The injury from Bunxuan has passed a week, and these days are spent at the company. All media interviews are rejected; HSBC also greeted the Xiangjiang Media to let them report the truth. Otherwise, everyone is not good. At first, there were still some newspapers that were not placed in their hearts, but you have no funds in HSBC. Then there is no contact between the enterprises that advertise the advertisement to advertising and HSBC; almost unrealistic on this land in Xiangjiang.

The Oriental Daily report is now a lot of objective, and now HSBC and the black clouds are not a very clean horse, but the existence of a horrible horse. However, the Sing Tao Daily Honey Ho Xian is ready to create this matter into a series, the script has been written, how can it easily give up.

Still continuing to report questions about Bao Zi Xuan and actress, wireless in order to improve Chen Yulian's popularity is also active. Cause Bao Zi Xuan now is that the mouth is unclear, he still chooses cold treatment like it. After all, the media is like this. The more you have to speak, the more joy, so you can mutual on the newspaper.

However, there is a wireless cooperation, plus this era itself, Xiangjiang citizens like to watch the lace news of these giants. Bao Zixuan itself is not a giant, but now no one denying that he is now a giant.

The Sing Tao Daily has the ability to issue in RB and Europe. Bunxuan is a topic of the news that is a topic, and there is a space that is unlimited. In addition, the public does not understand the truth, almost all by Sing Tao Daily into their rhythm and mode.

After the Xiangjiang Media has been stopped, it reprinted a lot of Singdao Daily content in foreign media. The Sing Tao Daily who tasted the sweetness is even more reported, making many people who care about Bunxuan gave him calls and inquiry.

Baozi Xuan knows if there is this, then who will take him seriously. This time, I have to come, then I will have more and more media like Sing Tao Daily, it seems to kill chicken monkeys.

Pick up the phone and gave HSBC, he wants to be sinking, things are going to solve. After receiving the phone, I quickly agreed to meet the requirements, and the two sides agreed to meet in the Peninsula Hotel.

In fact, HSBC has more troubles in this report, especially after the news is returned to the UK headquarters. Actually, someone can take a knife into HSBC headquarters, what security level is. You are open, this is too late!

The headquarters is even sinking, and it has been dissatisfied with his work. I don't blame the board of directors, and the news has brought the unprecedented trust crisis to HSBC. Make the expansion in Europe and the United States have been forced to stop, people can't imagine that a bank that can enter the mixed belt knife can be more secure.

If the injury in general people is not very big, it is mainly that Bao Zixuan influence is too big. It's just that he hasn't feeling now, or it is early to make a crisis public relations in advance, and you can't wait. I have been passive, and I also worry about people who care.

After listening to the United States, Europe, RB division, Bao Zi Xuan has a new idea. I can get some benefits this time, see if I can purchase some of the shares of Shaojiang from HSBC. Li Chao has not purchased the shares of Huangpu Company yet, will not refuse to make sinking. But how can I try it, this is a chance to be a chance.

In 1928, the peninsula is open in 1928, the title of "Far East" is one of the most advanced and luxurious hotels in Asia. The buildings at the time were only seven layers, which were h.

From the 1922 hotel to start construction, until 1926, once, once, he once sent it as a temporary military camp.

The Second World War Hong Kong fell, on December 25, 1941, Hong Kong, Gu Yang Muqi, took the Star Wheel to the Peninsula Hotel signed an investment book.

From the 1950s, the peninsula hotel has a "film teahouse", because many movie stars love to drink afternoon tea in the peninsula. In the 1980s, Zhang Guorong, Zhong Chuhong, Zhang Manyu and other artists were a frequent visitor. Hollywood movie star Tom Cruis has also stayed.

In 1994, the hotel was expanded, and a 30-storey new wing was added in the north. The top floor has a helicopter, which is convenient for important VIPs to directly use the helicopter to travel to Hong Kong International Airport, or enjoy Hong Kong.

It is said that the first time I came to this historic hotel, whether it is the first time or this life. However, as a British is a HSBC's sinking to the frequent visitor here.

After the secretary arranged the secretary, he left the office first left the office to drive to the Peninsula Hotel. On the road, he feels thousands, when you want to go to you in advance, I am afraid that the Governor does not necessarily have such a treatment. Now the time is really changing, is it old, or a non-fall?

Mi Gao - Jia Daoji as the general manager of the Peninsula, I know that I will talk about things in my own hotel. Very emphasis, personally arrange employees to arrange everything in advance, after all, the things talked about Shen Yun and Bao Zixuan will definitely have historical significance, and there is a great benefit for the hotel's popularity.

After the arrival, I saw that Mi Gao - Jia Dao was in person in the hotel lobby, and it was a lot of depression. He also also Husu Bat, a British gentleman with an ultraordinate in Xiangjiang.

Mi Gao - Jia Dao said to Shen Yu: "Welcome to the Peninsula Hotel, everything has been arranged. Do you need it now!"

Shen Wei: "Don't worry, I will wait for a while, Bunzi Xuan immediately arrived."

I heard that the rice is very shocked here, and I am too understanding what people are so sighted. Mi Gao - Jia Dao Zhi, the grandfather, who is in Xiangjiang, can understand HSBC in Xiangjiang's terrorist strength. I didn't expect to settle down today. It seems that HSBC is really troublesome.

In fact, I don't want to be like this, but when he should put down the body, he must know how to pay. Otherwise, it is more troublesome, and the incubation steel is to say that Bao Zixuan has no request, but it is afraid that there is no such request, and the benefits pay more.

I won't be a car in Bao Zixuan, I went to the hotel lobby to see Shen Yu actually waited ourselves in the hotel lobby. It seems that this old kid is really anxious, or it is not so stunned by this sinking pride.

I didn't have confidence in the acquisition and remember Huangpu, but now I see this look. Then, I have more confidence in getting this company. If this is letting Li Chao got the knife on the arm.

The former Hi Chao is announced by the end of September to acquire 90 million shares of Huifeng Bank, and now the most, the most is to say to Shen Wei, so it seems that I have a chance.

Shen Wei saw the Bunzi Xuan came up and said: "Baochu, how is it these days! No hurt is not good."

Baozi Xuan: "Thank you for your concern, just the leather injury is no longer, let me have a big young and very strong." Poor is to worry about the seniors. "

Shen Wei: "This is also our work wrong with our HSBC. We don't stop in the door of people. Still first!"

At this time, Mi Gao - Jia Dao is always accompanied by Shen Yu and Bao Zi Xuan. Since these two will put the negotiations in the peninsula hotel. Then he will serve our customers, if the injured incident on HSBC banquet appears in the peninsula hotel. The Peninsula Hotel is definitely more than Huifeng, which is also a consequence of Jia Daoji.

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