Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1447 How to serve the crowd

Two days passed, and the press conference jointly organized by Iraq, Hei Cloud Group, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry was also held as scheduled. However, there are not many reporters who have come here, mainly because some countries are too late. There is no series of issues such as Iraqi passports, or flights; in short, there are various excuses.

In fact, there is another key point, that is, the issue of attention. It just involves Japanese and Xiangjiang companies, and it really does not matter with other countries. Investment in Iraq has a certain impact on the world's energy; but this impact is not as great as expected.

First of all, Iraqi oil output is increasing every year. In fact, not only Iraq, but also in various countries in the world. After all, oil consumption increases rapidly; if crude oil does not increase the supply; it must not keep up with consumption.

Secondly, Heiyun and Mitsubishi went to Iraq to invest, even if the factory is built; Because investing in a factory in Iraq has no cost advantage at all. According to the analysis of comprehensive factors, many national media choose not to participate. However, they are not reported; they can get the need to get the need for partners or their peers.

But Japanese reporters are definitely the most active existence. The charter machine came over, and it was two. During the Cold War, reporters from various countries had information collection and needed to be completed, and Japanese media could not be exempted. And many newspapers and consortiums are controlled. They want to know how Mitsubishi obtains the right to mining oil; it is also for the next step to enter to understand the situation in advance.

In addition to Japanese media, media in the Middle East are also very positive. I want to see what ghosts do Heiyun and Mitsubishi are here, and why they suddenly made such a great movement in Iraq; after all, there was no sign before, which was really doubtful.

At 9 am, the press conference officially started. Seeing a modern press conference and broadcasting hall, reporters from various countries couldn't believe it. Especially the Middle East reporter, it feels like it is in the dream.

What was the same before Basla, no one was clearer than them. When did this news department built, but I have never seen it before.

The Iraqi people are changing, and this change is positive. This is not good news for neighboring countries. There is a powerful neighbor, which is definitely not a good thing.

But this is not the time to consider this,

It is still necessary to understand why the Heiyun Group suddenly increased its investment in Iraq, and why Mitsubishi chose to build a factory here. This is the theme. As for others, it is estimated that no one will care.

The second son, Bao Zixuan, and Iwasaki Hongyi appeared on the podium, and set the tone directly for the press conference. From the perspective of personnel configuration, sincerity is full of sincerity, at least on -site reporters cannot pick any problems.

The first is the second son, which is the minimum polite issue as the host.

As the future heir of the country, it is the first time that it has appeared in front of foreign media. Although it has appeared before, it is not a press conference, and it is not the protagonist. The second son understands that his performance today means the world's impression of the future of Iraq. Therefore, you must not make mistakes, and you must show the most perfect side to the general public.

The second son first said: "Thank you friends and friends who come to Iraq not far away. To be honest, the impression of buses gives you well. After all, we have just experienced war here and many buildings have been destroyed. We lost the school. "

"But why do you have to put the press conference here because Iraq wants to get the entire world recognition and must have a sincere heart. Only in this way can it be worthy of the people, partners, and the world who support Iraq in the world to support Iraq. People. The problem is not terrible. The terrible thing is that we do not actively face the problem. ""

"I always want to hide it, so I can't get the recognition of the world at all."

"It is precisely because of this sincerity that Heiyun Group and Mitsubishi heavy work; dare to come to Iraq. This country that has just experienced warfire has invested in building factories. Here I want to thank the two partners for their trust and support for Iraq. At the same time, To guarantee the two, Iraq must be the best to meet any reasonable needs of partners. "

"Today, a reporter at the scene is the best witness of our three parties."

Although the speech is very short, it is definitely known for its affection. At this time, the richest man in the bag really admired this boy. It seems that the previous life was just a chance to play.

After the second son finished speaking, he came to the reporter's question.

But the first question was to the second son. This is a good thing that agreed between it. Ishizaki Hongyi and the richest wealthy of Bao did not want to grab the limelight with him, especially today.

Iraqi National Television reporter, first asked: "Two men, hello; although Heiyun Group and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry came to Iraq, Iraq also paid a considerable price for this. What is the reason, it makes President Guanhe you and you and you Agree with Mitsubishi and Hei Cloud Group to obtain the right to mining oil. "

"Is there a causal relationship with oil mining and construction factories?"

In this issue, domestic people want to know, and even most entrepreneurs in the world want to understand. Although I know what's going on, I still want to hear what Iraqi executives say.

As for the Iraqi National Television, they also deliberately arranged them to ask this question. Responsibility to solve doubts at one time is also one of the purpose of this press conference.

The second son said very seriously: "In the Middle East with a vast area and relatively harsh environment; if there is a country, it can be called the" Sky Selection "of the Arab world, then it must be our Iraq."

"Iraq is not only rich in oil resources, but the Mesopotamian plains under our feet. Because of the existence of the Dagris and the Euphrates, this plain has got rid of drought troubles. Therefore, we do not lack food in Iraq."

"In six years, the per capita GDP of Iraq has soared from $ 382 to $ 2726, an increase of more than 6 times. In the early 1970s, the number of domestic private cars was only 67,400, and in 1978, it increased to 170,000 units, and the increase was 2 times the increase. many."

"But all of this ended abruptly with a war. Don't be afraid of all jokes, because of the relationship between the two Iraqi war; Iraq can be described as great injuries. Petroleum revenue has decreased sharply, and oil exports are only about 20%before the war. We have we have to have itself. Many deposits, but now I have owed tens of billions of dollars for foreign debt. "

"A long -lasting war made Iraq, the wealthy Iraq."

"Actually, this is not the most terrible. After all, Iraq has rich oil resources; as long as we think, we can live a wealthy life soon. But through war, we find a fatal problem, that is, the Iraqi industry is very weak, or even even It can be said that there is almost no. This is a very dangerous thing, although I hope the war will never happen to the land of Iraq. "

"But when the war is inevitable, Iraq must be prepared. Therefore, we invite the two largest industrial groups in the world to invest in Iraq."

"As for whether you said because of investment factories, you have obtained the right to mining oil. What I want to tell you is that although there is no necessity, this is indeed an important bonus project."

"The war has damaged a lot of equipment, which has seriously affected the oil exports. Now Iraq does not have much funds for replacing oil collection equipment. At this time, Heiyun and Mitsubishi came here and helped us busy."

"And these two companies are very fair to do things. It can be said that the cooperation between the two parties is very fair and fair. No one takes advantage, of course, no one will suffer."

"Here I also want to pass the true thoughts of Iraq through all reporters and friends. When we come to Iraq to invest, we absolutely welcome it; but if we want to come up with cheap, I persuade you to die."

The answer of the second son is even more exciting than the previous speech. Being able to look directly at a country is inadequate, which is in the Middle East; it is a progress in itself.

And he also listed the advantages of Iraq, at least the advantages that other oil -producing countries in the Middle East did not have. I also want to convey a kind of information through the media; those countries and enterprises that stuck in Iraq's necks, but think about it. Do you make Iraq commit.

As the heir to Iraq, the first official appearance was perfect. At least let the world see that Iraq has a successor with outstanding capabilities and dare to acknowledge his shortcomings; this is the best gift for the country and the public.

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