Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1529 Analysis of Situation

The problem of cheap Laozhang people is a bit a little bit better. After all, even the Saudi royal family of people who are stupid see the problem, then other countries; including the Soviet Union, it is unclear. Is it ugly to eat it, or people still feel that he is born as an adulterer. In fact, Bao Zixuan thinks so much. It wasn't that he was ugly, and no one had doubted that he was a traitor. It's just that since business, you have never done money. Now that people are investing so much, people will take it for granted that this time it will definitely take advantage of a lot. Moreover, the Soviet Union's internal problems were serious, and the national order was relatively chaotic. But for foreign merchants, it is a huge business opportunity. The more irregularities, the higher the profit of the product. And do not have to worry about the Soviet Union without financial power payment, just pull out something from the warehouse and come to the account; there are still many countries and companies recognized. In particular, in the field of military industry, it may be the most developed Soviet Union except the United States. Now Bao Zixuan has been investing so much, isn't it really no idea, and people will not believe it. Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, do you feel that there is a big problem with the development of the Soviet Union." Hearing this, Prince Surdin seemed to understand what it meant; but it was not particularly clear. After all, such a strong and nuclear weapons; I dare not imagine, who dares to fight against it and destroy him. It's just a way that the Soviet Union does not exist makes anyone feel incredible. If Bao Zixuan does not come through, it is difficult to figure out. Seeing Prince Surdin's meditation, Bao Zixuan continued: "The Soviet Union looks very powerful and the military industry is very powerful; the main reason is that the Soviet system is prioritized to" maximize military industry "production. Corporate cooperation, technical intelligence acquisition of Germany and allies at the end of the 40s, and the US dollar in the 1960s and 1970s allowed the Soviet military to maximize the survival and expansion of the Soviet Union. In fact, the Soviet Union has always maintained a comparable military expenditure with the total economic volume of the United States, so resource mismatch is likely to squeeze the life of the Soviet Empire. "" Everything I do at present is for the future. Layout. "" The Soviet Union consisted of 15 joining the Republic; of which the Kiduels were the core of the Soviet Union, and Russia was the core of the core; they were Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. And the three countries of Caucasus; Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia. Five Central Asian countries; Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Gilstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan. Finally, Southeast European European country; The country is very powerful and the earth is big. But there are many hidden dangers in the middle,

The allocation of resources is a very serious problem. Even if Moscow's senior management, if you want to balance, it is difficult to balance. "

"Russia, as the main body of the Soviet Union, is normal. On the surface, Ukraine is the second child, and in fact it is true. But no one wants to live in the forever. Even if the Soviet leaders have been soothing Ukraine as much as possible, a person will always be alone. Not satisfied, let alone a country. "

"Therefore, this powerful country will not be broken outside. Even if all countries around the world are fighting with the Soviet Union; Lao Maozi will not be afraid. And Americans are not stupid. After all, the number of Soviet nuclear weapons is so large enough to restart the earth. It must not be solved with force. Once you do that, it is no different from looking for death. "

"Fortress is the easiest to break from the inside. It is estimated that Americans will use the same way to deal with the Soviet Union. Especially the Chernobelli nuclear power plant leak accidents, the Soviet Union can be described as heavy losses. Contradiction. "

"The nuclear power plant is in Ukraine, and the service target is also Ukrainian enterprises and the public; there is no contribution to other countries. However, Moscow does not have much funds at all for aftermath. Join the Republic to extract.

"The European Joining Republic itself is also suffering heavy losses, but it will also be very uncomfortable to leak the nuclear power plant in Ukraine. At the same time, the five Central Asian countries will have great opinions. But they need to help them wipe their ass. "

"If you are the leaders of the five Central Asian countries, how do you feel. Therefore, I am preparing in advance; I must plan ahead. Once the Soviet Union's joining republics really broke out, or even conflicts; object."

Aisa is about to have a child, and it can be said that the relationship with Prince Surdin is going further. Many things also need to cooperate with Saudi Arabia, so there is no need to hide it. If Saudi Arabia is willing to cooperate, the benefits will be more beneficial.

Moreover, Bao Zixuan mentioned the weapon that could protect himself. It seems that this kid is considering the long -term, at least strategic vision is much stronger than them.

But thinking about it, I have never said these before, why is it now? Is it because Aisha wants to have children and makes the relationship closer. It should not be all, after all, Bao Zixuan has too many women; Xiong Xiong will not damage his core interests because of a woman.

Being able to tell him not only trust; it is likely that Saudi Arabia has the value of utilization, or both parties can cooperate. It is not terrible to be used, just shooting people ignore you at all. When the whole world does not need you, it doesn't make any sense even if you live.

Although his son -in -law has controlled Fucha Ila. But where the land area is too small, many weapons or launch platforms cannot be opened. Saudi Arabia is different, at least the site is large enough. And from the direction of the development of Heiyun Group, the space engineering will not give up.

A science and technology man, a super rich. When the earth has no challenges, outer space will inevitably become the next goal. At that time, the rocket launch base will inevitably be established, and from the beginning of planning the Soviet Union's distribution, you can see the clue!

If in Saudi Arabia, a rocket launch base is established. Then the long -range ballistic missile does not have technical problems for them. It seems that this is an opportunity, an opportunity to make Saudi a military power.

Of course, Americans do not allow Saudi Arabia to be strong. It seems that everything must be carried out secretly, at least before Saudi Arabia has not mastered the technology, it cannot be known to Americans.

In fact, Prince Surdin did not say about how many American spies in Saudi Arabia; but they knew some.

Moreover, this could not be concealed at all. The royal family members had justified the countermeasures, and the White House already knew. There are many American spies around himself; therefore, he decided to secretly support Bao Zixuan's development. You must not obtain the so -called strategic technology in the name of Saudi Arabia.

Prince Surdan said with a smile: "The long -term you consider, if the Soviet Union is divided, then you can really get a lot of benefits. I will not report to the king and the crown prince. Saudi Arabia still has its own sphere of influence; it should be able to support the planned formation. "

Unexpectedly, Laozhang people are also a smart person, doing so; even if Americans find that they come out to be sisterer. The big deal quit all the positions and go home for the elderly. In his identity, even if the Americans are overbearing, they will not want their life. If that, it will inevitably cause the Saudi royal family.

They will think that today can be the life of Prince Surdin; whether it is my turn tomorrow. Even if they are as strong as the United States, they dare not bear such risks.

If it succeeds, Saudi Arabia will become the most powerful country in the Middle East, and none of them; there is no doubt. The sacrifice of happiness and future became the whole country; it is estimated that the royal family members know how to choose.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "If the father -in -law wants to participate, of course, it is best not to. The premise must be confidential, and the person who needs it must be trustworthy."

"Prepare the place at the same time, after all, our plan is huge; if there is no venue, then it will not get too much benefits."

Both of them are smart people, and many things do not show their minds. From the name of Bao Zixuan, Prince Surdan knew that he had regarded him as a trustworthy elder, and his family had something to discuss anything.

And the Soviet Union is really an opportunity for Saudi Arabia. Behind the son -in -law, help, provide some necessary support, and you can also drink some soup. Being able to drink such a powerful country soup, Saudi Arabia will become giant instantly without saying, but it will definitely be a lot strong!


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