At the end of the press conference, the world saw the changes in Iraq. I believe this is enough. However, Bao Zixuan was still free, because the Xiangjiang tycoon headed by Li Zhaoji had come to Basra. After all, it is an old acquaintance and must receive it; the most important thing is to introduce them to Iraqi seniors.

Although I didn't want to care about this, it had nothing to do with him after all. But I looked up and looked down, and Li Zhaoji helped. Although it has been paid, the reception and introduction are still given.

At present, Iraq really has no good reception venues, after all, Basla's reconstruction has just begun. Fortunately, Heiyun Group has some industries in the city, and the power system has already been built, otherwise it is also a trouble.

But after seeing the coming, the first rich understands that Xiangjiang Super Tycoon is still watching the situation. Because except Li Zhaoji and Guo De Sheng, although others are not famous. But in Xiangjiang, it is not a super tycoon. At least I did not see the figures of Li Chaoren, Huo Yingdong, Bao Yugang and others.

But I can come to Iraq and dare to come here, all of them are still a little. And this time, the group was not small.

Bao Zixuan must have a banquet. After all, it is very late to come over; and the second son has to be interviewed. This is a schedule that has been set up long ago, and it is not easy to change at will.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Welcome you to Iraq. I am the same as everyone, but also the guests here. But after all, I have come to do business for a few years earlier. Therefore, what are the problems about Iraq can still help you answer one or two. As for the final decision and other aspects of analysis; you need to grasp yourself. For this, Bao is also lovely. "

Hearing this, everyone's hearts were a lot of cold. Come to Iraq to invest in order to take advantage. And this is cheap, and Bao Zixuan needs help to take it up. Now the boy said that they need to grasp themselves, and they did not want to participate in it. If there is no help or guarantee of the richest wealthy, they dare not invest in the Middle East, and it is not easy to make money;

Seeing the expression of everyone, Li Zhaoji immediately understood what it meant. Although Bao Zixuan has no obligation to help them, they must also let this kid recommend it to everyone. Come to Iraq, no one knows it; if there is no acquaintance, it is really difficult to do. And with the savvy level of Bao Zixuan; what can be investful, those industries cannot intervene, it must be clear.

Help everyone analyze that this requirement is not excessive. You must know that these people are summoned. If he cannot bring back a satisfactory result, then the prestige of the Li family in Xiangjiang will definitely be affected.

Li Zhaoji said with a smile: "Where Bao Sheng said, everyone knows your strength in the Middle East. The area of ​​Xiangjiang is too small, and there is nothing to toss in the local market. Seeing the black cloud group, especially the Iraqi siege, We are very envious in our hearts. Everyone is friends, everyone earns money together. "

"We have never thought of Bao Sheng to give up the market share,

I just hope that Black Cloud does not want to invest in the short term; it is also very promising, it is good to introduce us. "

Li Zhaoyi is still very high, so that Bao Zixuan does not know what to say. When I come to Iraq to invest, it is to make money. But there is really no other advantageous industries except oil.

Although Basla is undergoing major development, no one knows what the final result is. If it is Huaxia, Bao Zixuan dares to guarantee that it will definitely develop. But Iraq has deviated too much from the historical track. What will it end up? It is estimated that only God knows.

If you have an idea, the effect is good. It is estimated that no one will thank you. Once this group of people's investment fails because of their own relationship, then they will remember hate. Especially when they saw the Black Cloud Group make money, they lost their blood.

This is a laborious thing, and the richest wealth of the richest man in your heart is a little bit ticked. But Li Zhaoji had already understood what he said so, did he refuse directly.

It may be that Bao Zixuan was embarrassed. Guo De Sheng said with a smile: "Don't have any psychological burden. We are adults, and they are all old people who have been in the mall for many years. , Worry about everyone's suffering. "

"But doing business is definitely a profit or compensation; don't say that in Iraq, even investing in Xiangjiang, there are great risks. Therefore, even if there are mistakes, or other force majeure factors; ","

"To be honest, not only will you not blame, but you may also be grateful. It is because of the advice of Bao Sheng that the Guo family has taken the lead in the edible oil market. The main purpose of this time is also for oil, but it has become oil. I don't know what good suggestions, or what conditions are required to obtain the right to oil mining. "

If the person who recognizes Bao Zixuan is the most recognized, Guo De Sheng is definitely one. Moreover, Lao Guo is also interesting, and he has not entered the banking field to develop; the company's account, a large part of the family member deposits is in the Black Cloud Bank. It can be said that the largest customer in the Black Cloud Bank except the Black Cloud Enterprise.

People support you so much, and they finally come to Iraq; if you don't mean it, it is embarrassed. You must know that Li Zhaoji may be more familiar with him. However, after Shuangli acquired the bank, the Guo family did not open an account in the past, and it could explain the problem in itself.

Bao Zixuan: "Since Li Sheng and Guo Sheng said so, I don't know what to say. Iraq is not better than Xiangjiang, let alone the Huaxia continent. We invest in Xiangjiang at most, and there are most community elements to make trouble. And everyone has been famous for a long time. Commercial tycoon, even if you make trouble, you will pay attention to the size. "

"In the past, investment in mainland China was even more problematic; it can be said that it is absolutely safe, so don't worry about other things happening."

"But the Middle East is a gunpowder barrel, which may erupt at any time. It is not that I scare you, but the situation here is very complicated. Most of you start by real estate, if you come to invest in the Middle East. , May be returning blood. "

"Looking at me a lot of investment in Iraq, it is more scattered to all places. Even if Basla is lost, I can find it back from other places. And Heiyun has not invested in any real estate here, of course, the company's office, reception, and the factory building Except for land. Coupled with oil bottoming; that is, unless Iraq is attacked by enemies throughout the territory; it can still guarantee that you will not lose money. "

"Similar to a large oil -producing country like Iraq, if the war broke out; oil prices will inevitably rise. So how can it not be considered, I think anyone can understand this."

"You should see that the Mitsubishi Group gets the right to mining oil, but it is also a huge price. If Mitsubishi does not agree to establish a shipyard in Iraq, you feel that this kind of good thing can be on them."

"Although the purpose of coming over, although it is not disclosed, it must be running for oil. However, mining oil, requires technology; and the most important thing is that other industries can be satisfied with Iraq. Iraq establishes a edible oil processing plant, I can help. "

"But it involves the problem of oilfield mining, and it is also very difficult for Shubao to. Many well -known companies in the world are waiting in line; why do they give the mining right to a company without any technology?"

Hearing this, many people raised their retreat. They came over for oil, but when they saw Basra, they really dared not throw money in Iraq. You know, this is the second largest city in Iraq. This kind of city is still the same, and it can be imagined elsewhere.

But Li Zhaoji didn't want to leave easily, but he had seen the development of Xiangjiang. From the 1950s to the present, how big it has changed is clear. Since Bao Zixuan dares to invest, why can't they take risks. Business is a game. If you lose, you can't blame others.

Li Zhaoji: "Isn't Basra develop a big development! It is estimated that many projects can be done. If you are interested in, you can inspect yourself. Know; I hope please help introduce it. "

"At least one face is familiar, otherwise life is not familiar, and it is really difficult to do."

Regarding this requirement, Bao Zixuan did not refuse; as a fellow hometown, it was still simply. If this is rejected, it seems too incompatible.

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