Rome is the capital and the largest city in the Republic of Italy, and it is also the national political, economic, cultural and transportation centers, and has more than 2,500 years. It is a famous historical and cultural city of the world, the birthplace of ancient Roman Empire, because the city has a long history and is nicknamed "Aion".

The 1-2th century AD is the top time in the history of Rome. The city is located in the seven small hills of the Peninsula, the Midwest of the Italian Peninsula, on the seven small hills in the plain floor of the Tierra River. The city center area has more than 1200 square kilometers. It is the city with the largest area of ​​Italy, the most populous city; it is also one of the famous world famous tour.

Rome is the center of the Catholic Church in the World, there are more than 700 churches and monastery, 7 Catholic universities; the city Vatican is the Catholic Pope and the Holy See station. Rome and Florence are the Italian Renaissance Center, which is still saved with a fair cultural revival and Baroque style. In 1980, Rome's historic city was listed as a world cultural heritage.

It can be said that this is an unusual ancient city, and there is a road to Rome; it is enough to explain his important position in Europe, and the degree of development.

He also came to Rome in the past, and found that the entire pattern and the appearance did not change. Of course, it is not possible to say that Rome has not developed, but more about Romans is very good for the laundering of the ancient city.

Located in the north side of the Roman Cylinder Square, it is an ancient architecture with a hundred years of history, built in 1562-1580. The building was originally a Aldo Brandini family. In 1659, he was bought by a Kiji family, and the name of the Kiji Palace came. In 1878 became the Embassy of the Austro Hungarian. In 1916, the Italian government bought it, but became the official residence of the minister of the colonial affairs, the official residence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Office of the Ministerial Conference, and the official official position of Italy is the "Chairman of the Ministerial Conference". The Kigi Palace has become the Prime Minister of Italy. .

When Bao Zixuan came to this palace, it felt very different. Although there were several costumes in the UK, they were compared to the Dali Palace, still very different. It seems that there is a chance to buy a few palaces in Rome; otherwise it will be so much not to use, and it is also a waste.

In fact, it is also clear that European buying room is a big pit, after all, every year, many property taxes will be paid. But now may not be used, but wait until family members have changed, so you can use it in the morning and evening. Since the relationship with a few women, the bag is very open to this area.

Especially just seeing Enzo-Ferrari,

The inner idea becomes more determined. Family people still have more advantages, at least not cheap outsiders. As soon as it is a huge industry, it is not arranged in the future. And every child has a considerable heritage, what else is there.

Italy is also a magical country, starting from the 1861 Kingdom, until 120 years. The number of people who served as the Prime Minister or Prime Minister actually learned from 68 people, and it is necessary to have a person in Mussolini in more than 20 years. It can be said that the average term of the Italian prime minister is only one and a half years, and it is estimated that it is not very common in the world.

Perhaps the South American or African small countries that often have a military coup can see this happening. As a German experienced World War II, the number of people who served as the prime minister during this period is only more than 20. Prime Minister has been changing, meaning that the Political Bureau is unstable. Perhaps this is why italian companies are difficult to do, basically one of the reasons for SMEs!

After all, the big company needs government support, but the big people are busy competing for the premier throne, and how long is the time and energy to support domestic companies to expand.

Belidor Clarks; at the age of 51; international leaders of the Italian Socialist Party and the Socialist Party, the first Prime Minister of the Socialist Party Government, political activist, and one of the representatives of the Western "democratic socialism".

For the Prime Minister, Bao Zixuan basically knew what the ending of him, but he dared not have too much intersection. Come to Rome is just because of politeness and respect. After all, Ferrari has been successfully acquired, and some things still need to be cooperated and helped by Italian officials. The surface work still has to do it.

The 50 -year -old leader is relatively young, at least at the national level.

Belidor Clark said with a smile: "Welcome Mr. Bao to Rome, I don't know how impressions of Italy."

Can you say it is not good at this time! Not only offending people, but also to let the other party go to Taiwan. It's much more tired to deal with politicians than with business partners.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Italy is very good, especially in Roman City, which is more majestic than I imagined. And I have ordered my men to see where there is a suitable real estate or palace; when buying a few sets in Rome, I will often be often used in the future. come over."

When I hear it, I will come over often, which makes Beridino-Clark West Africa often happy. As the richest and the head of the world's largest industrial group; being able to live in Rome is a good publicity point.

Belidor Clarks: "Being able to get the favor of Mr. Bao; that is really the honor of Rome, even the whole country."

"I heard that Mr. Bao has reached an agreement with the Ranley family and successfully acquired Ferrari Motor Corporation. If you can come over in Italy, we are very welcome; you can contact me at any time when you encounter any difficulties in the future."

The old boy is still very polite, but for Bao Zixuan; even as a prime minister, it is estimated that it is impossible to use power.

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you Prime Minister's support, I want you to invest in Italy; it will definitely bring a generous return!"

Since others are polite, then you must be polite with each other. But at this time, I couldn't make a statement first. It was the Prime Minister invited him, or listened to what the other party said.

Belidor Clarks: "This time I invited you to come over, mainly some things want to ask."

It is also helpless, one may be more older than your father, saying to ask you. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing, but people have already speaking this copy; don't give an attitude, it is very rude.

Bun Zixuan: "You must not say this, what you can discuss."

In fact, the bag is helpless, and Benino-Clark is more helpless. As a prime minister, it is not only necessary to consider national stability, and the political situation is stable. More important is economic development, after all, this is also one of his work content.

However, it is the graduation of law school, and it has been working in the government department after graduation. Basically, there is no business operation, and for economic control and induction, it is a matter of difference. It is still not so trust in Italy's local businessmen. At least they will scrap too much, and most will safeguard their own business interests.

Although Bao Zixuan is not subject to economic related majors, it is enough to explain the company. It's hard to come over, and of course you can't let this opportunity, but you have to ask.

Bendeno-Clarks: "Invite you, mainly what you want to listen to what you have for the Italian economy. Don't have any scruples, rest assured. Don't shoot you joke, I am learning some legal professionals. How to develop an economy, really don't know much. "

How do you head in the head of state? All national political political political issues will ask him; he is not to learn about economic related majors, but people are brought out, nor well directly.

And before, I have done some homework. At least no elimination. In recent years, with the strength of the Black Cloud Group's strength, the intelligence department is also high in the boat; even many KGB retirers have joined. Of course, it is recommended, and these people's family; will come over the Xiangjiang or Fuji Ira.

Therefore, for the situation in Italy, don't say a clear two children; but combined with the past experience, it is known that the eight nine is not left.

Although the Italian economic growth is not slow, it is a little behind. It is necessary to know that the Hiroshima Conference has not taken them, indirectly indicates the Italian economy, and is not recognized by the mainstream of the world; it also shows that the international status is not high. At least three major powers in Europe, it is a lot.

The economy is limited, and maybe not bring one of them. Plus Lira is not high in international recognition, possibly these are the problems considered by Americans.

But from another side, do not participate in the Hiroshima Conference, but it is a good thing. At least the Italian currency is not affected, the Japanese can be very miserable by the pit. Italy can have no Japanese economic strength. If you really give this for Americans; don't say 30 years, it is estimated that 50 years can slowly come, it is already a miracle.

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