then things will do a lot. Even if the fund is not in place, there is a military lining behind the back;

Zhengzhou said with a smile: "The price is not fed, but it is still very reasonable compared to the production line, it is still very reasonable. Although I didn't see the specific equipment list, I believe in the character of Bao, and the commercial reputation of the Black Cloud Group It really won't be a little money, and it is intentionally pitted us. In accordance with Mr. Bao said, $ 4 billion; modern group purchases the full set of technology and production lines. "

Baozi Xuan didn't think of the old man is really hard, no wonder people can become one of the five major financial valves in Korea, or even the boss. It is this kind of power, and the average person does not have. If you are anyone else, you will definitely look at the device list and verify the feasibility. However, Zhengzhou Yong actually omitted all these steps. To know that the two are the first time; with the black cloud group is also the first time, is there so high?

In fact, Bunzi Xuan business reputation is on the one hand, and more importantly, there is also a Korean military to participate. I believe that as long as it is normal, I don't dare to easily pit a national army. Although the Black Cloud Group is the world's largest company, Bunzi Xuan is known as the enemy. But after all, it is not a country, so many things will inevitably be estimated.

If you really dare a national military, then things can be less simple. The other party wants how to revenue, but it is, the head of the bag is now rich; it will not be in dangerous situations because of billion dollars. Don't say it is Bao Zi Xuan, you will not do this even at this time. Wealth arrives to a certain extent, business is a certain scale, and the deception does not exist at all.

Everyone does not say that the light is positive; but as long as it is cooperation, it is basically earned to make money.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I didn't expect Mr. Zheng so fast, then according to $ 4 billion. However, the specific details can be finalized after returning to Asia, we can simply sign an agreement."

Although prices have been reached, there are many clauses involved. And this is in Paris, it is not two home; involving technical transfer and production line procurement, it really doesn't have to trade directly on the air show.

At this time, the headers don't know if this money earnss to know whether it is worthwhile, although you can make half profit; but also brings the technology of the aircraft to South Korea.

But now I don't care so much. After all, Koreans are not purchasing technology and production lines in the Black Cloud Group; they will buy other weapons from the United States. Instead of enhancing the strength of US military companies, it is better to earn this money. Moreover, the UFO technology is only an initial product, watching is very exciting, the ability to operate is limited; there is no overall situation! As for other people want to say, it is not so much.

Business is talking, everyone is also very happy. But seeing this plane in front of him, Zhengzhou Yong has other ideas. The modern group has a lot of air companies, and there is a lot of communication between South Korea and the United States; so huge plane is not in Korea!

Zhengzhou said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, this plane looks like it; there is a airline in the modern group; I don't know if we can cooperate in this regard."

As the main introducer of this oversized passenger, it is the spokesperson. Other customers are all looking at him, and they must not refuse for the business of sending the door.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "It is not very understandable to Korean companies before, but it is a lonely, it seems that there is a chance to have to pass a Korean, try to understand the development of Korean enterprises."

"This time, Zheng Sheng visited, plus the international status of modern groups; if you don't doubt. If you change it, it is a powerful company. If you have no investigation in advance, you don't miss the opportunity."

"This plane is built by four joint builds. The Black Cloud Group is responsible for engine system; Motorola is responsible for aviation electricity, radar system; Mitsubishi is responsible for other core components; for aircraft design, assembly, and body production, etc. It can be said that it is a strong combination of four, so Mr. Zheng can absolutely be relieved. "


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