The Masters Society is a community of the capitalist; it is also the main behind -the -scenes control forces of the Western government and high -level political parties. The long -term strategic goal of the W gram -of -the -money club is to establish a unified world or world federal government. In 1738, the Catholic Church faced a strong challenge again, which was very scared of the Holy See. Pope Clemence 12 ordered Catholics to ban the Catholics from joining the aid meeting. The offenders will be expelled by the church. In the second half of the 18th century, Ye Holy See has been committed to suppressing the aid meeting. It can be said that Catholicism is a goodbye, and the contradiction between the two is deep and can even be traced back to 200 years ago. The Holy Grail is the sacrament of the Catholic Church, but the help of the mix is ​​not afraid of them at all. Jews did not want to offend, and many members of the W grade; they were Jews in themselves, so they could not compete for Golden Cabinet with Israel. But the Holy Grail, they are still very interested; at least they don't want to get the Vatican. As for the strength of the W grave, it will definitely beyond anyone imagined. The ancient Egyptian logo is printed on the US dollar; it is mainly the US dollar printing has nothing to do with the US government, but is issued by the Federal Reserve. This Fed is composed of 12 private banks. Each action of these banks will affect the world economy. Such a powerful bank actually belongs to several world -class financial families, the Rockefeller family, DuPont family, and the JP Morgan family. It is now useful. The most famous incident of the Massage Club should be to support American independence. George Washington is a member of the Massage Association. He brought 63 general leaders and led 13 US states to be independent, of which 31 generals were members of the Master of the Master. The president in American history can be determined that at least 15 presidents are also members of the W grade. Before becoming the President of the United States, Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd member of the Massage Club and achieved the position of a major prosecutor. Under his auspices, the US dollar was printed. Looking at France again, after Napoleon became the French emperor, his brother immediately became the general instructor of France's France. It would not matter if the Masters would have nothing to do with the Emperor Napoleon, who would believe it! Russia is also deeply influenced by the Massage. According to historical records, the temporary government during the October Revolution was established under the promotion of the W grade. Moreover, more than 400 senior officials in the Soviet system joined the W gram -of -the -money meeting, and even in the early 1980s, in the early 1980s. It is also found that the airspace will try to penetrate the senior executives of the Soviet Union and want to break the Soviet Union! It can be said that this is a pervasive and unusually powerful organization. Of course, this is the world. With the rise of emerging forces, it will inevitably be suppressed by the old -fashioned forces. Although the establishment of the W grade has been established for more than 200 years, compared with the Catholic Church with a history of 2000, it must belong to the emerging forces. Although the members of the Maximum did not explicitly restrict the enlightenment of Catholicism, the members of the meeting, the members of the meeting,

Basically, they will not participate in any Catholic Church. This is openly grabbing people. Of course, the Vatican, of course, will not ignore it. This was the suppression of 200 years ago.

And it is the order issued by the Pope, anyone must follow. So that this ban has not yet ended, that is to say, Catholicism is still in a state of power.

The Holy Grail appeared in Fucha Ila, so that the good luck would see the opportunity. If they can get it, then the Catholic Church must bow to it. At that time, the initiative will be in the hands of a mixed meeting, and it will inevitably suppress the arrogance of the Vatican.

Although Saladin broke the real cross at that time, although it was very brave, he must not do such a thing now. If it is the noodles of the world, break the Holy Grail. Then in the future, the Vatican is an endless situation, and the Master of the Master does not want to establish a too powerful enemy for themselves. Although there are contradictions now, it is far from the endless situation.

If you want to get the Holy Grail, another thing needs to be solved, how to persuade Bao Zixuan. After all, everyone knows that the Holy Grail should be traded with the Vatican, and the chips given by the church will never be less. It is estimated that in order to meet the Holy Grail, the price they can pay is definitely greater than expected. Although there is no shortage of funds, there is no shortage of antiques and paintings. But it is also difficult to win with the PK directly.

