At this time, the Ruby Central Design Bureau went to the chief engineer to ordinary workers; I hope that the Heiyun Group can make a little more request, not that they want to find troubles themselves. But only by solving trouble can you get more benefits. Although the Soviet system is different, it is impossible to have super rich.

But for Bao Zixuan almost to reach the name of the world's richest man, as long as it is a little common sense, it is still clear. If the elder brother is one, it doesn't matter if you are bitter and tired. However, it is impossible to let a big family follow you, and now it is a peaceful age; those who make contributions should get the due treatment.

And those who have not contributed can enjoy better benefits and treatment; they should not.

Sipuski said with a smile: "If this is raised by others, I will let him leave immediately. After all, the technology of Soviet submarines must not be known to outsiders. These are national secrets. The weapon. "

"But Mr. Bao is different. Although it is not engaged in the submarine major, it is the world's top engineer. Heiyun Group has achieved technological leadership in many fields; I want to make suggestions, it should not be disappointed."

Hearing the old man even said that, others didn't know what to say. This is not polite, even a little suspicious! However, if you think about it, it seems that there is a little reason; after all, Bao Zixuan is called a super genius; and his thinking is very open. It is not impossible to improve the submarine.

Bao Zixuan: "Don't say that. This time I am a full -time representative of Fucha Ila, hoping to buy 12 Kilo -class submarines from the Soviet Union."

In 1974, the Soviet Union's Ruby Central Maritime Design and Design Bureau, located in Leningrad, began to plan a new type of firewood and electric attack submarine, called 877 fishes. NATO is called Kilo class. The first boat B-248 was on September 1980 The Communist Youth City Shipyard on the banks of the Amur River was delivered to the end of 1980 and became a army in 1982.

The Kilo class uses tear drops shell, which has a wide and round appearance. The front horizontal rudder is located at the head of the ship. The rear control surface includes a pair of horizontal rudder and the vertical rudder below, but there is no vertical rudder surface above. The Kilo class is the first firewood submarine promoted by the Soviet Union with a low noise. In the past, the Soviet submarine had a high mechanical failure rate.

They are more preferred by double -axis or even three -axis design.

The boat has a snorkeling displacement of about 2,300 tons and a submarine displacement of more than 3,000 tons. The mission submersible depth is about 240m, the maximum submarine depth is about 300m, and the hull reserved buoyancy is as high as 30%, which is very rare in the firewood submarine. The internal internal Kilo -class is divided into six water tight cabins, the front end is the torpedo cabin, the upper floor of the second cabin area is the command room, and the lower layer is the battery room; Room; the fourth cabin area is the diesel generator compartment, the fifth cabin area is mainly promoted the motor compartment, and the sixth cabin area is a spare electric motor cabin. Because Kilo -class preparation buoyancy is extremely considerable, one cabin in the six water tight cabins can ensure that it is not sinking.

The Kilo-class submarine power system includes two 4DL-42M diesel generators of 1000kW each, a PG-141M submarine for PG-141M submarine for a maximum power of the power; a 150-horsepower PG-142 low-speed cruise unit; Two emergency diesel generator sets and two groups of batteries of each 102 horsepower.

Single -axis six -leaf propeller advances, the propeller speed is 500 rpm, the maximum submarine is 17 knots, the snap speed is 8 ~ 10 knots, and the navigation of the respiratory pipe at 7 is 6,000 nautical miles. The battery life can continue to work at the sea for 45 days, and 52 personnel are prepared on the ship. The Kilo level has many measures to reduce noise, including the sound absorbing coatings of the outer hull, the wheels installed on the shock -absorbing base, the cabin adopt sound insulation facilities, etc. The noise is significantly reduced compared to the previous Soviet submarines. Therefore, it is called the "Underwater Black Hole" by Western countries.

As for the weapon system, the first half of the Kilo -class ship was arranged in the first half of the ship. The torpedo cabin on the ship can store 12 weapons, together with 6 in the torpedo tube, a total of 18 pieces can be carried. For a conventional power submarine, it is definitely advanced and armed to teeth.

