Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1406 Old Mao's Angry

When I saw Bun Zixuan, Xiaouscino leaked a smile. The reason why this aviation show can make such a score, and it can be said that the same Bao Xuan has a direct relationship. If there is no big household in Saudi, other countries in the Middle East will not purchase the Soviet weapons. After all, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, but in the Middle East caused a huge sensation.

Although nothing is darent in the surface of these countries, it is in a darkly. It is time to end the farce, otherwise it is difficult to recognize internationally. However, this time I gave the Americans, let the US company taste the bitterness; although the means is not very brilliant. However, the effect is very obvious, so that Xiausanov looks to the eyes of Baozi Xuan, there is a different.

I only feel that this kid is a senior engineer, super genius; a good hand of doing business. It is a great subverting of the recognition, and it is also an expert. If it is him, it will absolutely not think so far; even let the Americans can't say it. The Soviet Union did not cost a shot, the achievements can be achieved; even unbeaten on the war.

Weapons are not a hammer sale, and the high-end weapon is even more. You need to maintain regular maintenance, upgrade, which can be required. And there are people training, which is the real profit. A national military procurement is limited, the Soviet Union is more; then the US or other countries will naturally reduce the corresponding reduction.

It seems that there is something, I can't think of using force to solve. The international situation has undergone great changes, and the Soviet Union must keep up with the times. Can't always think about aggression; unity and cooperation may become the next theme of humans.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "It is really more and more likely now; Moscow lets you serve as the minister of the total equipment, it is really choosing."

If you are anyone else, you will definitely come to the Soviet exhibition hall. After all, it has been closed at this moment, everyone is packing things. And many weapons and equipment are related to national secrets. There are still some privileges in this regard.

In fact, the country will not choose this time even if you want to steal it. If you are really caught in the old hair, things are not good.

Little Ushnov smiled and said: "These are really thank you, but we are friends. If it is an opponent, I really don't know how to do it. I am now praying for your opponent, because I don't feel it. Even if you win; it is very sad. "

This is true that it is a bit to kill him, and it feels that the fact is true; it may now be rich, it is some narcissism.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Come over, you have to find you, if you have not served as the general equipment minister; maybe you don't have any relationship. But now you are in this position, you can't set it out."

Seeing Bao Zixuan attaches this, Little Urjov immediately strict. After all, in his impression, this kid usually doesn't matter, but it will be very serious when it is related to business. This is the case, whether it is an opponent's employee or a partner. Although some are overbearing, but afterwards, they have proved; according to people's requests,

Still very necessary.

Little Urjov: "Let's talk about it, although it is Paris, France. But this room is absolutely safe."

In fact, think about it is normal, the French even installs the buffer. That is also looking for soft persimmons to start, for the Soviet Union; they don't dare to make any excessive move. If you really have to grab your handle by the old Mao, it will be difficult to return; and will also seriously affect the traffic exhibition.

Everyone spends money to come and exhibit, and I found that the French people passed the air show and explored customs information. Ask such an air show, there is also that country and company dare to participate. Even the minimum fair, there is no fair, and the credibility can be said. Occasionally take care of domestic companies, this is nothing. Everyone is a close eye, which is also an uncommon rule.

But through the eavesdropping device, stealing the conversation, it is absolutely unable to tolerate. The Soviet Union even Americans are not afraid, France is in the eyes of others, I can't do anything.

Since Little Ushino is guaranteed, then you can talk to this topic.

Bao Zixuan: "When I read a book in London, I heard such a story in the school. I feel that it should be a bit for you, at least if it is a true image."

"The main content is about the 1973 Paris Air Show Soviet Map - 144 crash event; at that time, the French did not know you clearly."

I heard this plane, Little Ushino began to recall. Figure -144 The passenger aircraft began design in 1962, which is the first ultrasonic transporter for the design and manufacturing of the Tup Lev.


In order to shorten the development cycle, it is first investive. And use a narrow triangular wing and a non-tail layout; 4 engines and wings into the airway, most of the wing have no twist. It is alleged that during the development process, a MiG-21 is used to modify the narrow triangular wing tail test machine; dozens of flight tests.

The production of Figure-144 is unveiled in 1973 with the Paris Air Show. Compared with prototype, the change in production is relatively large. In addition to the increase in fuselage, the wing, landing gear and engine are reddled; the head has increased the amount of tapless duck wings. It is estimated that this is due to a large amount of aerodynamic selection and experimental results.

It can be very unsuccessful for the first time, even leading to the crash event. Not only compensated for huge economic losses, but also let the Soviet air industry become a laughter.

Now Bunzi Xuan also said this, there is any cat great in the inside.

Seeing Little Urjov in meditation, Bun Zixuan did not bother; now of course give each other some time, remember. It is already a dozen years ago; it is estimated that he is a school-level officer. Perhaps because of the family relationship, you know more than the same level; but you won't know that it is clear.

But now it is different, as a Soviet senior official. Since there is a chance to understand the cause of things, it must be taken seriously. After all, this is also an embodiment of work ability, and can also brush the engineer.

Figure -144 aircraft, from Tu Leoff Dessert; the most important aircraft design bureau of this Soviet Union. As the ministerial minister of the total equipment, many times; it is necessary to support the following. This can be a good opportunity, at least let the old man of the Tu Lev Design Board thank him.

The Soviet weapons and equipment, there is a serious problem in China; not to mention in the Paris Air Show, you can say that the shame is lost to your family. This thing has always been like a big mountain, always pressing on the Gram Lev Design.

I saw that Xiaouscino slowed the god, Bao Zixuan continued: "In fact, this morning, the French Air Force" Phantom "III fighter takes off from Strasbourg, and the person is ordered to be in the picture-144 Take some aerial photographs when you take the Burguna Airport. "

"Wait until the map -144 is slightly 500 meters height," phantom "is located above 200 meters over Figure-144. This fighter may disperse the attention of Figure-144 pilot, they think two aircraft The distance is too close. After a few seconds, the "Phantom" III unit received an instruction and ready to withdraw. "

"So" Phantom "III began to turn left, and in Figure-144 unit, this plane seems to suddenly become bigger, they think that the two machines may collide. As a planned, Figure -144 captain manipulator Entering the dive, approximately to circumvent "Phantom" III, this mid-range diveback allows the aircraft to bear the negative overload - the negative overload under the data recorder is not big. "

"And the left wing of the aircraft is to fall off at this time, and the aircraft who lost one side wing immediately rolled down; folded to two, in the air exploded, the scene was very fierce."

"The previous consecutive plane test flight, the French also notified the members of the association unit. But when Figure -144 trial flight, France chose to conceal the shooting. Because they wanted to get the structure of the Duck wing layout in Figure-144. After all, Before this is, it appears on the military aircraft. "

"That is to say," The Aircraft Duck Wings layout is equivalent to the pneumatic performance of all Duck wing layout fighters in the Soviet Union. "

What is also the military senior general, and it is very well understood for the characteristics of the aircraft.

And the photo-144 passenger engineer, Xiaotu Lev is just in the exhibition hall; Xiausjov hacks people call him.

So the two discussed it and learned the specific cause of the aircraft crash. The old man is very atmosphere, but at the same time, there are some self-blame for many shortcomings.

The design overload of Figure-144 has problems, which can withstand 5-7 g of positive overload; and negative overload limit is only 1G. Even if there is some problems in your own design, the cause of the accident is also the French. Things must not be so much, you must find a french to discuss a statement. However, you need to investigate it before, at least let the French have nothing to say.

These with Bao Xuan did not have a lot of relationships, the turn hurts to the French.

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