Ruby Design Bureau, headquartered in Leningrad. In the Soviet Submarine Design Bureau, the Ruby Design Bureau is the most designed submarine level, the most built-in number and the longest and long history; two-thirds of the Soviet nuclear submarine is designed by the design.

To say that the Soviet Submarine Design Bureau is a long history. At the beginning of the 20th century, Sa Russia was prepared to build submarines for fighting to enhance their naval power. On January 4, 1901, the Sauda Navy Assigned the design task of combat submarines to three naval officers, namely the captain of Beckley Mikov Navy, Guo Shuangnov Navy, and Senior Assistant Battrah Manufacturing.

The three people have been organized to develop work in the Baltic Marine Shipyard. The first design was released on May 3, 1901 and passed the approval in July of the same year, and was manufactured in the Baltic Marine Shipyard.

Bolov is appointed as the "Submarine Manufacturing Department". This "Submarine Manufacturing Department" is the ancestor of the Ruby Design Bureau.

The submarines designed by the Submarine Manufacturing Department have a common feature of the submarine. Shape looks like a torpedo speedboat. The submarines at the time were even directly called "underwater fish laser" by some military low-level officials. This is the reason after the first submarine dolphin is underwater, the breek is ranked in the torpedo sequence. But fortunately, on March 19, 1906, Saudo will separate the submarine as a combat power and ship.

During the Soviet Union, especially during the cold war;

Time I came to 1966, the 18th Design Bureau of the Central Committee was renamed the Ruby Ocean Machinery Central Design Bureau. After that, the Oscar nuclear submarine began in 1971. In 1974, the Schiski Jiefu took over the design of the design of the design; the most famous submarine in the design of Spherski's leadership designed to design the world in 1974. The submarine typhoon and the Kiolo level known as "black hole", and also participated in Oscar. The typhoon level is a piece of design, let Western countries amazed, and Kiro-level is recognized at the time that the most quiet diesel shipment in the world.

Baozi Xuan is a businessman after all, and some things can't do too much. Little Urcanov is in Moscow, but it is not abroad. The two privately can't meet; one is a senior general of the Soviet Union, one is a super rich in a rich. Although I know what the relationship between the two is, it is too close, it is easy to make Lenovo.

Ability to avoid trouble,

No one wants to have an external branch.

But today's bag is not the same, because he wants to investigate the Soviet Submarine Design Bureau. And not only for yourself, several Middle Eastern countries, just wait for him. Although it can't be said to be a weapon expert, it is estimated that no one will be more understandable for military technology.

So after Moscow stayed for one night, it came to Leningrad.

The so-called Leningrad is St. Petersburg, the city is built in 1703, has been nearly 300 years of history, and the city name is from the disciple of Jesus, Saint Peter. In 1712, Petersburg was in Petersburg. He has been the center of Russian culture, politics, and economy in 1918; 1924 to commemorate Lenin, renamed Leningrad. But when the Soviet Union disintegrates in 1991, it recovered formerly known as St. Petersburg.

Moscow to Lenin Grene is 700 kilometers, so there is no choice to ride. There is Little Urcanovs, direct a special train, can be said to be absolutely not lost.

I didn't see it last night to avoid it, but now I don't have concerns. As a total equipment minister, reception customers, introduce the Soviet weapons and equipment; it is also part of the work content.

Two people enjoy the wine brought by Bao Zixuan in the box. It's not a good wine, but it is inconvenient; after all, in the government department, some things still have to pay attention.

Bao Zi Xuan said with a smile: "Come over your site, even if I have wine; if it is some excessive."

This is more like a friend between friends, a joke; should not say this at this moment. But it is not difficult to see from this, the relationship between the two has risen to a good friend stage.

Little Urjov awkward: "Who will make you so much money, I invite you to drink, you can only be Vodka; I can't see it. And you can't easily come over, of course, you have to eat big households. I am an official person, Unlike you so free. It is estimated that this bottle of wine is estimated to be a half-year salary every year. It is estimated that you will take over the army tomorrow. "

This is really not a joke, it's very good to do it, and there is no relationship. However, it must not be disclosed, especially if people cannot catch the handle.

Both people actively choose forgotten for engineering technicians to send home appliances and cars. Everyone is a smart person, a lot of things are not good. It is not necessary to put it on the table, there is no need.

Baozi Xuan said: "Think of you are not easy, there is no money to spend money. It doesn't matter if you want to drink. But this submarine thing, you have to help me understand."

Talking about a matter, Little Ushnov Lima is serious. Directly said: "The situation of the Ruby Design Bureau is not good, so they don't have any reasons to refuse. But also need the Black Cloud Group to pay some fees; of course, these are small meanings for you."

"I dare to guarantee, as long as you don't buy a nuclear submarine, you have a good discussion."

There is still a lot of cooperation opportunities between the major design borsses of the Soviet Union. Especially the design bureau of the production missile, the design of the production of submarines; it must be communicated frequently and cooperate with each other.

The engineer of the Diamond Central Design Bureau gets anything after returning to China. The engineers of the Ruby Design Bureau do not say clearly, but basically understand. Can there be no submarine exhibition in the world, they don't easily go abroad. There is no opportunity to go abroad.

Also engineers, they are not less technical than engineers from the Diamond Design Bureau; even sometimes, the deterrence will be stronger.

If the Americans are most advocating the Soviet weapons, the strategic nuclear submarine force; absolutely can be ranked first. The Trui nuclear bomb, the power is indeed. However, the practicality is not strong, at least a problem that is launched to the United States is a problem. Trial explosion in your own country, no threats do not have the United States. Even if you can threaten the United States, no one is so stupid.

Kill the enemy, the normal person can't do it.

Moreover, in three nuclear strikes, several major powers will regard the strategic nuclear submarine as the most important force and vigorously develop. But some people think that more resources should be put into missiles, so they can directly improve the national nuclear strike capacity. In fact, for a nuclear country, the status of the submarine is very important, it is not only a platform, but also maintains the world's direct tools. If there is no, the number of nuclear bombs on the land is more, once the war, it is just a display.

The status of the strategic nuclear submarine is so important. According to the development unit, the Ruby Design Bureau will inevitably follow the boat. But when they feel their well-being; poor than other design bodies, they are definitely uncomfortable.

Bao Zixuan is a Soviet submarine, but it is not very satisfied with some design. Submarines are different from others, and an accidental boat can really be buried in the sea, and there is no chance to live. So want to change the design, or upgrade on the original basis; you must get the help of the designer.

Engineers and drawings without the Ruby Central Design Bureau, even if they buy back submarines; there is no engineer dare to fly.

And the Soviet designed submarines must have a lot of unusual places. There is no extraction technology, as well as the details of the layout; rushing to change, there is no difference between the same life.

Just buy submarines, there is no problem with a little problem; nor do you have to trouble. But it is now changing some design, and it is certainly necessary to let engineers and management; get some benefits, otherwise, who will work hard.

While modifying design, Black Cloud Engineers are likely to master the core confidential information of the Soviet submarine. This is not good news for the Soviets. And the head is the best, or the most advanced submarine in the Soviet Union. Things and techniques staying in the Germans during World War II, he can't see it.

As Xiaokanov said, it takes a certain fee. But for the head of the bag, it is not a problem as long as it is a problem that the money can solve.

In the future, Impel Ira must have an independent design and production of submarines. This goal will never change.

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