The most important submarine was the weapon of being equipped with troops in the Soviet Union in 1982. It can be said that it is definitely the latest existence, not to mention sold it to the Middle East countries; except for Soviet local troops, there is no hunting clothing in the closest Huayo country.

If you can one step in place, buy nuclear submarines directly. Then Bao Zixuan will definitely not hesitate, but the Soviet Union will definitely not sell. Even though the Soviets wanted money, Fushara's current strength was unable to guard against it. For this strategic nuclear weapon, ordinary countries are not qualified to own.

Therefore, it can only be retreated to buy a Kilo -class conventional power submarine. And so much, not his family. The land area of ​​Fucha Ila does not want to block the Persian Gulf; therefore, there is no need to buy twelve ships directly.

This time is the three divisions, and Saudi Arabia and Iraq have also asked him to buy it together; after all the modifications, they can be sold to them two. This trust is not that company, and that person can get it; the richest man in this package agrees. Making money is one aspect. Buying twelve most advanced submarines at one time can also make the Soviet Union pay attention to it.

At the same time, the more the number of participation in the modification, the technology mastered by the engineer of Heiyun is becoming more and more solid.

The Kilo level is the ace product of the Ruby Design Bureau, and it has the most advanced weapon and equipment; the Soviet Union has clear regulations and restrictions. Although I want to sell profits very much, we will benefit from the engineers. But the Minister of Equipment Department of Little Waspenov did not speak, but he dared not agree easily.

Although you can usually not put Little Usinev in your eyes, it involves principles; he still needs to express his position. The Ruby Central Design Bureau has no right to determine.

Spezki looked at himself, and Little Usinev immediately understood what it meant. The old man wants to make money, but does not want to take responsibility. But he couldn't help it. The relationship with Bao Zixuan is one aspect, and the most important conventional submarine does not matter.

It means that it represents Focus Ila, but where is Focus Ila's money. It must be that the boy paid for it, and the senior management had agreed to sell the modified submarine before; as for the modification, it was also the customer's demand, and it was not harmful. At least, it is absolutely reasonable and legal.

Little Uskinov said with a smile: "Moscow has decided to sell the submarine to the friendly country, Funchaira. Therefore, the chief worker of Sipasky can be executed according to your ideas."

When I heard that high -levels have agreed, the problem is much simpler.

Sipuski: "Since Mr. Bao decided to buy Kilo -class conventional power submarines, I don’t know if there are still those places to improve."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan knew that the other party was testing them. Fortunately, I have prepared before. After all, I have obtained the technical information of German submarines in Poland, which is not unfamiliar with submarines.

The ruby ​​design bureau also has a projector, but it is still produced by Heiyun Group. Open the computer directly to explain the submarine layout you planned, and replace the electronics, sons, radar and other devices.

The mechanical part, Soviet products are absolutely nothing to say. In addition, Kilo -class submarine is still a double -layer shell design, so there is really nothing to change the structure.

See the design drawings of Heiyun Group and improve their opinions. Although some places are not very reasonable and too ideal. But the technical performance of electronic equipment is much stronger than the original product. At least the communication command system and combat detection system; all have been strengthened.

And letting Sipusky see the design of the future submarine's design, which opened a door.

In fact, the submarine has been born to the present, and UU reads for 100 years, and the shape has basically not changed much. It can be said that there is no room for improvement in fluidology.

As for weapons and equipment, it is also basically set; the significance is not great. Then we must focus on accurate detection, stabilize communication, reduce noise, and save power. The design of the Heiyun Group is all about these aspects.

Sipuski said with a smile: "Mr. Bao is really able to surprise people, and needs to be upgraded; the Ruby Design Bureau will cooperate with all hard work, and it will not let you down."

"Knowing that you pay attention to efficiency, so we will enter the work tonight."

"But one thing needs to be troublesome, that is, the home appliances and cars produced by Heiyun Group. Whether it can be sold to our design bureau, many engineers see the home appliances and cars of other design bureaus engineers, but envy."

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