Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 158 Li Chao people's plan

Li Chao has gone in the direction of Bao Zixuan, although Li Chao is still the world's rich. However, since the 1950s began to touch the game on the business field, it has a temperament of the upper person after so many years.

After the Bao Zixuan saw that Li Chao came over to himself, he suddenly thought of being definitely a Tianshui Real Estate. Otherwise, the two sides have not intended. Li Chao will not be free to come to chat, and the two sides have not so deep.

Baozi Xuan put down the food to the food: "Hello! Li Sheng!"

For this man who has done 20 years of Chinese, you may not recognize some of his things. But for hometown education and charitable contributions you can't grind. His business talent bag Xuan knows that he can't catch up in this life. Now it is only cheap and printed on history. If he and Li Chao are placed in equal positions, then the last lost one can only be Bao Zixuan.

Li Chao smiled and said: "Hello! Banheng, did not bother you!"

Bao Zixuan: "How can I! I have always wanted Li Sheng to talk about the business of business, chatting with you, but what I dreamed of."

Li Chao did not expect this young man to put the gesture so low, it seems that the success of people is reasonable. In fact, Bunzuan is a lot of introduction to Li Chao in the past network. He didn't know that in the popularity of Xiangjiang, Li Chao is really not buns.

Li Chao: "I heard that the birth is ready to develop the Tianshui area. I am in a curious come over, after all, the Yangtze River industry has many land in Tianshui."

Baozi Xuan: "Yes, I am going to build a university. The whole of the entire Xiangjiang only has a better land reserve."

Li Chao: "It turns out that in addition to building universities, there is no other thing! After all, you can have 30,000 mu of land. You don't want to misunderstand, I just think there is any cooperation opportunity. Birth, you are Doing industries, may not be very familiar in real estate construction,. "

"I have been operating more than ten years in this regard. I think we have a lot of cooperation opportunities. At the same time, the Yangtze River has its own construction team. This is the lack of black cloud, but the black cloud group cash reserves are definitely the most in Xiangjiang. of."

Bao Zi Xuan listened to a more heart, after all, and Li Chao people did not pay for it. I said: "Li Sheng has a good suggestion, I am still interested in this."

Li Chao: "Now there are 110,000 mu of land in the Tianshui area, and the birth of the birth of the 3rd floor. There is also 2 layers in the port of the Hong Kong Government. The remaining 50% in my, China Resources Company and Zhangjia hands."

"Banheng established a university where you can drive around the surrounding consumption, and the black cloud will definitely expand the factory. It is only a year of time black clouds to build such a large factory. No one can imagine your company's development speed. You can buy a low price of Zhangjia land. As for China Resources Company, as long as the price is suitable, they will also let go. As long as we do a good job in the development plan, I believe in McGro. "

"So we can get the entire Tianshui Land, then develop according to our plan. With the university and plant drive around the consumption, then the housing will become a necessity. And you can use low housing prices to attract the buyers of Xiangjiang Island to buy a house, as long as we open Good bus route is good. "

"So we can get a city planning and construction, and there is no thing in the future."

Bao Zi Xuan: "How can I guarantee that Zhang's sells low price to us, China Run is letting go!"

Li Chao: "This requires the birthplace of birth, I hope that the birthplace will try to slow down the land development. This makes Zhang Jiahe Huarun Company not see hope, then our chance is coming."

Bao Zixuan: "What I have to pay, what can you get,"

Li Chao: "Banheng only needs some famous name,

"Valuation of Wall Street to Black Cloud, if Born wants loans. 10 billion Hong Kong coins will definitely batch to you, you can do this."

In fact, there should be a bank loan problem Bunxuan is also thinking. He is just a letter from Mellon Bank in the name of Black Cloud Software. It has never applied for loans to any bank in Xiangjiang. Just like Li Chao said, this is not darent in the operation of the capital market.

But it is not right! Li Chao has already thought about all things, but the Yangtze River industry did not pay anything. It is no need to burn the money, but it is also a black cloud name, then Li Chao can open the white wolf, and the building team of the Yangtze River in the next 20 years will not do.

It seems that the rumors are inexplicably, and Li Chao is in this piece is definitely the master of the capital, almost gave him in. It is necessary to write into the college textbook after cooperation, but will only serve Li Chao as a god. Bun Zixuan can only be treated as a background.

Baozi Xuan: "How much benefit can be obtained after the black cloud after cooperation."

Li Chao: "Black Cloud is famous, the Yangtze River is planned and manual. The resulting profit is half, this is a reasonable reasonable."

Bao Zi Xuan really wants to turn around and leave, and it is reasonable. You just draw a cake, big head or black cloud, now you have to take half of the profit, then I am not as good as I do. Without you, Li Chao, I can still do myself.

Bun Zixuan: "Li Sheng, I have now started designing, how is the university land? It is impossible to go to the university, you have to go through! And all the money seems to be black, the Yangtze River industry can even make a construction fee "

Li Chao: "The university is of course born, this is not to grab. The money is only HSBC's loan. If there is no business plan bank, it is impossible to put it so much. There is no, Zhang Jiahe Can China Run's land bonnefry can get it! It is also an increase in the cost of gotting it. "

Bao Zixuan also thought about this problem, but Li Chao certainly did not tell the truth. Zhang Jia, Hua Run, Li Chao people must have an agreement that is not known. Otherwise, Li Chao can't be such a grasp of it.

Bun Zixuan: "I want to evaluate the entire project. If I really say that Li Sheng said that cooperation is indeed a win-win results."

Li Chao: "Of course, the birth is fast, after all, once the university is working, it is not so easy to convince Zhang Jiahe Yun Run."

Baozi Xuan now thinks that Li Chao is savvy and his cooperation is definitely less cheap, but he has never heard who has worked with him.

Just thinking that all investments must come out, but the benefits are half a person, how to say it is a loss. It seems to be looking for someone to investigate what the idea is the idea of ​​Zhang Jiahe China, you can try to contact it. However, there is also a trouble of let Li Chao know that the face will not go. It's really a very headache.

Suddenly heard the voice of the company, it was originally a banquet soon. At this time, Bunzi Xuan found that the entire banquet hall has been full of people. HSBC invites only a few typhoraries who have only invited several typhoraries, and they have invited people with more influential and deposits in some societies. The film and television star invited.

Baozi Xuan saw a few people face very familiar and should be a star. HSBC is the most influential banking customer in Xiangjiang, can be said to be included in all, social elites, and three schools. Some people can only invite them together.

This makes each HSBC banquet or less things, after all, the person is too miscellaneous. When you don't drink, everyone will take into account HSBC's deterrent, but once someone is drinking more, then many things don't have so much.

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