After leaving the factory, Bao Zixuan will take it to the home, and this evening is Christmas Eve. I promised to go home with my mother, it is still not too late.

Peng Yifei has been responsible for the logistics guarantee from New York Wall Street, and it is necessary to pay in March 1979. It is a temporary arrangement for Bao Zixuan, and the young man is still very honest. However, this is also a few days in Xiangjiang. Mainly responsible for security or Jackson-Jones with the US bodyguard team. After all, their families are now in the dark, still rest assured.

Taikoo City Community, Bunzi Xuan bought 5 suites here. I bought 14th floor, 15th and 16th floor, just surrounded my old house. Now protecting Li Yulin's security personnel have expanded to 6 people, and they are all kinds of girls who have a good time.

About the bodyguards this piece of investment will always be more reluctant, or if you have to have a lot of money!

At 6:40 in the evening, Baozi Xuan finally returned home. The bodyguard is arranged next to the room to rest, now there are many rooms here. But the door to the door is an unexpected person.

During this time, Zheng Jiajia often accompanied Yulin to the street, beauty, and even when he went to the pastry store to help. He doesn't know what you are in contact with Li Yulin. The Black Cloud Group employees have people to buy jewelry every weekend. Although there is no such thing as the group, but also envy all the jewelry stores next to them.

Baozi Xuan saw Zheng Jiajia said: "How come you come home, what is going on!"

Zheng Jiajia: "It is an uncle invited me. How do you have a problem? Bao Big Bo!"

At this time, Li Yulin said in the kitchen: "Jia Jia is Al Xuan back!"

Bunzi Xuan: "Yes! Mommy, I am back!"

Li Yulin: "You will accompany you first, there are two dishes."

Zheng Jiajia said: "You do it first, I will help my grandmother. I went to the kitchen."

Bun Zixuan alone in the living room, I don't know what to do, think of a gift in my hand. Still waiting for the mother to come out!

After a while, Kung Le Yulin was done well, and three people prepared for meals.

Li Yulin: "Take more points, recently, I have a little thin, don't give yourself too much pressure."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Fortunately, it is a long time to go to Germany. Now, most of the work has been arranged, and you can easily."

"Right, 28 It is necessary to hold the launching ceremony of all factory to put production, do you want to see it."

Li Yulin: "I have seen an eye in the past two days. I don't understand. You should pay attention! I will not make this lively. Jia Jia should have time! You will go to me, you are ready to invite what person!"

Bun Zixuan listened to the mother to say, more and more confused, my mother knows what is going on. Why do you have to get Zheng Jiajia with yourself! It's not old confused now, but he dares not to say this!

Zheng Jiajia listened to it, I have been thinking about whether I should go or not! The heart is also very contradictory!

Bao Zi Xuan: "Miss Zheng has time! Everyone knows what is still challenging. Otherwise, it will be getting deeper and deeper."

Zheng Jiajia: "This is still dead now, when you look at time!"

Bao Zixuan: "What person is not invited yet, I am not more familiar with Xiangjiang. I am going to invite Dong Master to come. Mainly celebrate."

Li Yulin: "Axuan! You should also invite some official personnel, so everyone will look good on the face. You are now in Xiangjiang, just you don't know, I have seen a lot of media reports your things. "

Last Berlin Electronic Consumer Products Exhibition, the black cloud two products were protruded, and became the most dazzling star. At that time, there was also reported that the media in Xiangjiang reported.

Baozi Xuan also does not want to announce data, but Berlin Electronic Consumer Products Exhibition needs data support. All enterprises have to be unified, and the black cloud group data is published.

Li Yulin knows those who have to pay in Xiangjiang, although the Black Cloud Group is not afraid of any skeleton, but the surface is still necessary.

Bunzi Xuan: "Who should I invite! I am not very good at this, you give me a pointer."

Li Yulin: "Governor, the dinner can try to invite it, not coming is their matter, but there should be some respect still."

Sure enough, my mom thought about some, it seems to be tried to invite it. In fact, Bao Zixuan is not very wanting to deal with political people, but sometimes there is no way.

Bun Zixuan: "I know, mommy!"

I don't know what to say between three people! Some cold fields, everyone is eating a meal! It's hard to eat after eating the rice, and the gift will give the gift to Li Yulin.

Bun Zixuan brought back some photographic equipment purchased in East Germany, as well as black cloud laptops, game consoles, and some jewelery and cosmetics.

Li Yulin saw So many things to open the computer and the game machine directly to Zheng Jiajia. Still, this is something that young people play, he is not very suitable.

Zheng Jiajia finally led the gift to take the gift away, but he did not agree to participate in the celebration No. 28.

Bao Zixuan: "Mommy! You already know that there is nothing between us, how can you marry people after this?"

Li Yulin: "If you are afraid that others will spend the door, I can take Zheng Jiajia. I like her very much. It is you don't marry, I am ready to recognize her daughter. You alone live in the outside home. Nothing. "

Bao Zixuan: "With you! But here is really small, I am going to buy a villa, how do you see!"

Li Yulin: "Not small! You didn't buy upstairs! Don't think that I don't know. Now I have enough to live enough, wait for you to stay in Xiangjiang time more than outside Time is talking! "

Baozi Xuan also wants to come back, but now it is still. He must rely on the technology advantage of the MITS to complete the technical reserves of the Black Cloud Group. There is also now I don't know how to face this home and my mother.

After Zheng Jiajia returned home, he saw the family, and it seems to be ourselves waiting for himself. Zheng Jiachun said after seeing things in his sister: "There is a good mother-in-law. Sunday is not at home."

Zheng Jiajia: "What are you talking about! Zheng Jiachun, you don't want to talk. I just look at an old man is more lonely. The most important thing is that people like me more."

Zheng Yusong: "You are also bodied, don't see people in the evening. I have to have a special style of the show. Recently, there are several people to give me relatives. What do you mean by yourself! Holidays have to give me a letter, don't always always Where is hanging! "

Now, Zhou Da Fu is very good, so that some Xiangjiang family wants to marry with Zheng Jia. Zheng Yong is not a feudal parents, and this is said to respect the daughter's opinion. Now she doesn't know what her daughter thinks, can only force it, see what idea is.

Bao Zixuan is ready to rest after the day, and it is really tired today. After returning from the United States, I went home after I went home after a circle of the factory.

I can't sleep in bed! Now his heart is very chaotic, I don't know what choice to do. I don't know how to face Li Yulin, I want to hold the old man of the grandson. And Bunzixuan didn't want to find a girlfriend or a wife so early. Just asleep in this faint.

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