Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 18, the negotiation between the trade union

This time I acquired Chrysler's two bracuses is a very convenient management, and it can achieve technical complementation. The position after Jeep is the off-road vehicle and SUV, and the Dodge mainly produces trucks. After the existing order is completed, the car will not be produced, and only one brand in the car will be black.

Bunzi Xuan met with the Gupuse Automobile Factory. A thing that is more spicy than the acquisition negotiation is to solve. As a boss, it is also necessary to come, or it will be attached to the workers and trade union organizations. After all, this is the first negotiation between the two sides, and many problems should communicate.

Looking at the workers representatives and trade union organizations, Baozi Xuan finally knew why Chrysler would sell the factory with such a cheap price to him, why did the US Department of Commerce did not have an emergence? It is the worker and trade union organization that you want to eat people and the union, and now this is what you have made in order to eat.

After brief introduction, the two others sat together.

The representative of the trade union has taken the lead in speaking, saying about 5 people in the Black Cloud Group: "Mr. Bao and you are sitting, you are good. I am the original Calesale Motor Company Union Representative, Paulson. It has been assigned to Jeep and Dodge Brand workers' treatment negotiations. "

"Dodge and Jeep workers hope to be treated by them. After all, Chrysler owes them too much. I hope that Black Cloud can meet the reasonable requirements of workers after picking up two car brands. Otherwise, the workers will follow their own ideas to get this. all."

I heard this guy is not only Bao Zixuan, and the remaining Black Cloud Group staff are very angry. This is nothing to do if you have to improve the treatment, and you will do it in accordance with yourself. Is this a threat! And before Chrysler owes them, it is inexplicable, and it is unable to conformity.

John Chambers: "Mr. Paulson, the treatment of workers will be appropriately improved according to their contribution to the company, but let the black cloud compensate Chrysler's previous problems and faults, we can't accept. After all, this help worker is helping Chrysler has created interest and does not matter to the Black Cloud Group. "

Paulson: "The Black Cloud Group acquired two car brands from Chrysler, then there were rights and obligations to complete the things that Chrysler did not complete. The most important thing is that you think that there is no worker constrained Chrysler so cheap to put two car brands. Sell ​​to black clouds with the factory! Chrysler is concession in the price, that is, I hope that the Black Cloud Group is kind to the two car company workers, which is also a compensation. "

John Chambers: "Mr. Paulson, don't you think this is too ridiculous! We spend $ 820 million to acquire two car brands and plants. Now let us make us compensate for employer operating time for workers to get. Treatment, there is no such law throughout the United States. "

"The Black Cloud Group will properly improve the treatment, but please don't be greedy. We will only accept the reasonable treatment of the workers, and ensure that it will not arrears a penny."

Although Paulson knows that many terms are not very reasonable, let this workers know. All they have received is the union to help them come to fight, and they will be active when they pay the conversation. The United States is now very annoying, and they also play a non-exciting role in the late Detroit bankrupt.

I haven't waited for Paolson to continue to talk, and a person wearing worker uniform said: "The Black Cloud Group can give us what kind of treatment."

I heard someone rushed to talk, Paulson was very angry. After all, every time and partner negotiations are dominated by trade unions, and the workers representatives are often a furnish. Now there is a worker who comes out, what is the following people want to do anything. How can I choose a worker who is not an obedient in the game, it seems that it is not very in place for the following workers. Be sure to take an obedient worker, or it will be very passive.

In fact, this worker is John Chaborz arranged, this worker working in Jeep called Levin Rock. It is very influential in the workers, and is a technical high workshop supervisor. The main thing is that his son works in the Black Cloud Group and is an engineer of the Black Cloud Computer Company.

This makes everyone envy more work, and every time I hear my son, how is the Black Cloud Group? In addition to sending a gift of expensive prices, you will leave a money every time, this is not fake.

After I know that there is this relationship, John Chambs immediately found the Bridge Map. Let Xiao Lak persuaded his father. For the son's future, Lao Lak has been acquiring the feelings for the black cloud group to pick up the workers, but also take the initiative to participate in labor negotiations.

Seeing the arranged chess, John Chambers is very happy, but now it is not showing, he said: "The general worker's weekly salary is $ 400-600 before Chrysler. Now black cloud At the normal working state, the minimum turnover is 500 US dollars. When work overtime is twice as usual. At the same time, the workers are responsible for three meals a day, and the food standards of our Black Cloud Group are listed in the world. "

I have been very satisfied with the three workers' representatives, and when Chrysler operates, the operating rate is not very high. Their salary has never been enough, John Chambs is just theoretical wages. Now they are all basic living expenses, many people struggled within the poverty line.

After Paston saw the worker's expression, he knew that things would be bad. So did not hesitate to say: "We have to go back to discuss, and the wage standards proposed by the Black Cloud Group are not very satisfied, and workers should not work hard, so that they will have a great impact on their physical and mental health."

The first labor negotiations are so unhappy in the case of no results. However, the current workers' mood is still stable under the mediation of the Black Cloud Group, but this is always not a long time. Bao Zixuan also wants to speed up the speed. However, after watching the performance of the trade union, it should not be good enough, then it can only be so hard, see who can stick to the last.

In order to accelerate the progress of the workers 'negotiation, the Black Cloud Group is calm in the workers' homes at the Detroit employees. The progress of the work under the Lao Lak is very smooth, but the union will come out at this time.

Make the two sides suddenly entered the sword and arrogant, and later they made a concession. The parties of labor have finally reached an agreement.

Baozi Xuan also knows that it is difficult for the factory to make the factory to produce the horsepower production, and now it can only be wronged. This makes him very uncomfortable. After all, this boss is nothing.

The union has not benefited from the benefit, and there are many dissatisfied in your heart. I know that the Black Cloud Group privately contacts many workers. If it is tough, then it is difficult to retain, this is also annealed to sign the new labor agreement scene after the two sides.

The minimum week salary of workers has increased to $ 650, and salary when overtime is 2.5 times that of existing wages. Now let you first arrive, after all the automation equipment is all used, you are so good.

Chambers was appointed as the president of Black Cloud Auto North America, and is responsible for the coordination of automobile production. Baozi Xuan is a big hand, cutting the existing models all, all models are all designed. And existing engine technology is fully upgraded, and he wants to create a car that is different from this era, and imitating objects have been found.

This Jeep has two cars from the new design of the Gups. This is the Jeep classic model, now just take it.

As for the Dodge to produce trucks and pickups, other vehicles will not be produced. Combined with Rheinland patents in conjunction with the prior art.

For the first quantity buns of the black cloud decided to refer to the 2013 BMW three-Series sedan and will use a hybrid engine. Control 100 kilometers of fuel consumption within 4 liters.

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