Minnesota Northern Canada's Manitoba and Ontario, the east of Subilia, I'm facing the Xibi River and Wisconsin, south of Iowa, West Nanyi, North Dakota. The north of the United States (49 degrees north latitude) is in the state, so Minnesota does not be called the North Star. With an area of ​​219,000 square kilometers, in 50 states, the 12th place. The population is 5 million. The capital is Sao Paulo.

Bao Zi Xuan came directly after New York, he came directly to this place where the US population is relatively small. It was originally thinking next year, but it was afraid that there was not much time next year.

The petroleum crisis should be closed, and the factory construction will be completed. I have a lot of landscapes in Mirace, and many things can't do too much. Baozi Xuan came over, it was to find the black cloud in the next 30 years to the professional manager, but also grab the talent before Li Chao.

Huo Jianning, in 1974, in St. John, St. John, Minnenast, USA, has obtained a literature and acquires professional accountant qualifications. After returning to the United States in 1979, he was returned to the Yangtze River Industrial Group by Li Ka-shi.

Later, studying in New England University, obtaining financial management degrees, and testing Australian accountant qualifications. In 1984, he was rising as a director of Huangpu Executive Director. In 1985, he was appointed as a director of the Yangtze River industry, and in 1987, it jumped into a vice directors and general manager. Until in 1993, he became a director and general manager of Huangpu Director.

On May 5, 2010, the Hong Kong SAR Government Taxation Bureau announced that the "Work Emperor" of the "Working Emperor" in 2009 ~ - 2010, the tax is 91 million Hong Kong dollars, above 2008-2009 HK $ 71 million, Increase 28.2%. According to the annual report of Huang, Huo Jianning has rewarded HK $ 124 million in 2009, still known as "Work Emperor" in Hong Kong.

In 1979, he joined the long-term, accounting director, with its financial finance talented and practical style, all the way. In 1984, he was rising as a director of Huang, and 1985 Ren Changshi Director. In 1993, he reputation and the general manager of the Huang Director.

After Huo Jianing took over, he continued to change the group, and successfully transferred the business from the loss through the acquisition. Later, he had a good performance, and in 2012, he listed in Canada, and the Group has received a special profit of HK $ 6.5 billion.

After that, he took over the European telecommunications business that has been over-lost for many years. Since the establishment of Orange, it has been eating and educating the telecommunications business in Hong Kong since its establishment, and the telecommunications will change. By 1996, Huo Jianning resolutely spoiled Orange listing, successful cash, and later, seeing the opportunity to replace Orange at the end of 1999, successfully earned more than 160 billion Hong Kong dollars, and created myths.

During the term of office, Husky oil turns for many years of loss is profitable. At the end of 1999, he has promoted many major transactions, will develop into a brand-name telecommunications; in the past five years, the company and management staff of the Huang Group have received more than 50 newspapers and magazines at home and abroad, and obtain a variety of Honorary title, Huo Jianning can be said that it doesn't.

Huo Jianning's resume is worthy of the professional manager. This time this time is to invite Huo Jianning to join the Black Cloud Group, to bring him directly to the Black Cloud Group before Li Chao.

In a cafe in the University of St. John, Minnesota, Baozi Xuan saw Huo Jianning. At this time, Huo Jianning is not the future of the future generation, just a student who is preparing to return to Xiangjiang to graduate.

Huo Jianning did not expect the black cloud group bunxuan Xuan to come over to find him. After all, the two people are now not a level, but the Black Cloud Group really wants to invite themselves, but they will not be able to come with the boss!

Baozi Xuan looked at Huo Jianning: Hello! Huzon, I am Bao Zixuan.

Huo Jianning: "Hello! Banheng! Call me Jianning! Do you have anything to help this time!"

Bao Zixuan: "Well! Jianning.

Huo Jianning: "I think that there is not so much famous, you can let the gossip will come to me."

Bun Zixuan: "You are too self-modest, you are very famous in the Chinese students in the United States, I have a group of people to investigate the international students around the world. You don't want to make these outstanding international students. Cloud collection group. "

"Now the proportion of the internal RB and European and American employees in the Black Cloud Group is too great, and the Xiangjiang local has no special university, I can only put my eyes on the other."

After listening to Baozi Xuan explained, there was a kind of feeling. In fact, the buns Xuan has a team to investigate the Xiangjiang students to study! It is based on the past memories. However, this secret can not tell anyone, that is, it is not necessarily believed in people.

Huo Jianning: "I have to graduate next year, and my sister is ready to recommend me to Li Chao."

Bunzi Xuan: "Li Chao people do not necessarily fit you, I didn't devalue the meaning of the Yangtze River. He is a traditional industry, where you don't necessarily have big as a. Come to the Black Cloud Group is not the same, you can take you Talents have been to the extreme, and I am an engineer, there is no ability to manage the company. You come to the Black Cloud Group platform will be more vast. "

I heard that Huo Jianning is really a bit a bit, after all, now the strength and platform of the Black Cloud Group will be better than the Yangtze River industry. Moreover, it will not let people gossip, after all, the sister is recommended to Li Chao, and it is inevitable that there will be a small person to say three. Now the boss of the black cloud group is invited to himself, how is the position will not be too low, or if Baozi Xuan personally recruits still meaning!

Huo Jianning: "I admit that you have reasonable you say, but I want to know the position and treatment of the Black Cloud Group. After all, I have to live."

Bunzi Xuan: "The Chief Financial Officer of the Black Cloud Group, all the financial work of the entire Black Cloud Group is responsible for you, just report to me, the level is equivalent to the deputy general manager of the group. Bid 500,000, there is a bonus and option "

I heard that Huo Jianning is not very calm. How do you suddenly be such a high position, and the salary is also the top of the industry. Now it is 1978.

Huo Jianning: "Banheng; I am just a college student who has just graduated. I have reached such a high position. And the salary is also high."

Bao Zixuan did not expect this or a real person, and it could put the position very positive. It is really good to do financial work.

Bun Zixuan: "You don't have to be self-modest, and I believe that you can match this position and salary. You have to tell me what is not satisfied, there is still what requirements after going back to Xiangjiang. "

Huo Jianning: "I don't have any unsatisfactory places, but I have to report to the black cloud next year."

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, this year Christmas, you will go back to Xiangjiang with me. At that time, the black cloud factory can be built. You are also familiar with the working environment in advance. Welcome to join the black cloud."

Huo Jian Ning arrived until Bunzi Xuan's hand has reacted himself, and immediately reached out with his right hand with Bao Xuan's hand.

At this time, the bodyguard took the contract that had already been prepared, Huo Jianning smiled. After watching a name, I signed the name. Seeing that Bunxuan is finally relieved, Li Chao is sorry, anyway, you should not mind, so you should not mind!

Bao Zi Xuan opened a $ 200,000 check to Huo Jianning: "This is your signature fee, you don't have to be embarrassed. Each new entry of black cloud has this fee."

Huo Jianning did not expect that he didn't give 200,000 US dollars in a day, no wonder the black cloud group has developed so fast. It is not that the general boss can do this.

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