Now the problem is on Ronmille. The opponent is fierce, and it must be funded by the financial support from large institutions or large enterprises. Otherwise, with the strength of four people, he dare not start with Disney. They are all old hunters who have been mixed with Hollywood for many years. Everyone knows each other.

Although Spielberg and George Lucas may not be short of money, they also depend on what. Compared with ordinary people, they are indeed rich, but relying on their own strength and want to acquire Disney, they must never do it. In fact, in recent days, Ronmiller has been investigating. After all, Disney's stock fluctuation abnormalities, as a member of the Disney family, and the company's major shareholders, must not be able to get outside.

Even if you are not in Disney, it is for the company's development needs to balance the interests of shareholders. But he is still the company's development of Disney, which is closely related to his interests.

What I didn't expect was that three people who had started Disney were very familiar with three people. The other is the new technology, one of the co -founders of Microsoft, but the value is less than one billion US dollars. Is it necessary to sell Microsoft's shares and then use it to buy Disney, even so, it is not enough.

As for George Lucas, Spielberg, and Harrison, all the assets were sold, and it was estimated that it would be up to one billion US dollars. However, watching the stock purchase is so fast, it is not enough to show the money as the money.

Combined with the opportunity of several people who just returned from the Middle East, I don't have to think about it. I don't have to think that it must be that the Bao Zixuan of Heiyun Group is supporting the back. Otherwise, he is not so bold as his understanding of this genius director with his knowledge of this genius.

There may be many doubts before, but with the discovery of Solomon Temple treasures, the position of Bao Zixuan's world's richest man is stable. What's more rare is that this kid has no loans in major banks in the world. He didn't know the news, just because a distant relative worked at P JP Morgan Bank.

If it is said that in this world, who has investigated Bao Zixuan's most detailed investigation, it is estimated that the Morgan family must be on the list. They are always paying attention to the financial reserves of Heiyun Group. If you have a chance to retaliate, you will never hesitate or soft.

Although Bao Zixuan was rich before the excavation of the treasure, Heiyun Group's revenue capacity was strong. But spending is equally small, it may even be more appropriate to describe it with horror.

Anyone who is a company knows how important the management of the capital chain is. Sometimes many companies go bankrupt, but it is not a problem with profitability, but because there is a problem with the capital chain. If the capital chain is broken, there is no sufficient cash flow to respond to external risks. Even if they encounter good projects, they have to give up. Even the enterprise cannot return the principal and interest in time, which will also cause investors to have a panic effect.

If there is a problem with the funds of Black Cloud Group by Wall Street, it will inevitably be a company that has an idea of ​​black clouds in all countries. In fact, the Morgan family wants to see who is providing a loan for Black Cloud. If you master this life pulse, you can do something in the back, but it is much more convenient.

But what made people unexpected was that Bao Zixuan didn't have a penny loan. Of course, Heiyun Bank is definitely not bad, but it is also unimaginable. Therefore, intelligence analysts can only be submitted to a report carefully, and there is no following.

The strength of Heiyun Group has to avoid its edge. Now they support Spielberg and others to acquire Disney, do the Disney family still have room for resistance!

If Bao Zixuan does it himself, you can also use the pressure of public opinion. But at this moment, it is Americans who acquire companies, and they are more American than the Disney family. Public opinion cannot be fermented, which means that Disney is going to be easy.

Since you can't keep it, you can only seek maximum benefits. It depends on how he and Roydisney choose.

Although Disney Corporation was founded by Walt Disney, there is still a person who cannot be ignored Roydisi.

Roy Disney,

After the opening of Walter Disney World Resort in October 1971, Roy finally retired, but two months later, due to the accumulation of hard work, he died of cerebral hemorrhage.

How much contribution to Disney's contribution to Disney is difficult to estimate, but we can determine that without Roy, Disney will never have today's glorious achievements. This is the voice of all Disney employees, showing how much influence is.

Compared to talented younger brothers, Roy is more active in corporate management. Otherwise, he cannot serve as Disney for 42 years, not just in Disney, but even becoming the longest term of office in Hollywood film companies.

After the death of Rocydini, his equity was inherited by his son Roydisney. So the largest shareholder of Disney is now Walt Disney's nephew, Roy Disney.

At present, there is a more embarrassing thing. Roydisney is a member of the Disney family, and often troubles with Michael Aisner. At the same time, I also look down on the son -in -law of Ronmelle. If it weren't for the little Roydisi, where would be troubled. It is estimated that you don't have to submit resignation to the board!

According to the information currently held, Speelberg and others have occupied the status of major shareholders. Unless there is a miracle, the Disney family has no chance to come back. Sale now may give you a good price. When the shareholders' meeting is held, maybe it will be the result of how to pick you up at that time, but they will have the final say.

Invoicing and expansion of capital and expansion, some columns such as no dividends for many years will make the Disney family unbearable. After all, they did not invest in other aspects except Disney. If the assets are strong enough, it has long been recovered by the company's ownership to occupy a passive position in the board of directors.

Ronmelle said with a smile: "Everyone is a friend, you know my situation. If you can't give a satisfaction price, it is not easy to explain to your family."

As a son -in -law, it is difficult to get the assets left by Laozhang people now.

As long as the bid is given, there is a chance. I am afraid that the other party will not agree with the other party, so I can only get a higher time on the board.

Spielberg said with a smile: "I know Mr. Miller's difficulties, so the price will definitely make you satisfied."

"Now there are a few solutions for you to choose from, you must reach your satisfaction."

The other party is really necessary, and it provides several sets of solutions. Not to mention that it is fully prepared, but at least it is prepared. But it is normal to think about it. If it is not ready, who dares to start with Disney.

Ronmiller: "I don't know what the plan of Director Speelberg is for me to choose from!"

Spielberg: "At present, Mr. Miller and family members hold a total of 8 Disney companies. According to the market price about $ 400 million. If you agree, then directly pay for acquisition."

"Secondly, half of the shares are retained, we will keep the board seat at the same time."

In fact, the other party must get absolute control, otherwise it feels unsafe. You can also buy it slowly in the stock market, but you don't want to be so troublesome.

If members of the Disney family oppose, even if they enter the board of directors, they will be contradictory. There is no benefit for enterprise development. The acquisition of Disney should bear huge loans. If the company's development is slow due to internal contradictions, or the expected effect is not achieved, for several people, there is no face to see the richest wealth of the bag.

On the surface, I hope to shoot movies in Fucha Ila, but everyone knows the real purpose. Speaking for Black Cloud Group and Fucha Ila at critical moments may be more important than shooting movies. But the thief boat was already on the thief, and the four were not suffering, and they could only go to the dark.

If Bao Zixuan discovered that spending such a large price, several people can't fully control Disney, so if they want to get support from others in the future, they will become extremely difficult.

No one's money is scratched by the wind, and the investment must be worth it. Therefore, at present, members of the Disney family should still be soothing as much as possible, at least let the other party hand over most of the equity. Only in this way, their weights in the board of directors will decline without any ideas.

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