In fact, it wasn't that they did not contact Fucha Ila, but they didn't think about it now. Or what price can be paid and those chips holding in your hands, and have not been sorted clearly. The most urgent must be the Israeli government, after all, the cultural relics basically come from the Solomon Temple; if they cannot bring back the cultural relics, they all feel sorry for all the Jewish people. If a government does not do so, even the holy relics cannot be returned, and there is no credibility at all. However, Bao Zixuan has clearly stated that the cultural relics of Solomon Temple and the Golden Cabinet are definitely not sold. Only through cultural relics exchange, otherwise it will be exempt. There is no shortage of money at all; the effect and significance are not great with money directly. Fortunately, Israel has its own confidence, at least no one in the world is richer than Jews. I believe that as long as everyone is willing to take out the family collection, it can still solve the problem. Israeli Prime Minister Izak Shamir came to the office of President Hairim Herzig again. Golden Cabinet is this time, and it must be brought back to Israel anyway. Izak Shamir did not waste any time, and said directly: "President Helzog, I think I should have seen the report, I don’t know what you think." Many things can be determined directly, but the president is after all. Head of state; sometimes he still needs to come forward in person. After all, this time is too big, Prime Minister Shamir feels that he may not be able to determine it alone. Hayim Herzog thought about it, "I'm also very shocked, can I be sure at present!" As a leader of a country, it was impossible for them to read news reports, so they decided to do what. It is necessary to ensure that the message is absolutely accurate in order to perform the next step. A gesture, soon an old man came in. If Bao Zixuan is here, he will feel very familiar, because he is Professor Farareli who just left Fucha Ila and participated in the work of the treasure. Izak Shamir: "This is Professor Fararel, from Duke University; Gu Xibella expert, has a profound research on the Solomon Temple. And this time, he was invited by Bao Zixuan to participate in the excavation of cultural relics throughout the process. Organize and classify work. "" The specific situation is to introduce you to you; so that we can do it in our hearts. "Although as an American, no one can give up easily in the Jewish blood in the body. Fararel said very seriously: "Although I am an American, the family goes to the previous three generations and is a Jewish. And it is better than anyone to hope that the Solomon Temple can be rebuilt, and the golden cabinet can return to Jerusalem." "This Mr. Bao Zixuan,

We invited us to go to a small island of Persian Gulf in the past; it was found that the treasures left by the Association sects were found on it. By viewing the sheepskin rolls and confirming historical data; most of them do come from the Solomon Temple, including the golden film and the temple drawing gold tablets; one day the report at the press conference, but the tip of the iceberg of the treasure. "

"Just a golden lotus pool, dozens of them found; of course, the most are gold and silver coins; the number is more than one million."

After speaking, I took out one from it so that the president and the Prime Minister could see more clearly.

Fararel continued: "In order to ensure that it is unparalleled, Professor Horwe, who participated in the discovery of the treasure with me, has returned to the United States. He has just performed carbon-14 testing of gold coins. The test results show that it is indeed the casting of the Solomon period. "

"Carbon is a wide range of elements in nature, 0.027%consisting of land shells; natural carbon has three types of homogenin, namely carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon-14. Only carbon-14 has radioactivity, half-life is 5730 years. Carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon-carbon- 14 The content in nature is very small, but the proportion of carbon-12 is almost certain. Due to metabolism, the process of absorbing or release of CO2 on the earth is continuously carried out, and the carbon-14 content in the organisms remains unchanged. Once the creature loses its metabolic effect, the carbon-14 cycle is stopped. At this time, the carbon-14 in the body can only gradually decrease according to its inherent half-life of 5730 years. Therefore, buried in the ground underground Deep samples, as long as the proportion of carbon-14 to carbon-12 is measured, calculate according to the radioactive decay formula of the carbon-14, and the time of the sample can be calculated after correction. "

I was afraid that the two leaders did not understand, and introduced in detail why they were tested with instruments. It can be said that it is basically impossible to get fraud through modern means.