After all, the savvy level of Bao Zixuan will never offend anyone easily; especially the Vatican.

At this moment, a very old member of Philadelphia, the core member of the Fair, was holding an emergency meeting.

As for why Philadelphia is chosen as the secret base of the core member, it can be said that it is directly related to the founding of the United States.

In 1774, representatives from 13 states gathered in Philadelphia and held the first mainland conference, hoping to solve problems peacefully with the United Kingdom. However, the British king insisted that the colonies must be unaware of the British king and accept the punishment. In 1775, the war of war was ignited in Liccin, Massachusetts, and the North American independence war broke out.

In May 1776, a second mainland meeting was held in Philadelphia, which strengthened the determination of war and independence, and signed the famous Declaration of Independence on July 4. Take this as an opportunity, the Declaration of Independence is considered the beginning of the United States, and has been used as the National Day on July 4th.

It can be said that the founding of the United States has begun from Philadelphia, including the Declaration of Independence. Makes a lot of feelings for Philadelphia that is difficult to give up.

As the head of the United States, or even the leader of the Global Master's Association; Old Morgan did not attend it in person. And let Xiao JP Morgan come over, this kid is also the core member. At the same time, I also want to exercise Xiaoliang and prove myself. After all, the Hong Kong dollar crisis and the Argentine incident were directly related to Mogo.

This makes the family no trust, if you do not move out of the time; then even if you can take over the position of the family, it is estimated that everyone will not be recognized.

The same is true for a lot of money, here is more particular about strength and contribution. If you cannot complete the tasks issued by the group and bring everyone the benefits. Then there is a core member of the name, which is not of great significance.

This time, I dealt with Bao Zixuan again, so Lao Morgan decided to give his son a chance. How to say, there are two children. His daughter hadn't met for more than a year, and the father and daughter were not much worse than the enemies. And letting women inherit their family business does not meet the core interests of the JP Morgan family.

Then you can only give your son a chance until you can't help it.

Different from Old Morgan, Old Rockefeller came to the scene in person; it can be said that among the members of the Master's, the highest level. In fact, the old Rockefeller was not so idle, but it was just a member of the family. It was really not worrying. If they come over, they may not be recognized.

Unlike the Morgan family, there is only this pulse. The Rockefeller family is relatively prosperous. It is not appropriate to send who to come over, so there is only no way to come by itself.

Since Old Rockefeller came over in person, there must be no one to speak. Although the Massage Society has no obvious difference from level 3 to 33. However, it is estimated that there is no level 3 member who dares to challenge the authority of more than 30 members.

As the only 33 -level member here, Old Rockefeller has the right to speak. Seeing everyone looking at him, of course, understand what it means. So he said directly: "This time the purpose of convening everyone's meeting must be clear. The Holy Grail appeared in Fucha Ila."

"And still in the hands of Bao Zixuan, it is estimated that the Vatican at this moment, it must be discussing how to bring the Holy Grail back to Europe. But the Holy Grail returns to Europe, which is harmful to the United States, especially for the great benefit. The task is how to grab in front of the Vatican and exchange the Holy Grail back. "

"Bao Zixuan is very smart and knows how to review the situation; it will not offend people easily. But there are also weaknesses. If we take out the chips he cannot refuse, it is still hopeful to bring back the holy grail."

"Isn't he going to set up a museum! As long as the chips from each family are more than the Vatican, and the strength of the airspace, he should not refuse. Although there are many believers in the Vatican, the specific strength is so. Rebate. But because of political reasons, you cannot do it at them, otherwise the mixing will have been inserted to their heads long ago. "

I watched the old Rockefile earlier before, but I did not expect that there was such a domineering side. It really makes people think of it; but if you think about it, this may be the most authentic side of others.

The tone has been set, and the task will be allocated next. Old Rockefeller will definitely not go to the Middle East in person and send a family representative at most; then you can only choose from other members.

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