Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 150 Hong Kong Government Dinner

Every rich to participate in the banquet will donate some items, sometimes many of themselves buy back. It is an attitude that is an attitude. After all, this is the dinner invited by the Governor, and the face is still a feet.

Baozi Xuan brought a German Carl Zeiss old camera today, thinking that if no one bids yourself, buy him back.

The host said: "Today's first lot is a brooch provided by Mrs. Madao, he followed his wife for 20 years. This time I took it out for children in Xiangjiang. Which like can be called price, base price HK $ 1.

This also shows an attitude, and many police people must also serve their husbands. Mrs. Governor today provided a Tiffany brooch, current market price should be around 20,000 HK $ 20,000.

Many heavyweight guests in this dinner will bring someone, and their invitation is the kind of lady who can participate. Many ladies saw the big chest of the Governor, I wanted to buy back.

The price rose all the way, from 20,000 until 180,000 HK $ 18,000 to buy a private owner of the real estate. The lady of the Governor got up and gratitude, this time, Xiangjiang did a real estate business to make money or easier.

Bao Zixuan is not interested in these, thinking about watching the eyes, spending some money, buy one or two! Don't say, I really have more interest after waiting for a meeting.

I heard the Division, I said, a pastel small bowl provided by Mr. Huo Yingdong, and now the antique of China is very cheap. Many of them are at this time by foreigners, they can work hard to this way! Just starting from this porcelain, waiting for the opportunity to go to the continent, these antique words must buy more, and even build a museum in Xiangjiang.

It is not so much attention to the bunxuan, and Huo Yingdong thinks it is to take a small thing. After all, if nothing is not seen, it is not very good.

Many people started the price, and they quickly priced to 50,000 Hong Kong coins. Baozi Xuan wants to take it directly, call it directly, and many people don't know this little young, but since the price of the auctione will definitely recognize.

Huo Yingdong means a deep and long looking at Bunxuan, and he doesn't understand what this small bag is always. But now people give him a face, he still wants to show it.

Hu Yingxiang is a good friend of Huo Yingdong. It can be said that it has been returning to Xiangjiang. Huo's object he didn't want to let other people to take away, so he did not have a bid for 150,000.

Bao Zi Xuan saw someone and his own competition, he couldn't bear the bear for the first time! The card said: "200,000."

Hu Yingxiang saw this young young and his bumper, he was one of the five tigers in Xiangjiang Real Estate. It's hard to afraid you a young young, saying: "300,000 Hong Kong coins."

Bao Zi Xuan thought that since you want to play, you will play with you, I often don't be so easy to be taken by people.

Bao Zixuan: "400,000."

Hu Yingxiang wants to let your family know that you are so defeated, and you will definitely let you know what is called the old and love you: "500,000."

Bao Zi Xuan did not hesitate to reply: "600,000."

Hu Yingxiang did not expect it to be true with himself, so let your knowledge. Said: "1 million."

Bao Zixuan thought that you were bullied in the old kid, I would like to make me ugly, since you are so increased, then you don't blame me, say: "2 million."

Hu Yingxiang did not expect this young young and dare to play, then play with you: "3 million."

Bao Zixuan immediately returned: "5 million."

These are all completed between electric light, even Huo Yingdong has not reacted. The boyfriend and the kid who want to fight for it have been called so high. It seems that Hu Yingxiang is still giving Hu Yingxiang, or it is really not necessarily spelled with this black cloud group.

For Hu Yingxiang here, people are basically recognized, and those who know Bunxuan is relatively limited. Many people are thinking about what this young man is in the end, it does not give Hu Yingxiang face.

When Hu Yingxiang was still not coming, he could only hit the scalp and said: "6 million."

Bao Zi Xuan did not wait for Huo Yingthorn to arrive in Hu Yingxiang, "10 million."

After hearing 10 million, everyone looked at Bunxuan. Many people are thinking about this young young. He has anything to shout 10 million Hong Kong dollars this price.

I haven't waited Hu Yingxiang to call the price, Huo Yingdong gave Hu Yingxiang an eye. After thinking that Huo Yingdong arranged, Hu Yuxiang gave up the price.

At this time, the auctioneer doesn't know how to deal with it. After all, this suddenly pays 10 million Hong Kong dollars, if you can't afford it!

The Secretary of the Governor and the Governor went to the Black Cloud Group. The secretary said with the microphone: "We thank Huzan and the Black Cloud Group to the contribution to the charity cause." Now he wants to solve it for the auctioneer, if it is true Say what should not be said, then wait for unlucky!

After listening to the name of the Black Cloud Group, everyone finally figured out who is this young man. It turns out that this is a famous Bunzi Xuan! It is no wonder that it will be so arrogant.

At this time, Huo Yingdong took Hu Yingxiang, Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "Old Hu, you both are studying in American famous schools, how to make each other!"

I heard that Bunxuan finally remembered who had just competed with himself, no wonder and Huo Yingdong is so familiar.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Sorry, Hook. Just a lot of sin, please forgive me."

Hu Yingxiang: "Birth is not to be polite, these have nothing to have passed; I am also afraid of Huo Sheng's things."

Huo Yingdong: "Everyone will give me a face, there will be many opportunities in the future. Banheng has promised to go to my house, and the old Hu You have to go early, you are all in the country, the people should have a lot of topics. "

Bao Zi Xuan: "Hu Sheng is a predecessor studying, I still have a lot of places to learn."

Hu Yingxiang: "When I am in school, I have no birth to be famous, and now I am learning the industry 4.0 theory. In this regard, you really have a role model for all students in Xiangjiang."

Bao Zi Xuan: "That is everyone's awkward, this is nothing."

Since Huo Yingdong came over with Hu Yingxiang, these two are all people. Ability to come over, Bunxuan is already very giving a face, if you don't know how to converge, it is too unknown.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Huzon, you often go to the Mainland. I have a little thing to see if you can help me take the bridge. I know that I will take a little in the first time."

Huo Yingdong: "You said! As long as I can do it."

Bun Zixuan: "I don't have other hobbies this person, I like to drink some wine, especially the mainland Maotai and Wuliangye. Now not just me, and some professors who have been brought by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. bell."

"I have been bought by me in the market, you can help you contact these two plants to sell me. If I personally say, mainly my tutor is nothing to drink now."

"They want to use what currency settlement can be, dollars, pound, yen, no problem. Even more expensive than the market, I can accept it."

In fact, Bun Zixuan wants to express a kindness through Huo Yingdong, first do business from white wine and the mainland, and it will become translatically entered into the mainland market.

Huo Yingdong should also understand the meaning of Bao Zixuan, saying: "I said how to see Maotai on the market! No problem, after two days I invite guests, I will come over, I will introduce you. I have a home. Chen Moutai let you drink enough. "

Everyone is a smart person, a lot of things are good, there is no need to say too much.

Some people are happy, and the Governor saw that the three people chatted together. After all, he is very taboo Huo Ying East. He is afraid that the other party uses the influence to draw Xiangjiang merchants. Xiangjiang returns always a topic that cannot be opened.

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