After seeing the two nodded, Fararel continued: "I and Professor Horwe, mainly engaged in Jewish history research, can be said to be very familiar with the cultural relics of Solomon Temple; When it appeared, I still felt very shocked. "

"Among them, the golden cabinet is definitely the real product. At least the text on the Ten Moses of the Ten Commandments can't be fake at all. I asked myself very proficient in Gu Xibella, but there are some writing techniques and words in it, which is better than we have mastered the current mastery. More old. "

"The Golden Cabinet is also equipped with a germination cane that Moses, Aaron, and a jar made of gold. Is there a hidden in the pre -table Christ. It is exactly the same as the Bible recorded."

"And whether it is specifications, size, cytoplasm, exquisiteness, and impeccable. It can be said that this is our Jewish, looking for a golden cabinet for thousands of years."

"At the same time, there is also the construction drawings of the Romen Temple. There are a total of 30 gold films. The production is very exquisite and the content is very detailed. As long as it is constructed according to the content of the gold film, I believe that the first temple of Solomon can be rebuilt."

"This is the treasure of our Jews, and we must bring them back to Israel."

Before coming, he had already investigated the identity and academic achievements of Professor Farareli. Judging from Mossad's masterpiece, the other party had no intersection with Baozixuan before. And the net worth is very innocent. ; Too human blood is even more innocent, belongs to the kind of person who is absolutely trustworthy.

The most important opponents in academic, especially the achievements of Jewish history, can be said to be obvious to all. Therefore, what is said is very acceptable; and is authoritative.

It is really accurate to find someone to find someone. It does make people unable to pick any problems, and the credibility is very high.

Hayim Herzog thought about it, "Professor Farareli, what do you think of the cultural relics of these Solomon Temple, which is the specific value. Although for us Jewish, the use of money to define the golden cabinet to define the gods to the gods to the gods. The blasphemy. But at present, the Golden Covenant is in the hands of Bao Zixuan. He is a businessman, so we must take out equivalent cultural relics for exchange, otherwise we can't convince the other party at all. "

In fact, this is really fine. After all, Bao Zixuan is a businessman who can only solve the problem through business means.

Professor Fararel thought about it: "In fact, in the process of excavation of cultural relics, I organized and recorded the cultural relics of the Solomon Temple with Professor Holway."

"Put aside the golden covenant, the temple drawing, and the gold and silver coins; other cultural relics alone, the gold used more than 200 tons. Therefore, the value of itself is not low, even if the value of cultural relics is not considered. At present /Ton, that is to say, just converted into equivalent value of more than $ 6 billion, which is not counting the cultural relics of Solomon Temple and the historical sedimentation of 3,000 years.

With the current financial situation of Israel, it cannot afford it at all. You must know that this has not been counted as golden cabinets and temple drawings, and other gold and silver coins.

If all are converted, the value of the cultural relics of the Solomon Temple will easily exceed the $ 100 billion mark.

But even if you can't afford it, bring back the cultural relics and golden cabinets. This is related to the issue of national belief, and it must not disappoint the people.

Izak Shamir: "Regarding funds, I think Jewish families around the world will not stand by. And I have invited them to ensure that they will come to Israel later tonight."

"It is related to the problem of the Jewish nation's belief, and things must be done. If Bao Zixuan wants cash, it is better to solve it. But the other party does not lack money at all, but just wants to use the Cultural Relics of Solomon Temple to exchange other cultural relics. I hope these Jewish Jewish. Family, be able to focus on the overall situation. Don't hide any baby; Bao Zixuan, the boy, is not easy to deceive, now we must satisfy the other party. "

Regarding this, it is not something a university professor can easily participate. However, Fararel can't leave at present, and he has to answer some Jewish families questions. At least let people know how to do it so that they can take out the treasures and exchange with Bao Zixuan.


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