Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1492 The person who can't sit still

The hot sales on the first day really made Italian merchants pain and happiness. Happiness is because the sales of a day can be compared to several years of sales performance. Pain is really tired, and it is caused by insufficient products. I can't help but give you money; this feeling is really unable to describe it.

Therefore, they did not take care of them and saw their products arrive at night. I started to get busy immediately, these are all money. Now I found out that money in Japan is really profitable. Why did I not expect before? It seems that I still have to deal with companies like Heiyun Group.

What is professional and others are. The Italian government had thought of many ways before, but there was no management. Now Bao Zixuan has an idea; let them not worry about eating and drinking in the next few years.

Although the profit will be divided into part, there is no opinion on this. In my heart, I think that big money should be made by others. If Italian official comes, it is one aspect of whether the Japanese can buy a account; the most important planning and propaganda will definitely be greatly discounted. The goods come over, no one appreciates, what's the use.

And Bao Zixuan also paid a lot today, a Ferrari sports car. A woman in Tokyo was entertained and drove away; the number of women's hospitality was too large, so it was normal.

Seeing all procedures well, even taxes are borne by the organizer, making Japanese women fall crazy at once. Ferrari is synonymous with speed and passion. If you can drive such sports cars, it is much more convenient to do anything.

Chen Yuesheng also watched the accountant statistics, and the Japanese liked to use cash; but the Italians wanted to bring the dollar back for convenience. This is also a good thing for Bao Zixuan. After all, the current exchange rate is low, and after a few years; the Italians will regret it.

Therefore, all funds will be stored in Heiyun Group first. However, Bao Zixuan does not borrow money; even settlement daily.

The sharing, taxes, and other expenses of the Black Cloud Group will be deducted; the remaining funds will be remitted to the account provided by Italian manufacturers as soon as possible. After receiving a call from domestic banks, every exhibition was excited. This is a real money, after all, it is king.

The service of Heiyun Group is still available, but people are really powerful. Where is the money here, remittances have been arranged in China. This makes the wealthy wealthy in the hearts of Italian businessmen, which becomes heavier.

Italian Prime Minister Beridino Callarki handled official duties in the office, Japan in the evening; Italy was during the day. However, he is very concerned about the Italian Commodity Japan Exhibition. After all, the domestic support rate is not high now.

At this time, the secretary came to report: "The Prime Minister, the Italian goods, have achieved great success in Japan."

"Sales on the first day alone,

It has already exceeded $ 3 billion, which is definitely an astronomical number. Moreover, Heiyun Group has remitted the payment of the first day to the accounts of the major exhibitors. This morning, major Italian banks received more than $ 1.8 billion in remittances from Hei Cloud Bank. "

"Hei Cloud Group knows that the yen is not very convenient. Therefore, they collect the money uniformly, and then remove the cost; replace it as the US dollar and remit directly to Italy."

Hearing this, Bertino Clark was very excited because of the $ 3 billion. Although I looked a lot, it was only 1.8 billion. The most important thing is that the exhibition has achieved great success. For Italian companies, it is a way out. So many small companies in China look at economic prosperity. But sometimes it is troublesome. Now a Japan is so surprised to them. If it is the United States, or elsewhere, it is absolutely impossible to imagine.

However, Bao Zixuan's kid really did things, and he was directly replaced by the dollar. It is said that Heiyun Group pays most attention to business reputation, and it seems that what they say is wrong.

Suddenly thinking of Fucha Ila, maybe where can the two sides cooperate. Tao reports on Li, and you can't let people pay.

Now that Italian products have achieved such results, they must have expressed their prestigious prime ministers. So Bettor-Callarch couldn't sit still and wanted to see Japan in the past. But as the head of the country, about the itinerary, it has been formulated half a year in advance. It can be coordinated at most in China. It is not easy to go abroad. Since you ca n’t pass, you can still send others.

At this time, it is good to get some credit, and the people must not make the public feel; the government does not act at all. Therefore, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce, this position is not high or low, it was just right in the past.

As for Morida Zhaofu and Takakura Jiro, they left after walking around. They are all busy people, and it is not easy to be able to come to the show.

However, although I do n’t understand the computing center proposed by Bao Zixuan, I am still very interested. And it is related to the computer as soon as possible, as a master in this regard; even many media evaluates as the top expert in Japan, Takakura Tiro should know what is going on.

Shengtian Zhaofu: "Takakura, Global Computing Center proposed by Mr. Bao, I want to know what is going on."

Hearing this, Takakura Kiro knew that the president was really excited. It seems that his status will be improved in a near -step.

Takakura Jiro: "I still felt that I was very good in the computer field before. Now I found out that it was just touched the high -end technology field."

"At that time, the principal asked me to go to Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study for a PhD in computer. I still thought it was not necessary. Now it seems that what I have learned; it is not enough to get greater success in the computer field."

"Super computing center refers to a large amount of data that can be processed with general personal computers and computers with high -speed operations. As far as the composition of supercomputers and ordinary computers is concerned, the component is basically the same, but there is differences in performance and scale. Super computer. Super computer. The main features include two aspects: great data storage capacity and rapid data processing speed, so it can perform some people or ordinary computers in various fields. "

"And the supercomputer center should be a combination of many supercomputers, or to build an unprecedented supercomputer. When studying at school, my mentor published a papers of a super computing center."

"I also described the application after the completion of the super computing center."

"First of all; the Super Computing Center uses its powerful data processing capabilities to help people change the way of understanding the natural world; provide huge benefits to society. It simulates atmosphere, climate and ocean to accurately predict earthquakes and tsunami. Tornado and hurricanes, or the power of mixture caused by mixture, Huangshi Super Computer and NWSC will bring better predictions and better protect the public's economy. "

"For complex weather analysis, process global meteorological satellite data. The rapid data processing capacity of supercomputers can predict global weather, and conduct centralized data processing, quantitative analysis, and model analysis of the information of meteorological satellite reconnaissance."

"Secondly; use the strong computing density of the super computing center to high -risk industries that have a high incidence of accidents and cause great threats in life safety, and replace artificial operations with super computing centers; such as underground coal mining, high -altitude operations, blasting work Processing and analysis of data such as oil exploration. "

"In the secondary; the Biological Information Society becomes a new application area of ​​super computing, such as the massive data processing generated during the sequencing process of human genome is inseparable from the super computing center. In the field of medicine; And various biochemical reactions in the human body. "

"And it can be used in one place and can be used elsewhere. Hei Cloud Group is setting up a communication optical cable on the sea bottom. At that time, as long as it is in Japan; you can mobilize the computing capabilities of all parts of the world to serve scientific research projects."

"But the super computing center is very high for environmental and electricity. If according to the principal Bao, it is estimated that the electricity consumed will not be less than a medium -sized city."

"But after completion, if other countries and enterprises have no strength to compete with it. Then, in order to extend to the network field in the computer field, it must be a unique family in Heiyun Group."

Sheng Tian Zhaofu looked at Takakura Jiro, and felt that the young man was still unwilling. So he said with a smile: "If you are responsible for Sony's business in the United States; you have passed with Haruko. At the same time, you can go to MIT to continue studying, if you don't even understand it; It's old; the future of Sony is with you. "

Of course, Takakura Takago, of course, understands; this is to let him continue to complete his studies. And in order to rest assured, the US branch was handed over to him. This trust and support can do not do any company.

Sure enough, a week later, Takakura Jiro came to the United States with his fiancee; he was responsible for the business of Sony US branch.


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